
273 plans for Yard Numbers 1165 to1174

59 plans for diesel electric single screw tug ‘ROBERTSBRIDGE’ (1937), Yard Number 1165
46 plans for aircraft refuelling launches ‘MEXSHELL’ (1937), ‘METIS’ (1937), ‘MARYUT’ (1937), ‘’MURAI’ (1937), ‘MEDUSA’ (1937), Yard Numbers 1166 to 1170
66 plans for Bermudian-rigged ketch motor sailer ‘FIDALGA’ (1937), Yard Numbers 1171
101 plans for Yard Number 1172
1 plan for aircraft refuelling launches ‘MACKENZIE, (1937), ‘MALTA’ (1937), Yard Numbers 1173 and 1174

Object Details

ID: THYB0063
Type: Box
Display location: Not on display
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Measurements: Box: 310 mm x 370 mm x 480 mm