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Cottage alongside another building, with smoke coming from the chimney, gravestone set just over from the cottage
Stored loose at back of sketchbook with PAI1154-PAI1164.
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Object Details
Display location:
Not on display
National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Sheet: 241 x 341 mm
Sketchbook of ships people and places by James Kennett Willson, Royal Marines (Volume II) (Sketchbook)
Othon 1833, King of Greece in uniform saluting (Drawing) (PAI1112)
Scene from the watering place opposite Napoli - di-Romania 1832 (Drawing) (PAI1113)
Scene of a village near Argos, Tyrenthus - model farm (Drawing) (PAI1114)
Mountain scene in Greece (Drawing) (PAI1115)
Nauplia and The Palamede, Greece (Drawing) (PAI1116)
Scene of the coastline at Port Toulon (Drawing) (PAI1117)
Unidentified coastal scene (Drawing) (PAI1118)
Greek chapel at the orange grove near Napoli di Romania 1832 (Drawing) (PAI1119)
Lieut Chas E-d-m-ds, Barham 1832 (reading letters) (Drawing) (PAI1120)
French? fighting vessel La Cornelie, 1833 (Drawing) (PAI1121)
The Barham's boats exercising off the coast of Greece, 19 March 1833 (Drawing) (PAI1122)
Sketch of four Greek fishermen in a boat (Drawing) (PAI1123)
Sketch of Cara Baba (Negropont), a walled city on the mountainous coast (Drawing) (PAI1124)
Sketch of the bridge of the Negropont linking the castled style walls of a city (Drawing) (PAI1125)
Sketch of the walled city of Negropont (Drawing) (PAI1126)
Sketch of the walled city of Negropont (continued from previous page) (Drawing) (PAI1127)
Sketch of the Lady Codrington, Greek schooner in the Harbour of Negropont (Drawing) (PAI1128)
Sketch of La Cornelie, Harbour of the Negropont (Drawing) (PAI1129)
Sketch of Ielanachus, Russian brig, Negropont (Drawing) (PAI1130)
Unidentified sketch of Negropont, Mt Kytpa (Drawing) (PAI1131)
Unfinished sketch of Negropont (Drawing) (PAI1132)
The model farm - The Palamede & village of Pronia, from Tyrenthus on the road to Argos May 1833 (Drawing) (PAI1133)
Town of Napoli-di-Romania from Tyrenthus, May 1833 (Drawing) (PAI1134)
Slight sketch of unfinished scene (Drawing) (PAI1135)
Slight sketch of unfinished scene (Drawing) (PAI1136)
Cape Colonna - temple of Minerva... 1833 with Russian brig of war (Drawing) (PAI1137)
Greek scenery showing the temple of Theseus and Acropolis (Drawing) (PAI1138)
The Acropolis, Parthenon and temple of Theseus (Drawing) (PAI1139)
The Parthenon from the cave of Socrates (Drawing) (PAI1140)
Choragaio monument of Sysicates, Athens (Drawing) (PAI1141)
Sketch, Design for Pembroke off Cabrete Point (Drawing) (PAI1142)
English fighting vessel, Pembroke? (Drawing) (PAI1143)
Pembroke 20 January 1838 (Drawing) (PAI1144)
Profile sketch of a Greek? soldier wearing helmet with a large feather plume (Drawing) (PAI1145)
Pembroke, Feby 1838 (Drawing) (PAI1146)
Le Santi Petri at Salamis (Drawing) (PAI1147)
Sketch of fighting vessel in full sail (Drawing) (PAI1148)
English 1st rate fighting vessel in full sail (Drawing) (PAI1149)
English 1st rate fighting vessel anchored in a bay (Drawing) (PAI1150)
4th rate fighting vessel with sails set (Drawing) (PAI1151)
4th rate fighting vessel at anchor (Drawing) (PAI1152)
Unfinished sketch of a fighting vessel (Drawing) (PAI1153)
Sketch of 2nd? rate fighting vessel, drying sails (Drawing) (PAI1154)
Small sketch of Pembroke in a storm (Drawing) (PAI1155)
Sketch of Graham's Island 1831 (Drawing) (PAI1156)
Sketch of the Battle of St Joan D'Acre, 3 Nov 1840, from the Westward 4: 10pm (Drawing) (PAI1157)
Sketch of the Battle of St Jean D'Acre, 1840 (continued from PAI1157) (Drawing) (PAI1158)
Two fighting vessels at sea, the St Vincent written on reverse (Drawing) (PAI1159)
The Barham off S. end of Sardinia on her passage to England with Vice-Admiral Sir Pulteney Malcolm 25 March 1834 8pm (Drawing) (PAI1160)
Sailing vessel passing anchored fighting vessels, the Glory crossed out (Drawing) (PAI1161)
Sketch of the Vindictive 26 Jany 1842 4.p.m. (Drawing) (PAI1162)
Coastline sketches of St Jean D'Acre (with one on reverse) (Drawing) (PAI1163)
Castle Uvo, Naples, Augst '60 (Drawing) (PAI1164)
Cottage alongside another building, with smoke coming from the chimney, gravestone set just over from the cottage (Drawing) (PAI1165)
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