The Riva and harbour at Hvar, Croatia.

The Riva and harbour at Hvar, Croatia. The photographer is looking north along the harbour side of the Riva showing a row of mature pineapple palms on the right with the Hotel Overland beyond them. A number of fishing vessels are alongside the wall including one numbered 1529.S. Alongside the breakwater of the boat basin is a single masted sailing boat named Palmizan. A small stone obelisk is on the harbour wall and beyond it is the Hotel Park. The Fortica is on top of the hill in the background.

Object Details

ID: P92345
Type: Sheet film negative
Display location: Not on display
Creator: Marine Photo Service
Date made: 1930-1939
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Measurements: Overall: 116 mm x 166 mm