The Monmouth of 64 Guns, taking the Foudroyant French Man of War of 84 Guns, on the 28 of Feby 1758 in the Mediterranean... London Engraved for Harrison's Edition of Rapin

This engraving depicts the British naval vessel Monmouth, in port bow view, taking the French naval vessel Foudroyant, shown in port broadside view, on 28th February 1758 in the Mediterranean.The Monmouth is central to the picture, issuing starboard cannon fire into the stern of Foudroyant, on the left of the image. Although both vessels have holes in their sails and have lost their mizzen masts, Foudroyant has only her foremast intact; her main mast is falling into the sea. Two other ships, Swiftsure and Hampton Court, can be seen on the right of the picture. Although the sea is relatively calm the sky seems dark and forbidding, but a full moon creates a shaft of light on the sea, illuminating four figures clinging to the floating wreckage of rigging in the foreground. Engraving PAH7694, by another artist, shows the same event moments before the present image.

Object Details

ID: PAF4600
Type: Print
Display location: Not on display
Creator: Goldar, John; Swain, Francis
Vessels: Foudroyant (1750); Monmouth (1742) Swiftsure (1750) Hampton Court (1744)
Date made: 1 Apr 1786
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Measurements: Sheet: 275 x 443 mm; Mount: 405 mm x 558 mm