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Sketches of an English Frigate, 1750, the stern of HMS Invincible and hull of HMS Cleopatra frigate of 1779
Bound with PAH4123-PAH4141, PAH4143-PAH4216.
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Object Details
Display location:
Not on display
Everett, (Herbert Barnard) John
Date made:
National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Sheet: 253 x 198 mm
John Everett Sketchbook of early vessels and named vessels of 1920s (Sketchbook)
Framed sketch of stern of Elizabethan fighting vessel, framed sketch of fighting vessels and a yacht at sea and sketch of a three-masted sailing vessel (Drawing) (PAH4123)
Small sketches of Roman fighting vessels, a figurehead and an 'Egyptian ship about 120AD (Drawing) (PAH4124)
Sketch of a Roman vessel and various other sketches showing decorative bows, sterns and forecastles (Drawing) (PAH4125)
Sketches of a fifteenth century English carrack? and caravel (Drawing) (PAH4126)
Sketches of a medieval sea going ship and fifteenth century caravel after a woodcut by Columbus March 1 1493 (Drawing) (PAH4127)
Sketches of fifteenth century caravel showing 'mizzen set' and caravels of 1493 and 1514 (Drawing) (PAH4128)
Sketches of sailing vessels at sea, a sailing vessel with cabin built on and a sixteenth century sailing vessel under sail (Drawing) (PAH4129)
Sketches of sixteenth century sailing vessel and sailing vessel inscribed 'Drake at sea' (Drawing) (PAH4130)
Sketches of sixteenth century warship at anchor a group of sailing vessels at sea with dolphins (Drawing) (PAH4131)
Sketches of early sixteenth century ship of war and sixteenth century sailing vessel running (Drawing) (PAH4132)
Sketches of early seventeenth century Dutch West Indiaman and Dutch East Indiaman (Drawing) (PAH4133)
Sketches of the hulls of a 1st rate vessel, a Dutch fighting vessel and Dutch West Indiaman, 17th century (Drawing) (PAH4134)
Three framed sketches of sailing vessels possibly at Greenwich, sailing vessels at sea and shipbuilding and launching (Drawing) (PAH4135)
Sketches of sailing vessels at sea and an illustration of box hauling (Drawing) (PAH4136)
Sketch of a sailing vessel in harbour and sketch of fighting ships near a coast (Drawing) (PAH4137)
Sketch of a hull of HMS Triumph 74 guns launched 1764, and sketch of a three-masted sailing vessel in a calm (Drawing) (PAH4138)
Sketch of the Wolf taking Pilot aboard off Dover and sketch of a frigate under sail (Drawing) (PAH4139)
Sketch of an 18th century three-decker and view of a West Indiaman fitting out in Cox & Curtin Yard, Limehouse (Drawing) (PAH4140)
Sketch of a Line of Battle ship from a painting (with notes) and sketch of HMS Hastings 74 guns (Drawing) (PAH4141)
Sketches of an English Frigate, 1750, the stern of HMS Invincible and hull of HMS Cleopatra frigate of 1779 (Drawing) (PAH4142)
Sketch of HMS Cleopatra endeavouring to save the crew of the brig Fisher and sketch of the launching of a frigate in 1805 (Drawing) (PAH4143)
Sketch of sheer hulk mast and sails and HMS Prince in harbour (Drawing) (PAH4144)
Sketches of three-masted sailng vessel, bow of a fighting vessel and bow view of HMS Trafalgar 190 guns (Drawing) (PAH4145)
Sketches of the hull of a fighting vessel, stern of 74 gun 19th century vessel, a Burmese junk and bow of a vessel with a square sail set on her bowsprit (Drawing) (PAH4146)
Sketches of an Egyptian ship of the Vth Dynasty, an Egyptian Boat about 6000 BC and hull of a 330 ton merchantman (Drawing) (PAH4147)
Sketch of a naval fleet of 1845 and a fighting vessel at sea, 17th century (Drawing) (PAH4148)
Sketch of a two-masted sailing vessel (unfinished) (Drawing) (PAH4149)
Five sketches of early vessels including Egyptian boats of 12th Dynasty, a Viking longship, an Egyptian nugger and modern Suez Dhows (Drawing) (PAH4150)
Eight sketches of early vessels etc., a Phoenician ship, an ancient anchor, a Mediterranean Felucca, a dhow rigged yacht, a Greek war galley and a Greek merchantman of 500 BC (Drawing) (PAH4151)
Sketches of early vessels including a Roman sail and oar vessel and ship of Odysseus, 500 BC (from a vase) (Drawing) (PAH4152)
Sketch of a Roman warship, part of a Roman merchant ship and a vessel with sail set (Drawing) (PAH4153)
Small sketches of a Russian boat, a Norwegian boat, Viking ship and vessels of William the Conqueror's time (Drawing) (PAH4154)
Sketch of a square-rigged sailing vessel under full sail (Drawing) (PAH4155)
Sketches of a Mediterranean Warship 13th century, ship of the end of the 13th century, a 14th century promon and an Elizabethan man of war (Drawing) (PAH4156)
Sketch of a 13th century English ship and caravel of the 15th century (Drawing) (PAH4157)
Sketches of the Santa Maria Columbus's Flagship, the Henri Garce a Dieu and two other sailing vessels (Drawing) (PAH4158)
Framed sketch of the Marlborough and Blenheim and a sketch of Montezuma (Drawing) (PAH4159)
Sketches of the three-masted sailing vessels Yorkshire and England at sea (Drawing) (PAH4160)
Sketch of three-masted sailing vessel the Flying Cloud at sea (Drawing) (PAH4161)
Sketches of sailing vessels The Surprise and Stag Hound in a breeze (Drawing) (PAH4162)
Sketches of sailing vessels the Nightingale and Challenge (Drawing) (PAH4163)
Sketches of sailing vessels Stornoway at sea and Comet in a gale (Drawing) (PAH4164)
Sketches of sailing vessels The Young America and the Sovereign of the the Seas (Drawing) (PAH4165)
Sketches of sailing vessels The Great Republic HMS Brisk and The Sunny South (Drawing) (PAH4166)
Small sketch of sailing vessels in a harbour (Drawing) (PAH4167)
Sketches of named sailing vessels Irene, Scottish Moors, Gateacre 1296, Louisa Craig, Edda, Boreldien, and St Malo Brig (Drawing) (PAH4168)
Sketches of named sailing vessels Loch Torridon 1926, Port Jackson, Mount Stewart 'not 1899', Iquique 1859, Lancing and Macquarie (Drawing) (PAH4169)
Sketches of named sailing vessels Glenberrie, Olivebank, Iquique 1859, Virgo, Cutty Sark and Surprise (Drawing) (PAH4170)
Sketches of named sailing vessels Riverside, Terre Neuvier and Peru and slight sketch of the Half Deck of Samuel Plimsoll (Drawing) (PAH4171)
Sketches of sailing vessels including Herm and the bow of the Samuel Plimsoll (Drawing) (PAH4172)
Sketches of sailing vessels Oaklands, Almora, Rona, Boieldieu and Scottish Moors (Drawing) (PAH4173)
Sketches of sailing vessels including Kinpurney in a rough sea and Valerie (Drawing) (PAH4174)
Sketches of a French brig and a Norwegian barque and a framed sketch of Taeping and Ariel (Drawing) (PAH4175)
Sketches of various sailing vessels including Terre Neuvier, Saxon and Sirrah (Drawing) (PAH4176)
Sketch of the starboard bow of the Lady Wentworth (Drawing) (PAH4177)
Sketches of sailing vessels Favell, Hougomont and Fantome II (Drawing) (PAH4178)
Sketches of sailing vessels including Herm II (Drawing) (PAH4179)
Sketches of sailing vessels Iquique and Lord Shaftesbury and four-masted vessel Montmorency (Drawing) (PAH4180)
Sketch of sailing vessel Beatrice and Glenberre? in a gale (Drawing) (PAH4181)
Rough sketches of Suzanne ex Kylemore, Hersogin Cecilie in a calm and bow of another vessel (Drawing) (PAH4182)
Rough sketches of sailing vessels including the Grace Hanover? C B Pederson and the Hergogin Cecilie (on reverse) (Drawing) (PAH4183)
Sketches of sailing vessels the Lady Wentworth and C B Pederson (Drawing) (PAH4184)
Five rough sketches of ship's decks (with key following) (Drawing) (PAH4185)
Slight sketch of the Lady Wentworth (Drawing) (PAH4186)
Rough sketch of sails and deck (Drawing) (PAH4187)
Rough sketch of mast and sails with a man on the yard (Drawing) (PAH4188)
Framed rough sketch of deck of a sailing vessel (Drawing) (PAH4189)
Four rough sketches of sailing vessel and sea (with notes) (Drawing) (PAH4190)
Very Rough sketch of the bow of a sailing vessel viewed from on board (Drawing) (PAH4191)
Rough sketches of seamen operating the capstan, the wheel and bending sail, also head of a seabird (Drawing) (PAH4192)
Two sketches of seamen bending sail (Drawing) (PAH4193)
Sketch of a sailing vessels rolling, viewed from on deck (Drawing) (PAH4194)
Sketch of sail arrangement viewed from the deck. Annotated (Drawing) (PAH4195)
Sketch of a rough sea over deck of a sailing vessel (Drawing) (PAH4196)
Sketch of bow end of sailing vessel viewed from on board (Drawing) (PAH4197)
Sketch of rolling sailing vessel viewed from the ship's rail (Drawing) (PAH4198)
Four sketches of sails in moonlight (Drawing) (PAH4199)
Sketch of a sailing vessel in the doldrums, viewed from on board and sketch showing seamen on deck 'Mount Misery through Middle Watch' also sketch of unbending sail (Drawing) (PAH4200)
Sketches of seamen mending sails, running up a flag signal, a mast and the deck viewed from the bow (Drawing) (PAH4201)
Sketch of the Cutty Sark being driven by Woodgate (continued from PAH4201) with similar sketch in graphite below (Drawing) (PAH4202)
Sketch showing waves washing over the side of a sailing vessel, two slight sketches of working men, and sketch of the deck scene (Drawing) (PAH4203)
Sketches showing seamen mending sails on deck, rigging, 'in the upper topsails', seamen climbing up aloft (Drawing) (PAH4204)
Five sketches, view on deck, mast and yard, man at the wheel, sails and deck (Drawing) (PAH4205)
Sketches of deck of sailing vessels and sketches showing a man on board a sailing vessel (Drawing) (PAH4206)
Five sketches of decks and sails and a steam tug alongside a sailing vessel (Drawing) (PAH4207)
Six sketches of decks and sails, one showing sailing vessel passing and distant view of a square rigger (Drawing) (PAH4208)
Two sketches of sails, sketch of a man at the wheel and a seated man, also a view of the deck (Drawing) (PAH4209)
Sketches of a view of the deck from above, view of furled sails, deck with men at the rail, sails and the doldrums (Drawing) (PAH4210)
Three sketches of sails and one showing two men looking out at a passing sailing vessel (Drawing) (PAH4211)
Six sketches of sails and the sea (Drawing) (PAH4212)
Five sketches of sails and a sketch of the ship's deck (Drawing) (PAH4213)
Rough sketches of masts, sails, etc and the Brier Holme (Drawing) (PAH4214)
Sketch of the deck of Hagomont and Fitzjames 1790 at sea (Drawing) (PAH4215)
Sketch of a sailing vessel and a steam vessel, bow view, at sea (Drawing) (PAH4216)
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