A Perspective View of the Royal Hospital at Greenwich

There are several copies of this well-known print the museum’s collection (PAH3285, PAI0484, PAI5664 and PAI8022). The original title and engraver inscription (lower right) can be seen.

The print is one of a number of derivative perspectives of this pattern that appear to refer to original prints from about 1715, and more specifically Jacques Rigaud’s print of 1736 (PAI7092). This example shares Rigaud’s strange screen wall dividing the Grand Square, and the unexecuted steps up to the dome vestibules. Since the Greenwich Hospital was only completed in 1751-52, any such views executed much before the exterior completion of the Queen Mary Court (with the left dome) could only have been artist's 'perspectives' - that is, based on plans and intentions rather than observation - as the title and unexecuted details included here suggest.

Greenwich Hospital was established in 1694 by the Royal Charter for the support and relief of seamen and their dependants and for the improvement of navigation. After the closure of the Hospital in 1869, the buildings became the Royal Naval College in 1873. In 1998 the Royal Navy left Greenwich and handed over responsibility for the site to the Greenwich Foundation. In 1999 the University of Greenwich began teaching here, who were joined in October 2001 by Trinity College of Music.

Object Details

ID: PAI5665
Collection: Fine art
Type: Print
Display location: Not on display
Creator: Cole, Benjamin
Places: Unlinked place
Date made: Probably 1738-1746
People: Cole, B.
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Measurements: Sheet: 335 x 510 mm