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Slight sketches of standing figure and rearing horse
Bound with PAF0252-PAF0283, PAF0285.
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Object Details
Display location:
Not on display
National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
147 mm x 238 mm
Owen Stanley Sketchbook 1836-1837. A series of slight sketches of... H.M.S. Terror... 1836, 1837 while on a voyage to ascertain the existance of a North West Passage... by Owen Stanley (Sketchbook)
HMS Terror and the paddle steamer Rhadamanthus at sea (Drawing) (PAF0253)
No II. Parting company with the Rhadamanthus off the Orkneys June 1836 (Drawing) (PAF0254)
Crossing the Atlantic July 1836 (Drawing) (PAF0255)
No IV Sailing through loose ice August 1836 (Drawing) (PAF0256)
No V. At sunset Aug... the Ship was made fast to an ice berg... (Drawing) (PAF0257)
Very slight sketch of hull of vessel (with the title of the next image, in ink, on reverse) (Drawing) (PAF0258)
No VII About 8 A.M. Septr 20th the ice closed with a tremendous pressure... (Drawing) (PAF0259)
Sketch showing the position of HMS Terror at daylight July 14 just before the people were called from the ice (Drawing) (PAF0260)
The people having been working... had hardly been off... when the mass broke away stricking [sic]... the Ship's side... (Drawing) (PAF0261)
HMS Terror's stern lifted by the ice, 28 Sept 1837 (Drawing) (PAF0262)
No IX HMS Terror showing the courtyard, and snow walls built around the ship (Drawing) (PAF0263)
No X Sketch of the Terror from the Observatory (Drawing) (PAF0264)
No XI Sketch of HMS Terror from Mt Pleasant (Drawing) (PAF0265)
No XI Sketch of the position of HMS Terror the latter end of February 1837 (Drawing) (PAF0266)
No XIII Sketch of the position of HMS Terror in the early part of March 1837 when the ice seemed likely to run over her (Drawing) (PAF0267)
March 15th About 1 PM the ice closed upon the ship... This sketch represents the Terror's situation at 10PM (Drawing) (PAF0268)
No XV Sketch of HMS Terror on the morning of March 16 showing the situation in which she remained till July (Drawing) (PAF0269)
No XVI About 10 PM April 19th a barrier about 20 feet high was thrown up close to the ship... (Drawing) (PAF0270)
No XVII The ship's Company were all employed clearing away the ice... when a great portion of it... broke away and nearly rolled over... (Drawing) (PAF0271)
No XVIII July 5th... a saw 34 feet long was worked right astern of the ship... (Drawing) (PAF0272)
No XIX July 11th... the ice gave way... and the ship settled down to within 2 feet of her proper draught of water... (Drawing) (PAF0273)
No XX After the ship settled down... the ice saw was again set to work and the mass was cut through... (Drawing) (PAF0274)
No XXI... the mass of ice split leaving a large mass still sticking to her... (Drawing) (PAF0275)
HMS Terror during her passage home, on the starboard tack, showing sail carried to counteract effect of broken sternpost (Drawing) (PAF0276)
HMS Terror during her passage home, on the larboard tack, showing sail carried to counteract effect of broken sternpost (Drawing) (PAF0277)
Sketch of HMS Terror just after her arrival in Loch Swilly Septr 1837 (Drawing) (PAF0278)
Sketch showing the state of HMS Terror on her arrival in Loch Swilly (Drawing) (PAF0279)
A sailing vessel, probably HMS Terror and a steam paddle vessel (Drawing) (PAF0280)
Slight sketches of faces and horses heads (Drawing) (PAF0281)
Sketch of a vessel caught in the ice, probably HMS Terror (Drawing) (PAF0282)
The Unprotected Female (caricature) (on reverse) (Drawing) (PAF0283)
Slight sketches of standing figure and rearing horse (Drawing) (PAF0284)
Very slight sketch of floor plan of room (on reverse) (Drawing) (PAF0285)
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