Portland Lerrets

The Portland lerret Comrades is shown resting on shingle at Portland in a photograph reproduced in The Chatham Directory of Inshore Craft. This four-oared version of the type is ca. 17ft in length. The two oars towards the bow end rest fixed by a 'copse' to oar looms fitted over single thole pins. The curved canoe stern of this double-ended boat is shown resting on chain on the right, with the 'start rope' used to haul it up the beach lying coiled over the distinctively high sternpost. This, like other lerrets, is a clinker-built boat, and is varnished rather than painted.

Object Details

ID: P75417
Type: Negative
Display location: Not on display
Date made: 19 July 1938
Measurements: Overall: 93 mm x 120mm

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