The Career of Admiral F. G. Bedford, covering the period October 1893 to April 1894.

Inside front cover: Admiral Bedford’s bookplate as described in Album 22.

Page 1
Photograph 1: ‘Simons Bay’. [General view looking over Simons’ Bay with ships at anchor].

Page 2
Watercolour 2: ‘Simon’s Bay from Red Hill’ [General view of Simonstown and bay from Red Hill with ships at anchor].

Page 3
Photograph 3: ‘Front entrance Admiralty House {Simon’s Bay]

Page 4
Watercolour 4: Sketch executed at South Point, Simon’s Bay 9th October 1893.
Watercolour 5: Sketch executed at South Point, Simon’s Bay 30th October 1893.

Page 5: Title: At Admiralty House, Simon’s Bay.
Image missing: ‘Three of the crew of the Albacore.
Image missing: ‘December 1893’.
Image missing: ‘Arthur and Jeannie’.
Image missing: ‘Bumboat Nell’.

Page 6
Watercolour 6: ‘Houts Bay’.
Watercolour 7: ‘At Stellenbosch’.[view of mountains and wood]. Caption: October 13th Drove from Wynberg round by Victoria Road to Cape Town. Mr and Mrs Byron and Dr Lightfoot came with us. November 6th House party ie (Mrs Brooksbank, Jeannie, Flag Lieutenant and ourselves) Started for Stellenbosch at 3 45pm stayed night..

Page 7
Watercolour 8: ‘Church St. Stellenbosch’.
Watercolour 9: ‘At French Hoek’. Caption: November 7th Started in two carts at 9 45am. Drove to French Hoek; lunched at Mrs Creeles. Left at 3pm and drove to Paarl. Put up at Royal Hotel. November 8th I saw the rest of the party off to Ceres Road at 10am and then returned to Cape Town.
November 10th very hot day. Party returned from Ceres. November 15th Raleigh returned from her cruise to Saldanha Bay. November 20th Oratorio at Cape Town Good Hope Hall St Paul. November 22nd Moonlight Garden Party at Admiralty House.

Page 8
Photograph 10: ‘In the wilderness. Admiralty House Garden’..

Page 9: Title: Simon’s Bay.
Watercolour 11: ‘Palm [trees] near Tennis Court, Admiralty House Garden’.
Watercolour 12: ‘Simonsberg from the road by Admiralty House’. Caption: December 6th Boys arrived in Norham Castle [Union Castle steamer 1883]. Mrs Brooksbank and Jeannie left in Scot Union Line steamer 1890].

Page 10: Title: Simon’s Bay
Watercolour 13: ‘South Point from Admiralty House Garden’.

Page 11: Title: Simon’s Bay.
Watercolour 14: ‘Simon’s Bay’.
Photograph 15: Tea party -Naval officer in summer uniform and [?] 2 ladies..
Photograph 16: Tea party –Naval officer in summer uniform, man in top hat. Caption: Views taken in Admiralty House Garden.
Watercolour 17: Simon’s Bay. [coastline from the sea].

Page 12: Title: Simon’s Bay To Walfisch Bay and St Helena 1894.
Watercolour 18: ‘The Settlement, Walfisch Bay’.
Watercolour 19: Coastline from the sea, showing George Island, Gill Point, King and Queen Point, Signal Station, St Helena. Caption giving dates of movements between leaving Cape Town on January 12th and arrival at St Helena 22nd January 1894.

Page 13: Title: St Helena.
Photograph 20: ‘Main Street, Jamestown looking towards the sea’.[shows memorial fountain erected 1891 and removed 1990 and now lost].
Photograph 21: ‘In the Castle Garden’ .
Photograph 22: ‘Main Street Jamestown looking up the valley [St James Church in the foreground].

Page 14: Title: St Helena

Photograph 23: ‘Some of the inhabitants’. [local children with donkey].
Photograph 24: ‘Rupert’s Valley, St Helena’. Caption: January 22nd Exchanged visits with Governor. January 23rd Went up to stay at Plantation. January 24th Very hot, cloudless day. Walked up to Actaeon and Diana Peaks. Dance in evening at Plantation. January 26th Garrison picnic at Farm Lodge, prettily situated at head of Lemon Valley. Lunch, Races,Sports.

Page 15: Title: St Helena.

Photograph 25: General view of Plantation House and surrounding land.
Photograph 26: View in the grounds of Plantation House.
Caption: January 26th. Raining until noon. Cricket match at Plantation. Raleigh v Garrison won by latter. Charades and dance at Colonel Macleans –Rosemary Hall.

Page 16: Title: St Helena.
Photograph 27: ‘Group photograph at Farm Lodge (Garrison Picnic) January 25th 1894. [Negative number P47383].

Page 17: Title: St Helena.
Photograph 28: View looking towards Sandy Bay, with the outcrop known as Lot in the middle distance.
Photograph 29: ‘The Cathedral Church of St Paul’s’.

Page 18: Title: St Helena.
Watercolour 30: ‘View from Stitch Ridge’ [with Mount Pleasant in the foreground].
Watercolour 31: ‘View from front of Plantation House’. Caption: January 28th Sailed for Ascension at 6am.

Page 19: Title: Ascension.
Watercolour 32: View of Fort Thornton from the moorings.

Page 20: Title: Ascension.
Photograph 33: ‘A Roller’.
Photograph 34: ‘Heavy double rollers at the Turtle Pond. From a sketch by Mr Sandys RN. February /95’.
Photograph 35: ‘View of Georgetown from Hayes Hill. Caption: January 29th Very light trade-sea very smooth –made good 200’. January 30th the same – made 206’. January 31st the same –made 208’. Sighted Ascension at noon; top in clouds. Picked up buoy at 5 30pm. [HMS] Blonde [1889] and Wye [1873] here.

Page 21: Title: Ascension. Green Mountain February 2nd.
Photograph 36: ‘The Farm Superintendent’s Cottage’ [on Green Mountain].
Photograph 37: ‘The Garden Cottage’ [on Green Mountain].
Photograph 38: ‘The Mountain Hospital [Green Mountain].
Photograph 39: ‘Farm Superintendent’s Cottage’.

Page 22: Title: Ascension. Green Mountain February 2nd.
Photograph 40: ‘Stables and Clock Tower, Green Mountain’.
Watercolour 41: View looking down onto the Mountain Hospital, Green Mountain.

Watercolour 42: Distant view of the stables and clock tower from the Mountain Hospital.

Page 23:
Photograph 43: General view looking down onto clock tower and stables, Green Mountain. Print partially obscured by sketch pasted over.
Photograph 44: Ship underway [probably HMS Raleigh (1873).
Watercolour 45: ‘Old Craters near Wide-a-wake Fair’. Caption: February 3rd Blonde sailed for Cape. February 5th Sailed for Sierra Leone 10 30am. February 6th Undersail, made 136. February 7th Commenced steaming 10 30 am, made 114’. February 8th Calm, very hot, made 164’. February 9th Calm, very hot, made 180’. February 10th made 106’.

Page 24: Title: Ascension.
Watercolour 46: ‘Natural Arch on east side of Clarence Bay’.

Page 25: Title: Sierra Leone.
Photograph 47: ‘Susan’s Bay’[Sierra Leone].
Photograph 48: ‘Kissy Street’ [Freetown, Sierra Leone]. Caption: February 11th Calm, very hot –made 179’. Arrived at Sierra Leone 5pm. February 12th Exchanged visits with Governor. February 13th Telegram from Admiralty that will probably alter movements.. February 14th Widgeon [1889] and Magpie [1889] arrived. February 15th Alecto [1882] arrived. 11pm Magpie [1889] and Alecto [1882] sailed. February 16th Coaled and left for Bathurst at 11 30pm. February 17th Passed Alecto at 8am. February 18th At Fairway Buoy 4pm. Magpie waiting for us. Anchored off town of Bathurst at 6pm.

Page 26: Title: Sierra Leone
Watercolour 49: ‘View from the Anchorage’ [Negative number P47384].

Page 27: Title: Bathurst, Gambia.
Watercolour 50: Foreshore and landing pier at Bathurst from the sea.
Photograph 51: ‘Landing at Bathurst (photo by Dr Prout).
Photograph 52: ‘Landing at the Government Pier [negative number P47385]
Photograph 53: ‘The Barracks’. Caption: 19th February Ultimatum ordered to be sent to Fodey Silah [Fodeh Sillah] by the Colonial Office. Council met. Ultimatum sent off in afternoon. Answer by Wednesday evening. 20th February Captain and Staff Commander surveyed Medina Creek one arm runs up near to Birkama where Fodeh Sillah was. Landing (Kembujeh) reported very good.

Page 28: Title: Bathurst.
Photograph 54: ‘Landing Party in Macarthy Square’.
Watercolour 55: Waterfront area showing the Bathurst Trading Company’s premises.
Photograph 56: Parade ground. Caption: 21st February Staff Commander surveyed Lamin Creek 9 30pm Message from Administrator to say ultimatum was not accepted. Issued orders.

Page 29: Title: Bathurst.
Watercolour 57:’At Taurankato’ [showing native woman pounding grain].

Page 31: Title: Bathhurst
Watercolour 58: ‘The Entrance to the Gambia River from Fort St Mary.
Watercolour 59: General view of Fort St Mary.
Page 33: Title: Bathurst.
Watercolour 60: A view of Government House from the sea.
Photograph 61: General view of the seaward façade of Government House from the beach.

Page 35: Title: Bathhurst.
Watercolour 62: A view from the sea of a bamboo stockade, road to Gunjur just to right.

Page 37: Title: Bathurst.
Watercolour 63: ‘A rough idea of the landing as seen from Alecto’ [1882].

Page 40: Title: Bathurst.
Watercolour 64: ‘Kembujeh Landing: the scene of the fight of February 23rd (negative number P47391) [blue jackets on shore and in steam pinnace on river].

Page 41: Title: Bathurst.
Watercolour 65: Kembujeh Landing: the scene of the fight February 23rd.

Page 43: Title: Bathurst.
Watercolour 66: ‘Remains of stockade’.
Pages 29-43 contain a handwritten account by Admiral Bedford of the punitive anti-slavery Gambia expedition which took place between February 22nd –March 21st 1894.

Page 44: Title: Bathurst.
Caption: March 22nd Embarked 5 officers and 155 men WIR [West India Regiment] also Major Fairlough O.C.T. WA.
Photograph 67: Admiral, Secretary and Flag Lieutenant in front of Government House.
Photograph 68: View in front of Government House.
Photograph 69: ‘The Pier’.
Photograph 70: ‘Oyster Creek Bridge’.
Photograph 71: ‘Fort St Mary’.
Photograph 72: ‘Fort St Mary Interior’.
Photograph 73: ‘Post at Oyster Creek Bridge’ [post held by Lt.RN –bluejackets in background].
Photograph 74: Parade Ground –West Indian Regiment.
Photograph 75: ‘1st West India Regiment’.

Page 45: Title: Bathurst at Ganjur. March 7th to 10th [1894].
Photograph 76: ‘Watching the shell fire on board Magpie [officers grouped round QF gun]
Photograph 77: ‘Onboard the Alecto [1882] watching the firing.
Photograph 78: ‘Carriers etc onboard Alecto [1882].
Photograph 79: ‘Widgeon [1889] & Magpie [1889] shelling Gunjur. Admiral & staff going onboard Alecto.[1882]
Photograph 80: ‘Landing party waiting orders to shove off’.
Photograph 81: Landing party sailing away from Alecto.
Photograph 82: [Landing party] ‘Making for shore’.
Photograph 83: ‘Landed’.
Photograph 84: ‘At Gunjur’.[group photograph of officers sitting under a tree]

Page 46: Title: Bathurst March 20th & 21st 1894.
Photograph 85: ‘At Kembujeh Landing’.
Photograph 86: ‘At Kembujeh Landing’
Photograph 87: ‘At Kembujeh Landing’.
Photograph 88: ‘Lieut.Arnold shot February 29th [23rd] 1894’[Mandina Creek -site of death of Lt William Henry Arnold, HMS Raleigh].
Photograph 89: ‘At Kembujeh Landing’.
Photograph 90: ‘At Busumballa’.
Photograph 91: ‘At Birkama’.
Photograph 92: ‘At Busumballa’.
Photograph 93: ‘Embarking at Lamin’.

Page 47:Title; Sierra Leone.
Photograph 94: ‘Freetown from the anchorage’.
Photograph 95: ‘St George’s Cathedral’.
Caption: March 23rd Going about 10. March 24th Anchored Sierra Leone at 8 30am Commenced coaling immediately. Landed W.I.R.{West Indian Regiment] New Administrator here, Colonel Cardew. Widgeon [1889] waiting orders. Sent her off to Monrovia at St Helena. 10 30pm finished.

Page 48: Title: Sierra Leone.
Photograph 96: ‘Kissy Street, over bridge’.
Photograph 97: ‘Sackville Street’.
Caption: March 24th cont’d. Coaling having received 340 tons. Received a telegram from Governor of Gambia informing me that he had been officially informed by Governor of Senegal that Fodey Silah gave himself up to the French with 200 warriors on March 11th. March 25th sailed at 8am.

Page 49: Title: Ascension.
Photograph 98: ‘Fort Thornton, Pier etc’.
Photograph 99: ‘At Green Mountain’.
Caption: March 26th Light W.N.W. breeze made 186’. March 27th Calm made 189’. March 28th Light E.S.E. made 189’.

Page 50: Ascension.
Photograph 100: ‘Wide-A-Wake Fair. Visited March 31st’.[naval officers standing in bird colony wide-a-wake local term used for seabird sooty tern].
Photograph 101: ‘Entrance to Elliot’s Pass, Green Mountain’.
Caption: March 29th Fore & Aft sails set. Made 208’. March 30th Sighted Ascension at 7am. Anchored at 10 30. Landed at 5pm. Walk with Captain of Island’.

Page 51: Title: Ascension.
Watercolour 102: ‘The Blowhole, Deadman’s Beach –Visited March 30th [1894].

Page 52: Title: Ascension.
Watercolour 103: View of Green Mountain showing Weather Point and White Hill.
Watercolour 104: ‘The Ascension Tree. A remarkable cloud that forms in the afternoon from the west’.
Photograph 105: ‘The Captain’s Cottage’.
Caption: April 1st -April 4th not much trade, made 129’,169’,179’,177’.

Page 53: Title: St Helena
Photograph 106: ‘Jamestown from the Anchorage’.
Photograph 107: ‘At the Briars’.

Page 54
Photograph 108: HMS Racoon. [torpedo cruiser launched 1887. At anchor, St Helena].
Photograph 109: HMS Widgeon [gunboat launched 1889. At anchor. A small faded print].
Photograph 110: ‘Simons Bay’ [anchorage showing St George [1892], Raleigh [1873], Penelope [1867] and Grafton [1892]. Caption: April 5th Widgeon arrived. Embarked in Racoon left in the evening. Raleigh sailed for Tristan da Chuna.

Page 55:
Photograph 111: General view of Simon’s Bay.

Page 56: Title Simons Bay.
Page contains details of miles covered between April 6th and 13th 1894 and following text: ‘April 13th Lovely day. Table Mountain in sight at daylight. Arrived at Simon’s Bay and took in moorings at 2 45pm. HMS Penelope [1867], Blonde [1889] and Swallow [1885] here. All well. April 16th Called on Administrator General Sir W.Cameron. Saw Lt Boyle at Somerset Hospital, he was progressing slowly; doctors hopeful about him. April 28th Phoebe [1890] arrived at Table Bay from West Coast. Mat 2nd Raleigh arrived from Tristan da Cunha. May 5th Swallow sailed.

Page 57: Title: Bathurst.
Photograph 112: Officers and ratings at landing place with boats.
Photograph 113: Officers resting under trees.
Photograph 114: Officers and small herd of goats.
Photograph 115: Officers and ratings at landing place with boats.
Photograph 116: Two members of the West Indian Regiment with two field guns, a rifles and boxes of ammunition.

Page 58: Title: Bathhurst.
Photograph 117: Three officers on deck of ship.
Photograph 118: Five Africans on deck of ship.
Photograph 119: Africans carrying supplies.
Photograph 120: Officers and Africans making camp?.
Photograph 121: Eight officers having a discussion under a tree.
Photograph 122: Africans seated under a tree.
Photograph 123: Officers, West Indian Regiment and ratings.

Page 59:
Photograph 124: Graves at Bathurst of officers and men killed at Kembujeh landing on February 23rd 1894.
Photograph 125: Grave of Lt W H Arnold with temporary cross.
Photograph 126: Grave of Lt W H Arnold with inscription.

Page 60: Title: Simons Bay.
Photograph 127: ‘Admiralty House’.
Photograph 128: ‘Dockyard Chapel’.
Photograph 129: Main Street, Simon’s Town. [ratings and band marching down street]

Page 61
Photograph 130: ‘The Sailors Home, Simon’s Town’.

Page 62
Photograph 131: HMS Raleigh [1873]. Simon’s Bay [negative number P47393]

Photograph 132: loose photograph in back of album of a civic dinner –unidentified location.

Object Details

ID: ALB0026
Type: Photograph Album
Display location: Not on display
Creator: Bedford, Frederick George Denham
Date made: 1894
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Measurements: Overall: 278mm x 375mm x 34 mm

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