The quayside of the port of Durazzo (Durres) in Albania

The quayside of the port of Durazzo, Albania. The photographer is looking north-north-west from seaward showing a 2-masted schooner and a passenger cruise ship's lifeboat alongside the quays. A crowd of people is on the quay by the ship's lifeboat. A 2-masted schooner with awnings rigged amidships and aft is at anchor on the right. Beyond the anchored schooner is the dome of the Fatih or Grand Mosque and the building with the sculpture adorning the roof is the National Bank of Albania which was built in 1925. On the hilltop is the Royal Villa which was initially built in 1926 but additions were not complete until 1937.

Object Details

ID: P91548
Type: Sheet film negative
Display location: Not on display
Creator: Marine Photo Service
Date made: 1930-1939
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Measurements: Overall: 117 mm x 168 mm