The Djupvasshytta Hotel on the shore of Lake Djupvatnet, about 6 kilometres south-east of Geirangerfjord, More og Romsdal, Norway.

The Djupvasshytta Hotel on the north shore of Lake Djupvatnet about 6 kilometres south-east of Geirangerfjord, More og Romsdal, Norway. The photographer is looking east-by-south from sloping ground slightly above the waterside hotel. Eight motor cars are parked outside the hotel. Two carriages minus their horses are also parked and a number of tourists are wandering about in the hotel grounds.

Object Details

ID: P93228
Type: Sheet film negative
Display location: Not on display
Creator: Marine Photo Service
Date made: 1928-1939
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, Waterline Collection
Measurements: Overall: 116 mm x 167 mm