The harbour on the north side of Capri, Italy

The harbour on the north side of Capri, Italy. The photographer is looking south-east inside the harbour from the breakwater showing a lateen rigged boats in the right foreground, one of which is drying her foresail. Beyond these boats is a track raised on piles which connects the foreshore to the breakwater and a large cement mixer is working with a rake of wheeled trucks. A large notice is suspended on the guardrail of the raised track and the words Alto Commissario and Impresa S.I.L.M. on it. A number of rowing boats are drawn up on the beach on the left. Buildings of various types line the waterfront and are on the slopes of Monte San Michelle in the background.

Object Details

ID: P91139
Type: Sheet film negative
Display location: Not on display
Creator: Marine Photo Service
Date made: 1932-1939
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Measurements: Overall: 117 mm x 168 mm