A slightly distant bow view of the motor tug Rahim (1965) being lowered onto the port side of the deck aboard the cargo liner Shahristan (1965) in Millwall Dock, London.

A slightly distant bow view of the motor tug Rahim (1965) being lowered onto the port side of the deck aboard the cargo liner Shahristan (1965) in Millwall Dock, London. The tug is being loaded aboard the Shahristan, using the ship's own 180 ton Stulcken derrick, for shipment to the Persian Gulf. The Shahristan is alongside M Shed. The photographer is on board the ship looking forward from the port side of the bridge showing the tug being positioned on the port side of the deck abreast number 2 hatch. Logs are piled on deck to port of number 3 hatch, which is open, and to starboard of number 2 hatch which is also open. Negatives numbers N85629 to N85639 inclusive were taken of the same event.

Object Details

ID: N85638
Type: Roll film negative
Display location: Not on display
Creator: Armes, Frederick J.
Vessels: Rahim (1965); Shahristan (1965)
Date made: 17-21 May 1965
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Measurements: Overall: 130 mm x 125 mm