Selsey crabber LI49 Cuendolen at Littlehampton

The port side of the Selsey crabber Cuendolen, regd. LI49, is is seen from ashore at a distance of some 200ft. The Cuendolen is anchored afloat in front of the Littlehampton Harbour Office. The standing and running rigging of the gaff cutter-rigged crabber are clearly delineated, and the considerable length of its overhanging boom and bowsprit is also evident. The date ascribed to this negative, 14th November 1944, conflicts with the different date (22nd April 1944) ascribed to P75676, which is near-identical.

Object Details

ID: P75676
Type: Historic Photographic Negative
Display location: Not on display
Date made: 14 November 1944
Measurements: Overall: 55 mm x 85mm