Two Henry Berry & Co. Ltd. hydraulic presses in Number 5 Machine Shop in Chatham Dockyard.

Two Henry Berry & Co. Ltd. hydraulic presses in Number 5 Machine Shop in Chatham Dockyard. The photographer is looking across the shop towards the 20th century side extension showing a Henry Berry & Co. Ltd. elongated blade hydraulic press on the left. On the right is a Henry Berry heavy duty hydraulic press with two pistons above the bedplate. Each of these presses has a 2 ton electric crane next to it. A furnace is beyond the press on the right. A small furnace and a cage protected machine with an electric motor attached are in the extension building in the background. Transparencies numbers PCT3189 and PCT3190 were taken on the same occasion.

Object Details

ID: PCT3189
Type: Colour transparency
Display location: Not on display
Creator: National Maritime Museum Photographic Studio.
Date made: 1983
Measurements: Mount: 50 mm x 50 mm;Transparency: 35 mm x 40 mm