A street view of the Schooner Market on Sha Caprileskade in Willemstad, Curacao

A street view of the Schooner Market on Sha Caprileskade in Willemstad, Curacao The photographer is standing on the eastern side of the street looking north west towards the berthed schooners at the quayside. The berthed schooners extend from the foreground to the background on the right side of the image. The words 'Curacao Monday' have been written on the card mount by the photographer. This is Slide 16 of a series of slides detailing Captain H. Bird's service as Watchkeeping Officer for the cable ship John W. Mackay (1922) owned by Commercial Cable Company of London from 31 July 1975 to 28 October 1975. This series consists of 17 slides.

Object Details

ID: PCT16713
Type: Colour transparency
Display location: Not on display
Creator: Henry P. Bird
Date made: Between 28 September 1975 and 1 October 1975
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, Bird Collection
Measurements: Image: 27 mm x 27 mm;Mount: 50 mm x 50 mm