Pacific Station in HMS Shah (1873) and HMS Triumph (1870) - April 1878 to January 1879

Page 1: ‘Chart shewing tracks made by HMS Shah between April and December 1878 and by HMS Triumph between December and January 1879. Track of HMS Shah going North and South. Track of HMS Triumph .

Page 2: Title: HMS Shah. [iron screw frigate 1873]

Photograph 1: A montage showing HMS Shah at anchor plus head and shoulders portraits of ship’s officers. Photograph by Bradley and Rulofson, San Francisco. Caption: ‘Admiral [de Horsey] and Officers July 1877’.

Photograph 2: HMS Shah moored in Esquimalt Harbour.

Page 3: Title: 1878 Panama.

Photograph 3: ‘The Cathedral’.[View of main façade].

Page 4:

Photograph 4: ‘Puebla Nueva –on the railway near Panama..

Photograph 5: ‘Cactus at Gorgon-halfway to Colon’.

Page 5: Title: Old Panama.

Watercolour 6: ‘The Watch Tower’.

Photograph 7: ‘The Watch Tower’.

Watercolour 8: ‘A native hut’.

Page 6: Title: Old Panama.

Photograph 9: The Bridge, near beach’.

Watercolour 10: ‘Ruins at sunset’. [depicts watchtower and in foreground three ratings bringing ashore ship’s dinghy flying white ensign].

Page 7: Title: Panama.

Watercolour 11: ‘View at Old Panama’ [shows watch tower and native craft]. Caption: ‘April 5 went in Gig to Old Panama. Ruins interesting. Landing easy at high water’.

Photograph 12: ‘The city walls, Panama’. [General view looking towards the city walls of Panama, with the cathedral in the background].

Page 8: Title: Panama.

Watercolour 13: ‘View five miles up the Caymeta river. [native huts on river bank]. Caption: ‘May 4th went to the River Caymeta about 13 miles from the Anchorage in 1st Gig. Went up with tide about 5 miles. Saw an extraordinary number of Alligators on the bank and in the river. Shot several’.

Watercolour 14: ‘Shooting alligators –Caymeta River’. [gig in foreground being rowed by six ratings. Officer in the bow shooting at alligators on the river bank]. Caption:’ Left the ship at 12 30am. Got back at 9 30pm’.

Page 9: Title: Panama.

Photograph 15: ‘Mame. Half way Station. Panama Railway’. Caption:’ May 14th 1878 Sailed for Acapulco -922 tons coal aboard’.

Watercolour 16: ‘Marques-village about five miles from Acapulco. Went there shooting May 23rd’. [view of bay with natives huts and two figures in the foreground].

Page 10: Title: Acapulco.

Watercolour 17: ‘Appearance of the land when nearing Acapulco from south. [Shows profiles of coastline including Roqueta, Griffo, Diamante]. Caption: ‘May 21st Arrived at Acapulco at 7 48am. Moored. Coaled.

Watercolour 18: ‘Seining. Daybreak’. [depicts HMS Shah anchored at Acapulco slightly distant from shore. In the foreground sailors with seine nets]. Caption: ‘ May 24th and 28th went away seining –caught enough for all Hands’.

Page 11 Title: Acapulco.

Watercolour 19: ‘The Shah May 24th 1878’. [anchored at Acapulco and dressed overall]. Caption: May 30th Telegraphic communication being interrupted: sailed at 5pm for San Francisco’.

Watercolour 20: ‘View from road leading to fort’.[looking across harbour].

Page 12: Title: On the Way to San Francisco.

Watercolour 21: ‘Leaving Acapulco’. [shows profile of coastline].

Watercolour 22: ‘Land about Navidad Bay’. [shows profile of coastline including White Rock and Cape Graham].

Watercolour 23: ‘Land about Cape San Lucas’ [shows profile of coastline including Cape San Lucas and Los Frailes].

Watercolour 24: Shows profile of coastline including Cape San Lucas. Caption: ‘June 3rd 1 30pm passed Cape San Lucas’.

Page 13

Photograph 25: Montage showing Christoforo Colombo [wooden corvette 1875] at anchor plus head and shoulders portraits of her officers including her commander, Comandante Canevaro. Photographer Bradley and Rulopson, San Francisco.

Watercolour 26: profile of coastline with caption; ‘June 4th off Magdalena Bay passed the Italian man of war Christoforo Colombo communicated by signal’.

Photograph 27: ‘The Golden Gate, San Francisco. Arrived there June 10th’. [view looking over the streets of San Francisco towards the Golden Gate].

Page 14

Photograph 28: montage showing HMS Opal [composite screw corvette 1875] and head and shoulders portraits of her officers including her commander, Captain F Robinson. Photographer Bradley and Rulopson, San Fracisco.

Photograph 29: ‘Oaklands Ferry’.

Watercolour 30: ‘A stern wheeler’.

Photograph 31: ‘Oaklands Ferry’.

Photograph 32: montage showing Russian ship Crayser with head and shoulders portraits of her officers including her commander, Captain C N Nazimoff. Photographer Bradley and Rulofson, San Francisco. Caption: ‘June 14th Sailed for Esquimalt’.

Page 15: Vancouver’s Island.

Watercolour 33: ‘Cape Flattery Lighthouse. [profile of coastline showing lighthouse]. Caption:’June 18th passed Cape Flattery at noon’.

Watercolour 34: ‘Mount.Baker Distant 90 miles. Race Rocks lighthouse. Caption: ‘Splendid view of Mount Baker when steaming up the Straits’.

Watercolour 35: Cape Flattery Flattery Rocks. [distant view from anchorage in Esquimalt Harbour]. Caption: ‘Moored in Esquimalt harbour at 5 30pm’.

Page 16:

Photograph 36: ‘Fisgard Lighthouse from the Dockyard’.

Watercolour 37: ‘Fisgard Lighthouse from Belmont’. [Esquimalt].

Photograph 38: ‘Looking up the Harbour from the Dockyard’.

Page 17: Vancouver’s Island.

Watercolour 39: ‘The Naval Rifle Range’. [mountains in distance].

Photograph 40: ‘At Prospect Lake’ [man fishing in foreground].

Watercolour 41: ‘The Cricket Ground, Colwood’. [game played by sailors in progress].

Page 18: Vancouver’s Island.

Watercolour 42: ‘The Gorge’[looking towards bridge].

Photograph 43: ‘The Gorge’ [looking towards bridge on which are people and horse drawn carriage].

Page 19: Vancouver’s Island.

Photograph 44: ‘The Gorge Hotel steps’.[sailor sitting in foreground and small boat at jetty].

Watercolour 45: ‘Prospect Lake’.

Page 20: Vancouver’s Island.

Photograph 46: ‘In the Dockyard’. [view of trees].

Watercolour 47: ‘Prospect Lake-View from the island’.

Page 21: Vancouver’s Island.
Watercolour 48: ‘View of Mount Baker [Washington State] at sunset from the Government House grounds’. Painted July 25th 1878’.

Page 22: Vancouver’s Island’.

Watercolour 49: View of Government House (distant) from Gonzales Hill. Victoria, with the Cathedral, Victoria Harbour and Royal Bay visible in the distance.

Page 23: Vancouver’s Island.

Watercolour 50: View of the battery at Macauley’s Point, ‘the first guns mounted to defend Victoria and Esquimalt’.

Photograph 51: ‘Croquet ground in the Dockyard’.

Watercolour 52: View looking towards San Juan from Gonzales Hill.

Page 24: Vancouver’s Island.

Photograph 53: ‘A Dockyard House’.

Watercolour 54: View of Colwood Cricket Ground with match in progress between HMS Shah and the Victoria Cricket Club.

Photograph 55: montage showing HMS Turquoise [composite screw corvette 1876] and head and shoulders portraits of her officers. Caption:’ Turquoise arrived July 25th’.

Page 25: Vancouver’s Island.

Photograph 56: ‘J.Leadbetter, 2nd CMT as Wah-No-Tee’.[dressed as native American] Caption: ‘July 24th the men acted the ‘Octoroon’.[play by D.Boucicault in which Wah-No-Tee appears].

Watercolour 57: ‘Esquimalt village at sunset. Olympian Range in background’. Caption: ‘August 1st Sailed for San Francisco’.

Page 26: San Francisco.

Photograph 58: Joshua Abraham Norton,self styled Emperor Norton I of US and Protector of Mexico –‘a well known eccentric character at San Francisco’. Shown in US uniform carrying sword and newspaper cutting account of his life.

Photograph 59: Panorama of San Francisco. Birds Eye View from the Bay looking South West. Caption: ‘Arrived August 6th’.

Page 27: San Francisco

Photograph 60: montage of head and shoulders portraits of Ambassador Chun Lan Pin and Ist Chinese Embassy and Consular Corps in United States. July 26th 1878. Photograph by Bradley and Rulofson.

Watercolour 61: View from the harbour looking towards the Sailor’s Home, with shipping morred at the quayside in the foreground. Caption: ‘Arrived at San Francisco August 6th’.

Photograph 62: ‘Oakland Ferry’.

Photograph 63: ‘Steamer that takes train across’.

Photograph 64: ‘The Lincoln School 5th Street’. Caption: August 9th sailed for Valparaiso’.

Page 28: Pitcairn Island.

Photograph 65: ‘J Russell McCoy, Chief Magistrate’.{Pitcairn Island].

Watercolour 66: Pitcairn Island –coastline profile from 12 miles to the south.. Caption: ‘September 8th sighted Pitcairn Island’.

Photograph 67: ‘Thursday October Christian. Oldest man on the island at 59 in1878’.[grandson (1820-1911) of Fletcher Christian and one of Pitcairn Island political leaders].

Watercolour 67A: View looking along the shore at Bounty Bay, the landing place on Pitcairn. Caption: ‘We were able to communicate and remained off the Island all day and until noon next day’.

Photograph 68: ‘Thursday October Christian’.

Watercolour 69: Coast profile Pitcairn Island North 20 miles.

Photograph 70: ‘Miss Mary Warren aged 13. Born May 24th 1866. Photo taken July 3rd 1878’.

Page 29: Pitcairn Island.

Photograph 71: ‘Miss Rosalind Young leads the singing’. [Pitcairn Islander].

Photograph 72: ‘Miss Mary Young and her brother George who has taken the name of Selwyn’. [Pitcairn Islanders].

Watercolour 73: General view of Pitcairn and settlement from one mile to sea.

Page 30: Pitcairn Island.

Photograph 74: Moses Young (1829-1909) [Pitcairn Islander].

Photograph 75: ‘George Selwyn and wife [Pitcairn Islanders].

Page 31: Pitcairn Island

Watercolour 76: General view of the island from the sea, with Young’s Rock at left and Point Christian to the right. Caption: ‘September 8th landed on Pitcairn Island’.

Watercolour 77: ‘The first house seen when approaching the village. [a thatched cottage with rocky summit beyond].

Page 32: Pitcairn Island.

Watercolour 78: General view of the island from the sea, with Adam’s Rock and Young’s Rock at left. A companion piece to watercolour 76 viewed from a slightly different angle. Caption: ‘September 9th 68 out of the 90 inhabitants came onboard to breakfast’.

Watercolour 79: General view of the church (with Pitcairn Islanders), a long single storey wooden building with thatched roof, ‘the old part was built by Adams, now being added to’.

Page 33: Pitcairn Island.

Watercolour 80: View of the grave of John Adams (ca.1774-1829), the Bounty mutineer.

Page 34

Watercolour 81: Map of Pitcairn Island.

Ephemera 1: A Return of the Population of Pitcairn Island in May 1878.

Ephemera 2: A newspaper cutting entitled ‘Visit to Pitcairn Island’. Account of visit to island by Captain P W Stephens of HMS Thetis, April 1881.

Page 35: Vaparaiso.

Watercolour 82: ‘Aconcagua Distant 110 miles’. [coastline profile]. Caption: ‘October 5th at daylight Mount Aconcagua in sight. Came on thick fog as we neared the bay. Anchored at 3 30pm. HMS Triumph [iron armoured ship 1870] here.

Photograph 83: The Bolsa. Statue of Lord Cochrane.

Watercolour 84: ‘Aconcagua as seen from the anchorage.

Page 36

Photograph 85: ‘The Officers. US sloop Adams 6 guns.[1874] Commander Rogers.

Photograph 86: Chart showing coastline –Valparaiso. Caption: ‘October 13th HMS Liffey [wood screw frigate 1856] arrived-Went to Santiago’.

Page 37: Santiago.

Photograph 87: General view looking across Santiago towards the Andes, photographed from the roof of the Gran Hotel.

Page 38: Santiago.

Photograph 88: View looking over the rooftops of Santiago towards the Cordilleras, with the Cerro Santa Lucia on the rocky hill in the middle ground.

Page 39: Santiago.

Page 89: View of the Chamber of Deputies, a large two storey building fronted by a Corinthian portico.

Page 40: Santiago.

Photograph 90: View looking along the Alameda towards an unidentified memorial column [?General Bernado O’Higgins].

Page 41: Santiago.

Photograph 91:’Old Spanish Bridge’.

Photograph 92: General view of the Plaza, looking across the sqyare towards the Gran Hotel Ingles.

Page 42: Santiago.

Photograph 93: General view of the monument erected on the site of the Church of the Campania, destroyed by fire 8 December 1863.

Page 43: HMS Shah.

Photograph 94: ‘The Upper Deck, looking forward’. [officers on flying bridge]

Photograph 95: ‘Looking Aft’.[Officers, Royal Marines and ratings on deck. Field gun in foreground].

Page 44: HMS Shah.

Photograph 96: ‘The stern gun, 9inch’.

Photograph 97: Group portrait of ship’s company’.[field gun in foreground].

Page 45: Passage to Coquimbo. Caption: ‘November 10th. Sailed from Valparaiso in the afternoon. Triumph and Liffey in company’.

Watercolour 92: HMS Shah under sail in company with Triumph [1870] and Liffey [1856] November 11th 1878. Caption: ‘November Tried rate of sailing with Triumph and Liffey. Fresh southerly breeze. Some swell. Result –Chasing to windward. In 41/2 hours, Shah gained on Triumph 8.2 on Liffey 2.7 miles. Running to leeward 8.7 and 10.6 miles. Triumph missed stays three times. Liffey once. Liffey delayed when running by a man falling overboard; he was picked up. Liffey much out of trim. November 12th arrived at Coquimbo. Pelican [composite screw sloop 1877].

Page 46: Coquimbo.

Photograph 99: ‘Coal stores, railway and smelting works’.[view looking along the waterfront].
Photograph 100: View looking down onto the harbour with HMS Shah [1873], Triumph [1870], Pelican [1877], Liffey [1856] and Nereus [1821] at anchor.

Page 47: HMS Shah. Caption: Flag hoisted onboard at Valparaiso April 22nd 1877; transferred to Triumph at Coquimbo December 22nd 1878. Sailed from England December 10th 1876. Sailed for England December 4th 1878’.

Photograph 101: Group portrait of Admiral, officers [and cat] on board HMS Shah. [underneath the photograph are their signatures].

Page 48: This page consists of a written technical description of HMS Triumph. Caption: Hoisted the flag of Rear Admiral A F R de Horsey, Commander-in-Chief –Pacific Station. December 2nd 1878 joined as Flag Captain [Bedford].

Page 49: Juan Fernandez.

Watercolour 102: Coast profile from WSW 12 miles, showing the Yunque or Anvil. Caption: ‘December 8th Left Coquimbo for Juan Fernandez. December 9th prize firing. December 10th Full speed trial for 12 hours, only averaged 8.8.knots. December 11th Moored in Cumberland Bay Juan Fernandez . December 14th Left for Valparaiso’.

Photograph 103: ‘Cumberland Bay, from Fort San Juan Bautista’. [ships in harbour].

Page 50: San Fernandez.

Watercolour 104: map of Juan Fernandez in pen and watercolour.

Photograph 105: ‘View of the Settlement and the Anvil’.

Pages 51 and 52: Juan Fernandez.

Watercolour 106: General view from the Shah moored in Cumberland Bay, showing the Anvil, Anson’s Valley, Selkirk’s Lookout, Fort S.Juan Bautista and the settlement. [a native craft in foreground].

Page 53: Juan Fernandez.

Watercolour 107: View across Cumberland Bay with HMS Triumph [1870] at anchor.[two thatched huts in foreground, two islanders with cow and dog].

Watercolour 108: View looking along the coastline from an old Spanish battery in West Bay. With two Spanish cannon lying in the grass in the foreground, and an arrow indicating the position of Selkirk’s Cave.

Page 55: San Fernandez.

Watercolour 109: View of Selkirk’s Lookout and the summit with two sailors posed beside the tablet erected to Selkirk’s memory in 1868.

Watercolour 110: View from Selkirk’s Lookout looking northward, with HMS Triumph [1870] at anchor in Cumberland Bay.

Page 56: Juan Fernandez.

Watercolour 111: the memorial tablet with inscription erected to Selkirk’s memory in 1868.

Watercolour 112: View from Selkirk’s Lookout looking south-eastward towards Sta,Clara Island. Two sailors in the foreground.

Page 57: Valparaiso.

Photograph 113: General view looking across the harbour, with waterfront at the right. Caption:’December 17th 1878 arrived at Valparaiso. Magicienne [1861] and Decres [1866] French there.

Photograph 114: photographic print of a painting showing Chileans dancing and playing instruments entitled ‘La Cueca En Valparaiso’.[traditional dance of Chile].

Page 58: Valparaiso.

Photograph 115: General view looking across the rooftops of the city towards the harbour.

Watercolour 116: View from HMS Shah [1873] looking towards the Valparaiso waterfront with Customs House and hills beyond. With French cruisers Magicienne [1861] and Decres [1866] moored in foreground.

Page 59: Near Valparaiso.

Photograph 117: Country scene near Valparaiso with peasants posed around carts loaded with timber. Caption: ‘January 4th 1879 Went out with Mr Guimaraens to his Hacienda at Marga-Marga to see a Trilla. Went by train to Quilpue, then drove 20 miles.

Photograph 118: View of a ranch with workers gathered with horses in front of a thatched hut.

Page 60: Marga-Marga.

Watercolour 119: View of the hacienda at Marga-Marga near Valparaiso. A ranchero in traditional dress on horse in foreground.

Page 61: Marga-Marga

Watercolour 120: View at Marga-Marga with sheep being roasted in foreground.

Photograph 121: Workers posed outside their hut at Casablanca, a village neat Marga-Marga.

Watercolour 122: ‘The house at Marga-Marga.

Object Details

ID: ALB0024
Type: Photograph Album
Display location: Not on display
Creator: Bedford, Frederick George Denham
Date made: 1878; 1878-1879 1879
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Measurements: Overall: 457mm x 381mm
Parts: Pacific Station in HMS Shah (1873) and HMS Triumph (1870) - April 1878 to January 1879