A port side view of the forepart of the British India Steam Navigation Company cargo liner Morvada (1971) loading a deck cargo of motor lorries in Tilbury Docks prior to her maiden voyage.

A port side view of the forepart of the British India Steam Navigation Company cargo liner Morvada (1971) loading a deck cargo of motor lorries in Tilbury Docks prior to her maiden voyage. The photographer is on the quayside looking at the ship which has already loaded a number of four wheeled, open-sided lorries onto her hatches and another two lorries are waiting to be loaded. Transparencies numbers P63807CT, P63808CT and P64020CT to P64022CT were taken on the same occasion.

Object Details

ID: P63807CT
Type: Colour transparency
Display location: Not on display
Vessels: Morvada (1971)
Date made: August 1971
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, P & O Collection
Measurements: Overall: 60 mm x 62 mm