A slightly distant port side view, taken from well ahead of the beam, of the 3-masted topsail schooner Sir Winston Churchill (1966) under sail in Portsmouth Harbour.

A slightly distant port side view, taken from well ahead of the beam, of the 3-masted topsail schooner Sir Winston Churchill (1966) under sail in Portsmouth Harbour. She has no upper sails set and three trainees are on the end of her bowsprit taking in the flying jib. Portsmouth Power Station, the Camber Docks entrance and the HMS Vernon Gunwharf are in the background. Alongside Gunwharf and seen from off the port beam is a trot of three Royal Naval Reserve manned minesweepers, all dressed overall, and the outboard vessel is HMS Venturer (1954) with the pendant number M1146. The emulsion of the negative is damaged in way of the flying and outer jibs.

Object Details

ID: P50074
Type: Roll film negative
Display location: Not on display
Creator: Bromley-Martin, Angela Felicity
Vessels: Sir Winston Churchill (1966); Venturer (1954)
Date made: 1966
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Measurements: Overall: 62 mm x 95 mm