The Orient Line cruise ship Orford (1928) alongside Berth 34 on the Itchen Quays in Southampton docks, Hampshire.

A close view of the starboard side of the Orient Line cruise ship Orford (1928) alongside Berth 34 on the Itchen Quays in Southampton docks, Hampshire. The photographer is on the quayside just ahead of the bow looking aft through the legs of a Stothert & Pitt rail mounted 2 ton crane showing three other Stothert & Pitt 2 ton cranes on the quayside. She has an Orient Line boarding brow up to the aft promenade deck. A vertical format negative.

Object Details

ID: P95221
Type: Sheet film negative
Display location: Not on display
Creator: Marine Photo Service
Vessels: Orford (1928)
Date made: 1930-1939
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, Waterline Collection
Measurements: Overall: 166 mm x 116 mm