A record of the proceeding of the HMS Shah (ex Blonde 1873) Flag Ship on the Pacific Station between August 1876 and April 1878.

Inside front cover: Ephemera 1 [with text] ‘Chart shewing the Tracks made by HMS Shah between December 10th 1876 when she first left England and March 22nd 1878 when she arrived at Panama the second time. During this period the Shah ran 31,228 miles: doing 9537 under steam only: 3887 with Sail and Steam, and 17,804 under Sail alone. She was at sea 204 days and burnt 4887 tons of Coal which cost £13,509. The following places were visited: viz-Gibraltar, Madeira, St Vincent, Montevideo, Sandy Point, Valparaiso, Coquimbo, Caldera, Callao, Arica, Pisagua, Iquique, Payta, Panama, Acapulco, San Francisco, Esquimalt, Tahiti and Concepcion’.

Title page: Ephemera 2: Paper on which is written ink, ‘A Record/ of the proceedings of/ H.M.S. Shah/ Flagship/ on the Pacific Station/ between/ August 1876 & April 1878’.

Ephemera 3: paper on which is written, ‘ Presented to/The Royal Naval College/Greenwich/by/Arthur Bedford, Vice Admiral/Gordon Bedford/ Mrs Cecil Pearse (nee Bedford)/ Denham Bedford, Rear Admiral/ These Diaries and Records/ were written and illustrated/by their father/Admiral/Sir Frederick Bedford, GCB, GCMG/(A former Captain of the College)/ and are given as a momento/of the long period during/which the family has been/connected with Greenwich’. At the top of the papers is the following Latin motto,’Mens Conscia recti [a mind conscious of rectitude], the dates 1781 and 1947 and drawing of beaver ?Bedford family crest..

Page 1: Photograph 1: HMS Shah at anchor [iron screw frigate launched 1873].

Ephemera 4: fragment of ship’s writing paper depicting Rear Admiral’s flag and ‘HMS Shah’.

Ephemera 5: fragment of ship’s writing paper depicting ?unofficial ship’s badge –a lion holding a sword, HMS Shah around, surmounted by a crown.

Ephemera 6: fragment of ship’s writing paper depicting Rear Admiral’s flag and ‘HMS Shah’.

Text, ‘Commissioned at Portsmouth August 14th 1876 by Capt.FGD Bedford, to carry the flag of Rear Admiral A R de Horsey Commander in Chief, Pacific Station. [Admiral Sir Algernon Frederick Rous de Horsey 1827-1922]. An iron frigate cased with wood; 6040 tons displacement, 7477 horse power. Length between Perpendiculars 334 ft. 8in.. Extreme Breadth 52ft.. Armament –UD [upper deck] 2.9inch 12 ton, 8, 64prs. MD [middle deck] 16 7 inch 61/2 tons. 3 12prs 1.7pr. Complement 600. Boats: 2 launches 42ft. 1 steam pinnace 37ft. 1 barge 34 ft. 1 galley 32ft. 2 cutters 30 ft. 1 jolly boat 25 ft. 2 gigs 30 ft. 1 whale gig 27ft. 2 do 25ft. (one life) 1 dinghy 14ft. Carried 8 Whitehead Torpedoes to discharge from MD. Fitted with after booms for Spar Torpedo’.

Page 2: Photograph 2: A group photograph of Captain Bedford and officers on the deck of HMS Shah. Gatling gun in foreground. Beside the photograph are written the signatures of the officers. Ranks are Commander, Senior Lieutenant, Lieutenants, Navigating Lieutenant, Chaplain, Captain Royal Marine Light Infantry, Lieutenant Royal Marine Artillery, Fleet Surgeon, Paymaster, Chief Engineer, Sub Lieutenants, Navigating Sub Lieutenant and Surgeons.

Photograph 3: Group photograph of Captain Bedford as above with Surgeon, Assistant Paymaster, Engineers, Gunner, Boatswain, Carpenter, Midshipmen, Naval cadets, Assistant Engineers, Assistant Clerk and Sub Lieutenant. Signatures of officers are written beside the photograph.

Caption: ‘Group of Officers taken before leaving England’.

Page 3: Ephemera 7: A silhouette of a dog. Caption: ‘PUNCH A tail-less dog brought from India in HMS Serapis. Born in the Naga Hills 1875. Died crossing the line February 13th 1877. He was given to me by HRH the Prince of Wales’.

Photograph 4: ‘Shah’s landing party on Southsea Common. Commander H Rose in command’.

Photograph 5: extract of a programme (?) ‘On Saturday November 25th 1876 Royal Naval Club Portsmouth with a photograph of HMS Alert [wood screw sloop 1856] and Discovery [wood screw store ship 1874].

Page 4: Ephemera 8: Woodcut ? Illustrated London News showing stern view of HMS Shah.

Ephemera 7: Scrap of paper on which is printed HMS Sultan below Rear Admiral’s flag. Arabic inscription in left hand corner.

Page 5: Watercolour 7 ‘Culver Cliff Isle of Wight’.

Watercolour 8: ‘Cape St Vincent SE by 12E’.

Watercolour 9: ‘Gib.in a squall’.

Text; ‘Sailed from Portsmouth Sunday December 10th 1876. After a stormy passage rounded at 4pm December 18th a wonderful sunset that evening. December 19th Target Practice. December 20th arrived at Gibraltar blowing furious squalls. Went alongside Mole’.

Page 6: Title: Gibraltar.

Watercolour 10: ‘The Rock from the Governor’s Cottage’.

Photograph 11: ‘The Waterport Gate’. [in foreground three soldiers in front of stockpiles of shells and cannon balls. Bridge leading to Waterport Gate, buildings to the right including obelsisk].

Page 7

Watercolour 12: ‘Ceuta’.[shows coastline with mountains and two small buildings. Ceuta is a Spanish independence on the northern tip of the Moroccan coast].

Photograph 13: ‘Entrance to the Convent, the Governor’s residence’.[the official residence of the Governor of Gibraltar since 1728. Formally a convent of Franciscan friars hence its name it was completed in 1531 but heavily rebuilt during the 18th and 19th centuries].

Text: ‘Remained alongside the Mole doing necessary work to the Engines until January 19th 1877 when we went out for Trial; successful went 15. Returned in afternoon. Finally sailed for Pacific January 24th.’

Page 8

Watercolour 14: ‘The Deserta’s’.[the Deserta’s are three uninhabited islands about 15 miles SW of Madeira]. Caption: ‘After a pleasant sailing passage arrived at Madeira on January 28th’.

Photograph 15: ‘Funchal, Madeira’. [view showing harbour].

Watercolour 16: ‘Porto Santo by Moonlight, January 25th’. [Porto Santo island 20 miles NE of Funchal –main claim to fame is that Christopher Columbus lived there for a time].

Page 9: Title: St Vincent

Watercolour 17: ‘Part of St Antonio Island. February 3rd. Bull Rock’.[lies on west coast of Spanish Balearic island of Ibiza].

Watercolour 18: ‘St Vincent from the anchorage’. [shows four sailing brigs flying white ensign, four other brigs in the distance. Harbour buildings and fort on hill on left].
Caption: ‘Arrived at St Vincent February 3rd at 6 30pm. Found 4 training brigs at anchor’.

Page 10 Title: St Vincent.

Watercolour 19: ‘Entrance of St Vincent Harbour, dist. 18 miles. Bird Id. SW by S’.

Watercolour 20: ‘St Vincent. View from the beach. St Antonio in the distance’.[in foreground is a woman standing on the shore holding a jug on her head].

Text: ‘Sailed February 5th at 5 30pm for Montevideo’.

Page 11 Title: Montevideo.

Photograph 21: ‘Montevideo from the Cerro’. [View of the harbour, anchorage with ships. Text –‘Montevideo –Vista Desde La Cima del Cerro –[view from top of the hill].

Photograph 22: ‘View from the Oriental Hotel, the Cerro in the distance’.

Page 12: Title: Montevideo.

Photograph 23: (1) ‘A Quinta or Country House outside the City: the Bullock cart in the foreground shows the ordinary mode of conveyance in the country’.

Photograph 24 (2): ‘Using a lasso’.

Ephemera 9: scrap of writing paper embossed with a rising sun, flying figure and ‘HMS Volage’.

Photograph 25 (3): ‘A farm house’.

Photograph 26 (4): ‘The Plaza Constitucion shewing the Cathedral’.

Text: ‘Arrived at Montevideo March 2nd at 4 45pm, found Volage [iron screw corvette 1869], Beacon [composite gun vessel 1867], Cracker [composite screw gunboat 1867] & Foam [composite screw gunboat 1871] there. Next day shifted berth nearer in. Monday 5th. Commenced coaling, got in 185 tons. 6th Court Martial.:finished coaling 115 tons. 7th Court Martial. 9th Mr West our Minister at Bueonos Ayres came down and visited the ship. Saluted him also Brazilian and American Ministers. About 50 people came out in “Beacon”. March 10th sailed at 10 am, in company with Volage’.

Page 13: Title: Straits of Magellan

Page 27: ‘Blockhouse, Sandy Point’.[Punta Arenas in Spanish –the photograph shows a building constructed of wood on which is the date 1864. In front are a group of men Chileans (?Patagonians) and Europeans].

Photograph 28: ‘Coal Mine, Sandy Point’.

Page 14: Title: Straits of Magellan.

Watercolour 29 ‘Seining at Sandy Point March 19th’.[Group of sailors hauling on fishing nets. Others tending fires on shore ?cooking fish. In the distance is moored HMS Shah.]

Photograph 30: ‘Patagonians at home [three Patagonians wrapped in blankets in a tent].

Text: ‘Entered the Straits of Magellan March 18th at 9 30am:anchored off Elizabeth Island at 6pm. March 19th Fired at island and a target. Weighed at noon: anchored at Sandy Point at 4 pm. Left again next morning at 6am’

Page 15: Title: Straits of Magellan.

Watercolour 31: ‘Glacier on Greenough Peninsula’, Text: ‘Fine weather until we reached Cape Froward which we rounded at 11 20am, it then came on very squally, fiery wind, rain and sleet’.

Watercolour 32: ‘Rounding Cape Froward’ [shows HMS Shah?].

Watercolour 33: ‘Looking towards Magdalen Sound’.

Page 16: Title: Straits of Magellan.

Watercolour 34: ‘Port San Miguel’.

Watercolour 35: ‘Fortescue Bay’ [a small craft with four natives in the foreground].

Page 17

Photograph 36: ‘Glacier and Cascade, Buckland Mountain’.

Photograph 37: ‘View in the Straits of Magellan’ [ship with one funnel in the distance].

Text: ‘March 22nd anchored in Port Agosto blowing very hard, weighed next morning early’.

Page 18: Title: Straits of Magellan.

Watercolour 38: ‘Glacier in Long Reach’.

Watercolour 39: ‘Glacier at the head of Glacier Bay: Long Reach’..

Text: Entered the Pacific at 2pm March 23rd’.

Page 19: Title: Valparaiso

Photograph 40: ‘The Bay looking to the Southward’. [view of buildings and farms].

Photograph 41: ‘The Bay looking to the Northward’. [view of ships at anchor including paddle steamer in foreground].

Text: ‘Arrived at Valparaiso April 1st at 6pm, found Amethyst [wood screw corvette 1871] with Admiral’s flag. April 2nd hoisted flag. April 11th sailed’.

Page 20: Title: Coquimbo

Photograph 42: ‘HMS Amethyst’.
Watercolour 43: ‘Aconcagua at sunset. April 11th dist. 90 miles’

Watercolour 44: ‘Part of Coquimbo. Nereus in front’.[5th rate launched 1821. Storeship, harbour service 1843. Sold J L Page Coquimbo for use as hulk].

Page 21

Photograph 45: ‘The Smelting Works’, [copper from Coquimbo’s copper mines]

Watercolour 46: ‘The Town’. [view of harbour with two ?copper barques anchored and smelting works].

Photograph 47: ‘The landing place’. [Coquimbo].

Page 22: Title: Coquimbo

Photograph 48 (1): ‘Smelting works belonging to Messrs Edwards’.

Photograph 49 (2): ‘Church and Plaza’.

Watercolour 50: ‘Juan Soldado’ [Coquimbo] [sailing brig in foreground].

Photograph 51 (3): ‘Landing place and Hotel. Signal station in the distance’.

Photograph 52 (4): ‘Railway station and Coal Stores’.

Text:’ Refitting, provisioning and drawing stores from Nereus. April 16th I went all over the Guayacan smelting works. April 22nd Amethyst arrived. April 28th sailed for Caldera’.

Page 23 Title: Caldera

Watercolour 53: ‘Morro Pt NE 1/2N 16 miles Modio Pt NE on with Morro of Copiapo April 30th’.

Watercolour 54: ‘Caldera from the anchorage. April 30th anchored off Caldera at 4pm. May 1st sailed at sunset for Callao’. [3 masted topsail schooner with steam power possibly a yacht in foreground].

Watercolour 55: ‘San Lorenzo NE ¾ E 9 miles. May 7th Palanimos’.

Page 24 Title Callao

Watercolour 56: ‘The Atahualpa Peruvian monitor’. [built as the US monitor Catawaba and purchased by Peru after the American Civil War. Scuttled at Callao 16th January 1881; raised later that year and hulked. Finally discarded in about 1910]. ‘Monday May 7th arrived at Callao. Place excited because some revolutionists had taken the iron clad turret ship ‘Huascar’ out of harbour the evening before. It was considered an unusual form of Revolution. May 11th Peruvian squadron went in chase. May 13th they were still in sight’. [Huascar launched 1865 and captured by Chile 8/10/1879].

Photograph 57: ‘The Muelle Darsena, lately completed floating dock’.

Page 25:

Photograph 58: ‘General view of the city [Callao] showing the river Rimac’.

Photograph 59: ‘Part of the Plaza’.

Page 26: Title: Lima

Photograph 60: ‘The Alameda. May 17th The President of Peru visited the ship (General Prado). May 18th Went to sea in the evening’. [Mariano Ignacio Prado (1826-1901) was twice President of Peru –from 1865-68 and from 1876-1879].

Pages 27 and 28 Title: Cruising on the Peruvian Coast’.

Page 27: Watercolour 61: ‘Daylight May 22nd Mt Tutapaca 80 miles’

Pages 27 & 28: Watercolour 62: ‘Arica from the anchorage’. [Show port buildings and two unidentified sailing ships -Arica was captured by Chile in1880 during the War in the Pacific].

Caption; ‘Steaming to the Southward against strong breeze. Anchored off Arica May 22nd at 10am. Place in ruins; pier, railway and many houses destroyed by tidal wave on May 9th. Weighed in the evening and anchored in the morning off Pisagua. Went on and anchored at Iquique at 2pm; found the Amethyst and Peruvian squadron there. Weighed at 1am May 25th’.

Page 28

Watercolour: 63: ‘Present position of the Wateree American war steamer left 1100 yards above high water in 1868 and shifted by the tidal wave May 1877’. [Wateree was an iron hulled side-wheel gunboat launched in 1862 and wrecked 1868. She was carried 400 yards inland by the tidal wave at Arica].

Page 29 and 30: Title: ‘Cruising on the Peruvian Coast’.

Page 29: Watercolour 64: ‘Arica Head E ½ S 12 miles Victor Gully’.

Pages 29 and 30: Watercolour 65: ‘Pisagua; a shipping port for Nitrate of Soda at the foot of a precipitous cliff 2500 ft. high. A zigzag railway is cut into the face’.[merchant sailing ships in foreground –five British and two French].

Caption:’ Arrived at Arica at 1pm. Amethyst came in at 4. Both weighed at 8 15pm May 25th. May 26th off Quilea to the North of Islay. Amethyst communicating with Mollendo [Peru]. May 27th anchored off Camana Valley. May 28th Weighed at 9am. Amethyst came out from Mollendo in the afternoon. Communicated and went back. Off Cornejo Point for the night’.

Page 30: Watercolour 66: ‘Islay White Islets Islay Pt. East 10 miles’.

Pages 31 and 32: Title: HMS Shah and Amethyst and Peruvian Rebel Ironclad Huascar’.

Caption: ‘Extract from Ship’s Log: May 29th 1877 12 50pm Observed a steamer on port bow standing towards us. 1 10 she altered course for Ylp [a]1 15 Recognised steamer as the Iron-clad Turret ship Huascar bearing Peruvian flag at Main and peak. Altered course to intercept the Huascar. Lit fires in all boilers. 1 38 quarters for action; made signal to the Amethyst “Action”. 2 15 Fired a blank charge to bring Huascar to. Huascar stopped. 2 20 lowered cutter and sent Lt Rainier to board her. 2 37 Cutter returned up. 2 56 Fired a blank charge. 3 0 Fired a shot across Huascar’s bow. 3.6 Commenced action. 3.7 Huascar replied with shell from her turret guns. 3.9 HMS Amethyst engaged the enemy. Engaging from 2500 to 1500 yards. At 5 35 after receiving the fire from Huascar’s turret, closed to 400 yards and fired a broadside and Whitehead torpedo. Torpedo missed Huascar. Increased distance to 2000 yards . Huascar getting under shelter of the Town. At 5 45 ceased firing. Huascar remaining under the Town, steamed out of range. Hoisted out steam pinnace. 9 30 sent steam pinnace and gig away with torpedoes. Returned at 3 0am May 30th. Huascar had got away. Steamed in chase to the Northd. Amethyst went into Mollendo; telegram to the effect that Huascar was at Iquique. Steamed back hard. Arrived at Iquique May 31st at night. Heard from a steamer that Huascar had surrendered to the Peruvian squadron. June 1st anchored in Iquique harbour. Sailed in the evening’. [Shah fired the first British torpedo used in this action]

Page 31

Watercolour 67: ‘Position at 5 35 Shah in foreground’ [Shah is depicted firing on the Huascar. The Amethyst is in the distance –her commander was Captain A J Chatfield].

Page 32

Watercolour 68: ‘Position at 5 35. Huascar in foreground.. [Shah is depicted firing broadside].

Page 33: Title: Payta

Watercolour 69: ‘Payta from the anchorage. In the foreground a balsa’ [a Peruvian raft carrying cattle].

Watercolour 70: ‘Huaca a small village on the river Chira about 20 miles from Payta’.

Page 34 Title: Panama

Photograph 71: ‘General View of the City’ Caption: ‘Arrived at Panama June 20th 9pm: obliged to anchor about 3 miles from city. Found the Albatross here. [composite screw sloop launched 1873]. Oppressively close and hot :90 degrees in my cabin’.

Photograph 72: ‘Fishing boats. Moonlight’.

Page 35 Title: Panama

Photograph 73: ‘A native family and house’. Caption: ‘June 23rd went across to Colon. Left Panama at 7am arrived at Colon 11am; distance by rail 47 miles, left again at 1pm. June 25th Weighed and went over to Taboga Id. Coaled. Sailed June 26th

Watercolour 74: ‘Panama from the anchorage. Mount Aneon. Cathedral’.

Page 36: Title: Panama

Photograph 75: ‘Colon or Aspinwall’.
Watercolour 76: ‘Islands in the Bay of Panama. San Jose. Flamenco. Perico. American PSNC station’. [Pacific Steam Navigation Company].

Page 37: Title: Panama

Watercolour 77: ‘At Taboga; an island 9 miles S of Panama’.[view of town at foot of hill –beach in the foreground with rowing boat and native chopping wood].

Photograph 78: ‘Chagres’ [View of houses with thatched roofs clustered round a small bay].

Watercolour 79: ‘The Morro of Taboga’. [Taboga island is 20 miles from Panama City –this view depicts its hill, a jetty and a sailing craft].

Page 38 Title: Acapulco

Watercolour 80: ‘The Protestant Cemetery’. [view of small bay with hut and small boat in foreground.

Photograph 81: ‘Acapulco’.

Watercolour 82: ‘In the harbour –a coal shed’.

Page 39 Title: Acapulco

Watercolour 83: ‘The Town from the anchorage’.

Watercolour 84: ‘Fort Diego’. Caption: ‘Arrived at Acapulco July 5th. Coaled and sailed for San Francisco July 8th’. [The 18thC pentagonal fort was constructed to defend Acapulco against pirates. The original building was destroyed in 1776 and rebuilt].

Page 40

Photograph 85: ‘View of the Cliff House Hotel. Beach near the San Francisco’.

Photograph 86: ‘Cape San Lucas which we sighted and passed July 12th 4pm.

Photograph 87: The Cliff House Hotel and Sea Lion Rocks, San Francisco’..

Page 41: Title: San Francisco.

Photograph 88: ‘Admiral, Captain and Officers’.[taken on board HMS Shah].

Photograph 89: ‘The City from Rincon Hill’.[one of the original seven hills of San Francisco].

Page 42: Title: San Francisco.

Photograph 89: ‘The Shah taken from a ship’.

Text: ‘ Found the American flagship Pensacola [1859 screw steamer] and French flagship Magicienne [1861, converted sailing frigate] here.
Photograph 91 (90 not used): ‘The city from California Street’.

Page 43: Title: San Francisco.

Photograph 92: ‘The Palace Hotel’. [Built in 1875. Badly damaged in 1906 earthquake and rebuilt].
Text: ‘Completed coal and sailed 10 am July 26th for Vancouvers Island.

Watercolour 93: ‘View in the harbour showing the ferry [paddle] steamer Oaklands that runs across to Oaklands. [west coast port city about 8 miles east of San Francisco].

Photograph 94: US Flagship Pensacola with photographs of her officers including Admiral Murray..

Page 44: Title: Vancouver Island.

Watercolour 95 ‘Cape Flattery Lt. South 6 miles’

Text: ‘Arrived at Esquimalt August 4th found Opal [1875, composite screw corvette], Daring [1874, composite screw sloop], Fantome [composite screw sloop 1874] and Rocket [1868 composite gunvessel].

Photograph 96: Shah in Esquimalt’.[at anchor].

Watercolour 97: ‘Esquimalt Church from Deadmans Island’.

Page 45 Title: Vancouver Island.

Ephemera 10: Fragment of ship’s writing paper depicting crest of HMS Rocket.

Ephemera 11: Fragment of ship’s writing paper depicting the crest of HMS Opal.

Photograph 98: ‘Indians asleep on the beach noon-day’.

Photograph 99: ‘The Squadron at Esquimalt. Daring, Shah, Rocket, Opal, Fantome.’

Photograph 100: ‘Part of Victoria’.

Page 46: Title: Vancouver Island.

Ephemera 12: Fragment of ship’s writing paper depicting crest of HMS Opal.

Ephemera 13: Fragment of ship’s writing paper depicting crest of HMS Rocket.

Photograph 101: ‘Part of the City of Victoria

Photograph 102: ‘Indian Chiefs burial place’. [wooden structure with carving].

Watercolour 103: ‘Equimalt’. [ depicting the harbour with paddle steamer and Fisgard Lighthouse].

Photograph 104: ‘Part of Victoria’.

Page 47: Title: Vancouver Island.

Watercolour 105: ‘Hawkins house and clearing’. Text: ‘August 12th went out to Hawkins farm and remained until 16th shooting’.

Watercolour 106: ‘Hawkins house and our tent’. [view of timber house and tent in the foreground. Shotgun propped up against tree and two members of the shooting party reading newspapers].

Page 48: Vancouver Island.

Watercolour 107: ‘Hudson Bay Co. Stores. Naval Hospital. Opal. [View of Esquimalt harbour with Opal in the foreground. Esquimalt was RN Naval base from 1842-1910].

Watercolour 108: ‘Site of proposed Dock. Coffer dam in progress. Part of Esquimalt harbour’. [Rowing boat in which are 5 figures in the foreground. Buildings, small two masted sailing ships, bridge and small crane].

Page 49: Title: Washington Territory

Text: ‘Left Esquimalt at 4 am October 24th in American steamer Dakota to go round Puget Sound . Called at Port Townsend , Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia (the Capital) and [page 50] Utsalada, from the last place had a magnificent view of Mt. Baker. Returned to Esquimalt October 29th. November 13th went out and anchored in Royal Roads. 14th sailed’.

Photograph 109: ‘Dakota at Seattle.’

Photograph 110: ‘Pier Port Townsend’.

Photograph 111: ‘Steilacoom’.

Page 50: Title: Washington Territory.

Photograph 112: ‘Olympia. Main Street’.

Photograph 113: ‘Olympia 4th Street’.

Watercolour 114: ‘Mount Baker 10, 694 ft from Utsalda’

Photograph 115: ‘Seattle: the principal port in Puget Sound; chief export coal. Mt Rainier 14,440 ft.’.

Page 51: Title: Tahiti

Photograph 116: ‘The King’.[Pomare V 1839-1891. Last King of Tahiti who reigned from1877 until he abdicated in 1880].

Photograph 117: ‘The Queen’[Queen Mara’u, second wife of Pomare V]

Photograph 118: ‘The late Queen Pomare died Sept. 17th 1877’.[Queen Pomare IV mother of Pomare V].

Photograph 119: ‘Princess Moe Ex Queen of Raiatea’.

Photograph 120: ‘Native Costume [Tahitian ladies in national dress].

Photograph 121: ‘Spearing fish’. [two native men in a canoe one with spear poised].

Page 52:

Photographic print of a painting 122: ‘Le Diademe and Fantana Avenue from sea shore, Tahiti’. Signed C J Gordon Cumming.

Photographic print of a painting 123: ‘Isle of Moorea from Papeete, Tahiti’. Signed C J Gordon Cumming.

Photographic print of a painting 124: The head of Opunohu Bay, Moorea. Society Islands. Signed C J Gordon Cumming.

Page 53:

Watercolour 125: ‘Tahiti Island. Mt. Oraheena S ½ E 30 Miles. Caption: ‘Tahiti in sight at daylight December 15th Moored in Papiete harbour’.

Photograph 126: ‘Papiete [harbour]. Palace and Coral reef’ [French ship in harbour probably Limier]. Caption; ‘Found here HMS Daring [screw sloop 1874] and French men of war Seigneley [unprotected cruiser 1874] and Limier [unprotected cruiser 1868].

Photograph 127: ‘Continuation of harbour [Papiete] Arsenal’.

Page 54: Title: Tahiti

Watercolour 128: ‘Captain Cook’s Tree (a Tamarind) near Point Venus’. Caption: ‘Drove to Point Venus’ [site of Cook’s observation of the transit of Venus in 1769].

Watercolour 129: ‘View from the top of the Lighthouse Point Venus. Mount Vaorai 6771 ft. Mount Oraheena 7352 ft. Matavai Bay’.

Page 55: Title: Tahiti

Watercolour 130: ‘Part of the Island of Eimeo or Morea’.

Watercolour 131: ‘View looking up the Valley of Punaruu, where the natives made their principal stand against the French. The Diadem Mountain and Blockhouses’.

Page 56: Title: Tahiti

Photograph 132: ‘A native feast’.[Tahitians in both traditional and European dress]

Watercolour 133: ‘Eimeo or Morea from the anchorage Papiete’.[small sailing craft in foreground].

Photograph 134: ‘Cocoa nut trees’.

Page 57: Title: Tahiti

Photograph 135: ‘A native performance: Raritonga’.

Photograph 136: Breadfruit trees outside the old walls of the town –Papiete’.

Pages 58 & 59: Title: Papiete Tahiti

Watercolour 137: ‘Papiete from the Reef. Arsenal. Signal Station and Battery. Cathedral. Mrs Brander’s House. Palace. Seignelay. Daring. Limier. Shah. Caption: ‘Sailed for Concepcion December 22nd.’

Page 60: Title: Talcahuana.

Watercolour 138: ‘View from the anchorage’.

Watercolour 139: ‘View from the beach’. [shows three sailing ships at anchor].

Page 61: Caption: ‘Sailed for Valparaiso January 28th 1878’.

Watercolour 140: Farm houses and country cart. Tumbes peninsula’.

Photograph 141: ‘Valparaiso from the saluting battery’. [cannon on carriage in foreground].

Watercolour 142: ‘Curaumulla Point NE.1/2 N 7miles. Angels Point. Signal Station’.

Page 62: Title: Coquimbo.

Photograph 143: ‘The Copper Smelting Works. Guayacan’. Caption: ‘Arrived at Coquimbo February 26th completed provisions and stores. Sailed March 10th.

Photograph 144: ‘The Plaza. La Serena’.

Page 63:

Photograph 145: ‘Bon Esperanza silver mines near Copiapo’.

Watercolour 146: ‘The Cemetery, Copiapo’. Caption: ‘Arrived at Caldera March 12th. Went up to Copiapo. Sailed March 13th. Met Penguin [composite screw sloop 1876] off Payta 24th.

Watercolour 147: Saddle of Payta E ½ N 20 miles.

Pages 64 & 65: Title: Panama Bay

Watercolour 148: ‘Taboguilla. Urava. Taboga. San Jose. Flamenco’. [all islands in the bay] Caption: ‘Arrived at Panama March 21st. April 1st Exercising in the bay with the Whitehead torpedo. Anchored at Taboga April 2nd and 3rd. coaling. 3rd Osprey arrived. April 4th returned to Panama’

Watercolour 149: ‘Panoramic view from the Anchorage. From the islands North to Panama. Perico. Nenao. American PSNC station. Mt.Ancon. Panama. US Sloop Adams [wooden screw sloop 1874].

Page 66: Woodcut? 150: ‘The Great Earthquake and Tidal Wave on the Peruvian Coast’. [cutting from ?Illustrated London News].

Ephemera 14: Article from ?Illustrated London News about the engagement between the Shah and Amethyst and the Peruvian ironclad Huascar.

Page 67:

Woodcut 151: ‘Combat between the British Men-of-War Shah and Amethyst and Peruvian ironclad Huascar [cutting from ?Illustrated London News].

Woodcut 152: ‘The Naval Combat in the Pacific: the engagement between HMS Shah and Amethyst and the Peruvian rebel Ram Huascar off Ilo, May 29. [cutting from ?Illustrated London News].

Page 68

Ephemera 15: Poem entitled ‘HMS Shah A Few Lines To the Memory of our Late Shipmate Walter Unstead AB aged 25 Who died from injuries received while bathing from the Ship at St Vincent de Verde and was buried at sea February 6th 1877’ by H W Fason.

Two loose watercolours and one print:

Watercolour 153: Unidentified scene -panoramic view of mountains with river and goatherd in foreground.

Watercolour 154: Unidentified scene –panoramic view of mountains with building possibly monastery.

Print 155: Tahiti –inscription in French, ‘Au Commandant Bedford Souvenir Sedon…(Magicienne Janvier 1878).

Object Details

ID: ALB0023
Type: Photograph Album
Display location: Not on display
Creator: Bedford, Frederick George Denham
Date made: 1876
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Measurements: Overall: 450 mm x 360 mm x 50 mm

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