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Early maps of Negroponte and Cyprus.
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National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Charts, Maps and Plans (large) (Manuscript)
Portsmouth Old Town, signed T Edwards, 1917. (Manuscript) (CMP/1)
A plan of Portsmouth harbour.. taken by the Masters Attendant in the years 1784 and 1785. (Manuscript) (CMP/2)
RENNIE, John, engineer (Manuscript) (CMP/3)
Plan of Kronstadt Harbour, 18th century. (Manuscript) (CMP/4)
Plan of Pier and Harbour of Ramsgate, 1744. (Manuscript) (CMP/5)
Chart of entrance into the Mediterranean Sea, c.1750. (Manuscript) (CMP/6)
Town and Harbour of Greenock, 1776. (Manuscript) (CMP/7)
Plan of Hotham's action, c.1795. (Manuscript) (CMP/8)
'Mr S Wyatt's Plan of the Proposed docks at the Isle of Dogs, from Blackwall to Limehouse Hole', c.1800 (Manuscript) (CMP/9)
Royal Victoria Dock, comprising the Victoria and Albert building yards and works, 23 August 1804. (Manuscript) (CMP/10)
Three plans for improving the Harbour of Bristol (Manuscript) (CMP/11)
Plan of East India Docks at Blackwall, c.1803. (Manuscript) (CMP/12)
Sections of the Royal Victoria Graving Dock, 1804. (Manuscript) (CMP/13)
Plans for the Regent's Mole and Breakwater at Deal (Manuscript) (CMP/14)
A plan of Bristol, Clifton and the Hotwells etc. from an actual survey by B Donne, published on 23 January 1826. (Manuscript) (CMP/15)
Charts and plans for the new harbour at Lowestoft, 1830. (Manuscript) (CMP/16)
Plans of the ground in the neighbourhood of the Oriamendi, Spain. (Manuscript) (CMP/17)
Mill Bay plan for the elevation of the head, 1840. (Manuscript) (CMP/18)
River Wear commissioners general plan of Sunderland Harbour and Docks Thomas Meik C C Engineer February 1867. Engineers plan No 1 [Attached] Standard tide guage - cross section. (Manuscript) (CMP/19)
Three Plans of Greenwich Hospital and School (Manuscript) (CMP/20)
Plan of area in South-West England, Rainier, 12 June 1884. (Manuscript) (CMP/21)
Plan of works proposed to be done at the mouth of the River Ware, in the North-East. (Manuscript) (CMP/22)
A proposed plan of the Wet Docks in Wapping etc., by Ralph Walker, ca.1800. (Manuscript) (CMP/23)
A plan of the Port of the River Bowley at Bucklers Hard, Hants, 18th century. (Manuscript) (CMP/24)
Mr Reeds Yart at Hull, 18th century. (Manuscript) (CMP/25)
Map showing the location of timber in the area around the Penobscott River, 18th century. (Manuscript) (CMP/26)
An exact copy of a track chart, showing a U-boat attack at Scarpa Flow, 1939. (Manuscript) (CMP/27)
Diagram showing the manoeuvre of the GOLDEN PIKE and the GOELAN off the Port of the Island of Jamaica, 7-8 March 1805. (Manuscript) (CMP/28)
Plan of Greenwich Hospital and grounds, ca.1700. (Manuscript) (CMP/29)
'An Exact Plan of Greenwich Park describing all things thereunto belonging and adjacent; Viz: the Queen's House there, Keepers' Lodges, Plantations, etc.' (Manuscript) (CMP/30)
Plan of Greenwich Park, showing the Royal Observatory, One Tree Hill and the Ranger's House, drawn by John Morton. (Manuscript) (CMP/31)
Plan of the trenches against the citadel of Messina, 1719. (Manuscript) (CMP/32)
Plan of the mouth of the River Wear, harbour town of Sunderland. (Manuscript) (CMP/33)
A draught of Malta harbour and one of the harbour at Porto Fin. (Manuscript) (CMP/34)
Rennie's plan for a new dockyard at Northfleet, 1811?. (Manuscript) (CMP/35)
Early maps of Negroponte and Cyprus. (Manuscript) (CMP/36-37)
Track chart of SS ONTARIO, Quebec to Liverpool, Jul-August 1875. (Manuscript) (CMP/38)
Kendal and Dent's time chart of the World, printed, 19th century. (Manuscript) (CMP/39)
Diagrams showing the escape of one steamer from another when on divergent bearings and possessing different speeds. (Manuscript) (CMP/40)
Twenty-two plans of buildings attached to or part of the Navy Office and Navy Pay Office (Manuscript) (CMP/41)
'Der Tag', a diagram of the surrender of the German fleet. (Manuscript) (CMP/42)
Plans of Naval Establishments (Manuscript) (CMP/43)
Coloured manuscript map of 'The Present Seat of War', Northern Europe. (Manuscript) (CMP/44)
French battle plan of the combined French and Spanish fleets under the Command of Louis Guillouet. (Manuscript) (CMP/45)
Plan and sections of wood mills, 1858, Portsmouth. (Manuscript) (CMP/46)
Collection of survey charts and profiles, mainly by Midshipman Horatio Nelson Head, 1821-1870 (Manuscript) (CMP/47-48)
Sea Level Graph, Wei-Hai-Wei, with letter. (Manuscript) (CMP/49)
Drawings and surveys by Captain Edward Henry Columbine, circa 1782-1811. (Manuscript) (CMP/50)
Unidentified meteorological chart. (Manuscript) (CMP/51)
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