Looking west across Limehouse Reach, River Thames, from the Transport Development Group barge yard at Union Dock, West Ferry Road, Isle of Dogs, London

Looking west from inside the basin of the Transport Development Group barge yard in the old Union Dry Dock, West Ferry Road, Isle of Dogs. In the basin are two General Lighterage Co lighters, the Leelock and the Camford. In the left background, across Limehouse Reach, River Thames, is Ordnance Wharf, Rotherhithe and on the north bank of the river is Limehouse Generating Station. Negatives P49711 to P49713 inclusive were all taken on the same occasion but from very slightly different positions within the basin.

Object Details

ID: P49713
Type: Negative
Display location: Not on display
Date made: circa 1960
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Measurements: Overall: 61 mm x 96 mm

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