A slightly elevated view of No. 7 dry dock in Chatham Dockyard.

A slightly elevated view of No. 7 dry dock in Chatham Dockyard. The photographer is looking north-by-east from the roof of No. 1 Boiler Shop showing 10 ton mobile cranes on either side of the dock. The nuclear office block and workshop and the large hammerhead crane are on the left. Number 1 Basin is in the background and No. 9 dry dock is on the north side of No. 1 basin. A vertical format image.

Object Details

ID: PCT3385
Type: Colour transparency
Display location: Not on display
Creator: National Maritime Museum Photographic Studio.
Date made: May - June 1983
Measurements: Mount: 50 mm x 50 mm;Transparency: 40 mm x 35 mm