To Admiral Sir Hyde Parker, Kt. Commander in Chief...This plate representing the defeat of the Danish Fleet and Batteries off Copenhagen the Second of April 1801...

A scene from the Battle of Copenhagen, an engagement which saw a British fleet under the command of Admiral Sir Hyde Parker fight a huge Danish fleet anchored just off Copenhagen on 2 April 1801. Vice Admiral Horatio Nelson led the main attack, with Rear Admiral Thomas Graves as his second in command. The 'Amazon', under the command of Captain Edward Riou, led a force of frigates that was to attack the northern end of the Danish line. However, when the engagement began badly for the British, Riou used his initiative to attack the Danish forts, despite being heavily outgunned. When Parker sent the signal to withdraw, Nelson ignored it and Riou felt he had no choice but to obey his commanding officer, despite his despair at what Nelson would think of retreat. As the Amazon swung away, she exposed her vulnerable stern to the Danish batteries. Riou was encouraging his men to the end when he was cut down by a round shot. Nelson, on learning of Riou's death, called the loss 'irreparable'. A monument was erected to his memory in St Paul's Cathedral, while a poem commemorated the loss of the 'gallant, good Riou'.

Serres's painting depicts the battle at the point at which the Danish fleet had been defeated. The 'Amazon' is shown in full view, just ahead of the 'Defiance' on the left of the picture.

Inscribed: "To Admiral Sir Hyde Parker, Kt. Commander in Chief, Vice Admiral Lord Nelson, and Rear Admiral Thos Graves, the Captains, Officers, Seamen, Marines, and Soldiers of the British Fleet. This plate representing the defeat of the Danish fleet and Batteries, off Copenhagen, the second of April, 1801, is dedicated with the greatest respect in their most Obedt. Hble. Servt. P. W. Tomkins"


Object Details

ID: PAI6116
Type: Print
Display location: Not on display
Creator: Serres, John Thomas; Tomkins, Peltro William
Events: Napoleonic Wars: Battle of Copenhagen, 1801
Vessels: Amazon (1799)
Date made: 4 Jul 1801
People: Danish Fleet
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Measurements: Sheet: 580 x 853 mm; Mount: 654 x 960 mm

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