Three Chinese prisoners in wooden punishment collars

A black and white landscape photograph showing three Chinese prisoners each wearing a square punishment wooden collar (often called ‘cangue’ by Europeans). The three men stand in a row, their back to a brick wall. They are joined together by a chain connected to each of their wrists. The plaited queue (pigtail) of one of the prisoners is visible, hanging down over the collar. A fourth man, possibly a guard or official, stands to their right. Behind him is a barred door or gate. The photograph is oval and may have been cut to this shape by hand. Original caption (below the photograph in ink): ‘Outside the Mixed Court. Shanghai’.

Object Details

ID: ALB0825.11
Type: Photographic print
Display location: Not on display
Date made: 1880s
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Parts: Album relating to the naval service of Captain Scott W. A. H. Gray (1855-1921) (Photograph album)
  • Three Chinese prisoners in wooden punishment collars (Photographic print) (ALB0825.11)