On board the motor tug St. Eval (1930) during the dry docking of the motor tanker North Earl (1956) in Falmouth Docks, Cornwall.

On board the motor tug St. Eval (1930) during the dry docking of the motor tanker North Earl (1956) in Falmouth Docks, Cornwall. The photographer is looking aft from just forward of the towing hook showing three men near the stern watching the running gog line attached to the manilla hawser. The tanker is seen from fine off her starboard quarter and she has the steam tug St. Denys (1929) alongside amidships and the steam tug St. Mawes (1951) connected to her bow and starting to pull her round to starboard. Transparencies numbers P63560CT to P63640CT inclusive were taken on the same day.

Object Details

ID: P63591CT
Type: Colour transparency
Display location: Not on display
Vessels: St. Eval (1930); North Earl (1956) St. Denys (1929) St. Mawes (1951)
Date made: July 1974
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, P & O Collection
Measurements: Overall: 61 mm x 62 mm