News cuttings relating to Admiral Bedford's career, 1892-4

Page 1
Ephemera 1; newspaper cutting ‘Simons Town Entertainment’.n.d. Account of performance of Black Eyed Susan and attendance of Rear Admiral Bedford and wife.
Ephemera 2: programme of ‘Nautical Burlesque Two Lovely Black-Ey’d Susan Under the Patronage of Rear-Admiral Bedford CB and Officers of HM Fleet.

Page 2
Ephemera 3: newspaper cutting relating to The Kimberley Exhibition, 1892.
Ephemera 4: newspaper cutting relating to HMS Raleigh [1873], 1892.
Ephemera 5: newspaper cutting –Movements of Warships, 1892.

Page 3
Ephemera 6: letter of thanks from Secretary South African and International Exhibition to Rear Admiral Bedford 10th April 1893.
Ephemera 7 : newspaper cutting from St Helena Guardian January 10th 1893 relating to visit of HMS Raleigh (1873) to St Helena.

Page 4
Ephemera 8: five newspaper cuttings from the Freetown Weekly News 4th February 1893 relating to the visit and tour of inspection of Rear Admiral Bedford [HMS Raleigh] to Sierra Leone.

Page 5
Ephemera 9: menu of dinner held at Government House [Freetown] 2nd February 1893 in honour of Rear Admiral Bedford.
Ephemera 10: newspaper cutting from the St Helena Guardian 10th August 1893 relating to the naval station at Ascension Island and competing merits of St Helena.

Page 6
Ephemera 11: two newspaper cuttings Ladies Letters 25th April 1893 relating to a dance given by Rear Admiral and Mrs Bedford at Government House, Simonstown.

Page 7
Ephemera 12: programme ‘Grand Concert in aid of Church England School Funds…Simonstown 1st December 1892. Attended by Rear Admiral Bedford and officers of HMS Raleigh (1873).

Page 8
Ephemera 13: newspaper cutting 3rd May 1893 entitled ‘The News of the Day’ relating to the visit by the Governor and Lady Loch to Admiralty House, Simonstown.
Ephemera 14: newspaper cutting 13th May 1893 relating to a dance given by Captain Gamble and officers of HMS Raleigh (1873) at the Simon’s Bay naval station.
Ephemera 15: Programme ‘Wesleyan Day Schools Prize Distribution 23rd March 1893’. Prizes presented by Mrs Bedford.

Page 9: blank page.

Page 10
Ephemera 16: two newspaper cuttings 23rd May 1893 relating to the arrival of Rear Admiral and Mrs Bedford at Johannesburg to attend the Queen’s Birthday Ball.
Ephemera 17: newspaper cutting n.d reporting the attendance of Rear Admiral Bedford at The Caledonian Sports, Johannesburg.
Ephemera 18: Programme of Caledonian Sports 24th May 1893.

Page 11
Ephemera 19: programme of the romantic drama ‘Rip Van Winkle’ by Joseph Jefferson performed at the Standard Theatre, Johannesburg.

Page 12
Ephemera 20: newspaper cutting n.d. relating to the Queen’s Birthday Ball held in Johannesburg and attended by Rear Admiral Bedford and his wife.
Ephemera 21: invitation to Fancy Dress Ball, Queen’s Birthday 24th May 1893.
Ephemera 22: newspaper cutting n.d. reporting the arrival at Johannesburg of Rear Admiral and his wife.
Ephemera 23: two newspaper cuttings reporting the departure of Rear Admiral Bedford and his wife for Port Elizabeth.

Page 13
Ephemera 24: newspaper cutting n.d.reporting on the Queen’s Fancy Dress Ball at Wanderer’s Hall.
Ephemera 25: newspaper cutting n.d. reporting on comments made in the paper Zuid Afrikaan relating to Rear Admiral Bedford.

Page 14
Ephemera 26: newspaper cutting n.d.relating to the visit of Rear Admiral Bedford to Natal.
Ephemera 27: newspaper cutting n.d.relating to arrival of HMS Swallow [1885] ?Natal.
Ephemera 28: newspaper cutting n.d entitled ‘Departure of Admiral Bedford’.
Ephemera 29: ‘humorous’ newspaper cutting relating to Durbanite and Maritzburgite.
Ephemera 30: ‘humorous’cutting from Manchester Evening Mail relating to job application for bookkeeper for South African bank.

Page 15
Ephemera 31: programme for three plays including ‘Barbara’ by Jerome K Jerome performed at Theatre Royal, Durban n.d.

Page 16
Ephemera 32: seven envelopes [one loose] addressed to Rear Admiral Bedford, HMS Raleigh [1873].

Page 17
Ephemera 33: 5 envelopes addressed to Rear Admiral Bedford.

Page 18
Ephemera 34: four envelopes addressed to Rear Admiral Bedford.

Page 19
Ephemera 35: 6 envelopes addressed to Rear Admiral Bedford.

Page 20
Ephemera 36: six newspaper cuttings relating to Rear Admiral Bedford’s visit to Zanzibar 1893.

Pages 21 and 22
Ephemera 37: newspaper cutting from the Zanzibar Gazette 12th July 1893 reporting on the visit of Rear Admiral Bedford, HMS Raleigh to Zanzibar. Also a report dated 6th September 1893 on the Kismayu incident involving HMS Blanche (1885).
Ephemera 38: The Gazette For Zanzibar and East Africa March 8th 1893 –reporting the death of the Sultan, Sayyid Ali Bin Said, the repercussions on the country and the accession of Sayyid Hamed Bin Thwain.

Page 23
Ephemera 37: continuation from page 22 relating to the expedition to Kismayu.
Ephemera 38: newspaper cutting n.d.relating to Rear Admiral Bedford.
Ephemera 39: newspaper cutting from The Times n.d.reporting the naval operations in the Mwpa district (Nyassland).

Page 24: Title: Simon’s Bay
Ephemera 40: 3 newspaper cuttings n.d.relating to Rear Admiral Bedford and the cruise of HMS Raleigh.
Ephemera 41: letter from the South African Museum to Rear Admiral Bedford 6th October 1893 concerning the biting power of the African crocodile.

Page 25
Ephemera 41: 3 newspaper cuttings relating to art exhibitions and choral society concert attended by Rear Admiral Bedford at Cape Town.

Page 26
Ephemera 42: programme for ‘Charley’s Aunt’ comedy performed at Good Hope Hall, Cape Town 13th December 1893.

Page 27
Ephemera 43: decorated card containing wine list for banquet held at the Good Hope Hall to welcome The Hon.C.J.Rhodes on his return from Rhodesia 6th January 1894.
Ephemera 44: decorated menu card for banquet as above.

Pages 27-32
Ephemera 45: newspaper cutting from The Cape Argus, 8th January 1894 reporting on the banquet given in honour of Cecil Rhodes.

Page 32
Ephemera 46: newscutting ‘The News of the Day’ reporting the departure of HMS Raleigh from Simonstown on a cruise up the West Coast [of Africa].
Ephemera 47: programme ‘The cruise of the Abacore’ a musical burlesque.

Page 33
Ephemera 48: programme ‘The cruise of HMS Abacore’ by Sons of Neptune.

Pages 34-35
Ephemera 49: newspaper cutting from the St Helena Guardian 25th January 1894 relating to Admiral Bedford’s visit to St Helena.

Page 34
Ephemera 50: programme ‘Entertainment in Garrison Theatre’{St Helena].
Ephemera 51: programme Rosemary Hall [St Helena] 25th January 1895.
Ephemera 52: newspaper cutting n.d. relating to the departure of HMS Raleigh and Admiral Bedford from St Helena for Ascension Island.
Ephemera 53: newspaper cutting n.d. relating to visit of HMS Raleigh to St Helena.

Pages 36-37
Ephemera 54: newspaper cutting The Sierra Leone Times n.d. relating to Waima incident (3 British officers and seven men of West Indian regiment were killed by French troops) and racial prejudice against West Indian soldiers.

Page 37
Ephemera 55: visiting card of Prophet Browne, Sierra Leone.
Ephemera 56: visiting card of Jacob Barber, African Explorer.

Pages 38-39
Ephemera 57: newspaper cutting ‘Inaugural Address of Joseph Cheeseman Seventh President of Liberia 1 January 1894’.

Page 40
Ephemera 58: letter from Rene Samuel Hamilton (born in Lagos and student of Weslyan High School) asking (presumably) Admiral Bedford for a clerical job in Royal Navy.

Page 41: blank page.
Page 42
Ephemera 59: newspaper cutting from The Times n.d. relating to the award of the Distinguished Service Order to Lieutenant Lewes, HMS Blanche for services during the Kismayu expedition 1893.
Ephemera 60: London Gazette 12th December 1893 –despatches and reports relating to the operations of the naval brigades at Lamu and Kismayu.

Page 43: blank page.

Pages 44-45
Ephemera 60: newspaper cuttings from The Gambia Intelligence 28th February 1894 relating to the arrival of Admiral Bedford and HMS Raleigh and an account of the expedition against ‘Foday Sillah, King of Combo’.[The Gambia].

Pages 46-49
Ephemera 61: newspaper cuttings from The Gambia Intelligence 15th March 1894 relating to the expedition against Fodeh Sillah in the Gambia.

Pages 50-51
Ephemera 62: newspaper cutting ‘British Reverse in West Africa 1st March 1894 –account of expedition against Fodeh Sillah and lists of officers killed.

Page 52
Ephemera 63: newspaper cutting ‘The Fighting in West Africa Bathurst 2nd March [1894].
Ephemera 64: newspaper cutting ‘The Gambia Campaign The Capture of Bosumballa’ with illustration of Captain Edward H Gamble, HMS Raleigh.

Page 53
Ephemera 65: article n.d. entitled ‘Severe Fighting on The Gambia’-an account of the ambush of the naval brigades at Kembujeh creek . Photograph of Mr Llewellyn (administrator of the Gambia) with Senegambian chiefs on the steps of Government House, Bathurst.
Ephemera 66: piece of card on which is written ‘Naval Mounted Messenger, Mr Fitzmaurice Flag Lieutenant and official seal.

Page 54
Ephemera 67: cutting 3rd March 1894 -account of fighting in the Gambia with three half tone illustrations of HMS Raleigh (1873), Widgeon (1889) and Magpie (1889).

Page 55
Ephemera 68: two half tone illustrations of Lieutenant Francis W Hervey and Sub-Lieutenant F W Meister both killed in West Africa.
Ephemera 69: half-tone illustration of Lieutenant W H Arnold killed in West Africa.
Ephemera 70: half –tone illustration entitled ‘The Fighting in West Africa –A Street in Bathurst’.
Ephemera 71: half-tone illustration entitled ‘The Fighting in West Africa-The Barracks, Bathurst. NB –handwritten comment next to these illustrations ‘Supposed to be Sierra Leone. Nothing like it at Bathurst’.

Page 56
Ephemera 72: newspaper cutting ‘Raleigh Men in Action’. 24th February 1894.
Ephemera 73: newspaper cutting from The Cape Times n.d. ‘The Raleigh Disaster’.
Ephemera 74: newspaper cutting n.d. relating to expedition against Fodeh Sillhah.
Ephemera 75: newspaper cutting n.d. ‘After the Gambia Campaign’ with woodcut illustration from the Daily Graphic entitled, ‘A visiting party from the West African Fleet at Kambuji Creek, the scene of British disaster on the Gambia’.

Page 57
Ephemera 76: cutting from the Pall Mall Budget n.d. ‘The British Reverse in West Africa’ with half-tone illustration of two members of the Jollofs tribe.

Page 58
Ephemera 77: small poster relating to a public meeting to be held between the Headmen of Combo and HE Llewelyn, Administrator of Gambia 19 March 1894.
Ephemera 78: translation of letter from Fodeh Sillah.
Ephemera 79: original letter (loose) in Arabic from Fodeh Sillah.
Ephemera 80: manuscript entitled ‘Landing Party’ listing numbers of officers and men involved from Magpie and Widgeon , their rations and arms and ammunition. Handwrtiten note: Lieut.Arnold’s writing. Picked up at Kimbujeh Landing 20.3.94.

Page 59
Ephemera 81: newspaper cutting n.d. ‘West Coast Operations. Interview with Admiral [Bedford].

Pages 60 -61
Ephemera 82: newspaper cutting from ‘Sierra Leone Local Rag’ relating to the Gambia Expedition.
Ephemera 83: letter (loose) from W H Holmes, Cape Town 24th March 1894 to Admiral Bedford.

Page 62
Ephemera 84: cutting from the Daily Graphic 11th April 1894. Three woodcut illustrations depicting –The Burning Village of Busumbulla; Governor, Admiral and Staff watching the inhabitants of Sukutta pull down the stockade; Crossing a stream in the bush. Colonel Corbet’s force on the march.

Page 63
Ephemera 85: woodcut illustration from Daily Graphic –‘The Gambia Campaign: The Naval Brigade preparing to land on the Combo Coast for the destruction of Fodi Silah’s stronghold at Gonjor’.

Page 64
Ephemera 86: line drawing of [HMS] Mosquito [1890].
Ephemera 87: line drawing ‘Map showing Tete where the firing took place and the route to be taken by the Rhodes telegraph’. [annotation by Bedford, ‘There was no firing at all’].
Ephemera 88: line drawing ‘The Stern-wheel Gunboat Mosquito from which the British firing party is reported to have landed.

Page 65
Ephemera 89: newspaper cutting dated 4th May 1894 reporting on a ball given by Admiral and Mrs Bedford in Admiralty House, Simons Town.

Page 66
Ephemera 90: newspaper cutting from The Cape Argus May 18th 1894 reporting the opening of Parliament in South Africa

Page 67
Ephemera 91: newspaper cutting from The Cape Times May 19th 1894 relating to a speech in expenditure in House of Assembly.

Ephemera 92: ticket [loose] issued to Mrs Bedford for admittance to Opening of Parliament 18th May 1894.
Ephemera 93: programme [loose] of music, HMS Raleigh signed J Stevens, Bandmaster.

Page 68
Ephemera 94: newspaper cutting ‘The Birthday Levee’ 24th May 1894.
Ephemera 95: newspaper cutting ‘Review Cancelled’ [for Queen’s Birthday].

Page 69
Ephemera 96: newspaper cutting n.d. ‘Dinner at Government House’ [attended by Rear Admiral Bedford].
Ephemera 97: menu for dinner in honour of Queen Victoria’s birthday.
Ephemera 98: programme of musical pieces to be performed for Queen’s birthday.

Page 70
Ephemera 99: programme for performance of Cinderella by Boys Mission School [Simon’s Bay].
Ephemera 100: invitation to a dance on board RMS Tantallon Castle [Union Castle Line] 8th June 1894.
Ephemera 101: programme [cover only] RMS Tantallon Castle.
Ephemera 102: instructions for gentlemen attending dance.
Ephemera 103: menu for supper on board RMS Tantallan Castle 8th June 1894.
Ephemera 104: card listing names of captain and officers of RMS Tantallan Castle.
Ephemera 105: programme ‘Port Elizabeth Club’.

Page 71: title: Port Elizabeth June 10th 1894.
Ephemera 106: programme [printed on silk] ‘Wirth Bros Colossal Australian Circus Port Elizabeth, South Africa June 11th 1894 under the patronage of Rear Admiral Bedford, Captain Gamble and officers of HMS Raleigh.
Ephemera 107; newspaper cutting n.d. reporting on Wirth’s circus performance attended by Rear Admiral Bedford.

Page 72
Ephemera 108: newspaper cutting from the Natal Mercury 18th June 1894 relating to the arrival of Rear Admiral Bedford and HMS Raleigh at Natal.
Ephemera 109: newspaper cutting from Natal Witness 18th June 1894 relating to reception given for Rear Admiral Bedford.
Ephemera 110: newspaper cutting from Natal Witness 20th June 1894 relating to visit of Rear Admiral Bedford to the Legislative Assembly.
Ephemera 111: Agenda for meeting of Legislative Assembly Natal 19th June 1894.

Page 73
Ephemera 112: ‘Arrangements for Admiral Bedford’s Visit to Natal. Draft plan.

Page 74
Ephemera 113: Order of Service St John Baptist’s Day HMS Raleigh.
Ephemera 114: list of British and German ships on East African Station.
Ephemera 115: programme of Cape and East Coast Squadron Regatta 5th & 7th July 1894.
Ephemera 116: draft programme for Smoking Concert 6th July 1894 on HMS Raleigh.

Page 75
Ephemera 117: newspaper cutting 4th July 1894 relating to arrival of Rear Admiral Bedford and squadron in Zanzibar.
Ephemera 118: menu card.
Ephemera 119: menu card.
Ephemera 120: invitation card –Admiral and Mrs Bedford to meet Messrs Cowasjee Dinshaw and Bros. 7th July 1894.

Page 76
Ephemera 121: telegram to Admiral Bedford, Zanzibar Station 3rd July 1894 –‘My warmest thanks to you and squadron for kind congratulations. George’.[presumably Duke of York later George V].

Page 77
Ephemera 122: watercolour and crayon drawing of HMS Raleigh with caption, ‘Drawn by an Indian Mahometan after visiting the Raleigh at Kilindini 19 July 1894 and sent to me [Bedford] the same evening.

Page 78: title: Zanzibar
Ephemera 123: newspaper cutting n.d. relating to cricket match played between the East African Squadron and Zanzibar Cricket Club 9th & 10th July 1894.
Ephemera 124: programme Cape of Good Hope and East Coast Squadron Regatta 16th & 17th July [1894].
Ephemera 125: newspaper cutting 15th August 1894 relating to Zanzibar cricket match.

Page 79
Ephemera 126: newspaper cutting The Gazette 11th July 1894 relating to Bedford’s visit to Zanzibar.

Pages 80-81
Ephemera 127: newspaper cuttings from East African News 25th July and 8th August 1894 relating to Bedford’s visit to Zanzibar.

Page 82
Ephemera 128: newspaper cutting ‘Our port compared with that of Natal’ 16th August 1894.
Ephemera 129: newspaper cutting 24th August 1894 reporting on arrival of HMS Raleigh in Simon’s Bay.

Page 83
Ephemera 130: newspaper cutting n.d.’Cruise of the Raleigh. Movements of the Cape Fleet’.
Ephemera 131: newspaper cutting n.d. reporting on the trouble in Lamu [East Africa]. Report on Raleigh’s visit to Zanzibar.
Ephemera 132: newspaper cuttings relating to operations at Benin and chief Nana.

Page 84 - Repro ID8231-001
Ephemera 133: newspaper cutting n.d. ‘Concert at Simon’s Town’ [HMS Raleigh].
Ephemera 134: newspaper cutting , ‘The West Coast of Africa. Storming of Nana’s Stronghold’.
Ephemera 135: newspaper cutting, ‘Nana. The Trouble in British West Africa’.
Ephemera 136: newspaper cutting, ‘The British Operations in West Africa’.
Ephemera 137: newspaper cutting 24th September 1894, The Operations in West Africa. Nana’s Town Shelled.
Ephemera 138: newspaper cutting 16th October 1894, ‘Return of the Philomel [1890]. Operations against the Benin Chief’.
Ephemera 139: programme ‘Royal Naval Canteen’.

Page 85
Ephemera 140: newspaper cutting n.d. relating to the Nana Campaign.
Ephemera 141: newspaper cutting n.d. ‘The Fighting on the West Coast’ [Nana Campaign].

Page 86
Ephemera 142: newspaper cuttings 3rd October 1894 ‘The Fight With Nana, Gallantry of British Sailors, Sir Alfred Jephson’s Story’. ‘The Operations against Nana’.
Ephemera 143: newspaper cutting n.d. ‘British Pluck’[Nana Campaign].
Ephemera 144: woodcut illustration: ‘The Fighting on the Niger Coast: Sketches at the burning of the native town Oteghele’.

Page 87
Ephemera 145:newspaper cutting 25th October 1894 ‘Out of the Jaws of Death. Interview with a Hero of the Nana Operations’.[Stoker Joseph Herbert Perkins, HMS Alecto.

Page 88
Ephemera 146: cutting from The Naval and Military Record 11th October 1894, ‘The Storming of Nana’s Stronghold’.

Pages 88 and 89
Ephemera 147: newspaper cutting n.d. ‘The Expedition Against Nana’.
Ephemera 148: newspaper cutting n.d. ‘The Defeat of Nana’.

Page 90
Ephemera 149: newspaper cutting n.d.’The Operations against Nana Town’.
Ephemera 150: newspaper cutting n.d. ‘The Punishment of Nana’.
Ephemera 151: woodcut illustration from the Daily Graphic,’The Trouble on the West Coast of Africa: Some snapshots taken during the operations against the Chief Nana’.
Ephemera 152: woodcut illustration from the Cape Town Weekly Edition 14th November 1894, ‘The Opening of the Art Exhibition in the Mutual Hall’.
Ephemera 153; letter from the Director of the South African Museum, Cape Town to Admiral Bedford 26th November 1894 thanking the Admiral for the donation of a ‘curious East-African Native Wooden Machine apparently contrived to pound…fruits’.

Page 91 - Repro ID8231-002
Ephemera 154: newspaper cutting n.d.’Down the Road’ relating to the celebration of the Navy in Simon’s Town.
Ephemera 155: newspaper cutting n.d. ‘HMS St George’ reporting on her arrival as Flagship, Simon’s Town.

Page 92
Ephemera 156: handwritten programme, ‘Simon’s Town Public School. Distribution of Prizes 20th December 1894…by Admiral Bedford’.

Page 93
Ephemera 157: newspaper cutting n.d.’Simon’s Town Public School –report on prize giving.

Pages 93 -96
Ephemera 158: newspaper cutting 15th December 1894, ‘All Saints’ Bazaar. Opening by Lady Loch’.

Page 96
Ephemera 159: woodcut illustration from The Cape Town Weekly Edition 19th December 1894,’Sketches at All Saints’ Fair’.
Ephemera 160: menu card of banquet for General Sir W.G.Cameron 22nd December 1894.
Ephemera 161: ‘Toast List’.

Page 97
Ephemera 162: newspaper cutting n.d. announcing award of Admiral Bedford’s KCB for services on West African coast.
Ephemera 163: newspaper cutting n.d ‘General Sir W Cameron Farewell Banquet in Cape Town’.

Pages 98-99
Ephemera 164: newspaper cutting from The Cape Times 24th December 1894 –reporting the farewell banquet for General Cameron, military commander of the Cape.

Page 100-101
Ephemera 165: newspaper cutting The Cape Times 29th December 1894, ‘Government Ball’.

Page 102:
Ephemera 166: half tone illustration of General Sir William Cameron KCB,
Ephemera 167: newspaper cuttings n.d.relating to departure of General Cameron from South Africa.

Page 103
Ephemera 168: newspaper cutting n.d. relating to visit of HMS St George to Table Bay.

Page 104
Ephemera 169: home-made Christmas card.

Page 105
Ephemera 170: newspaper cutting n.d. ‘Ladies Column’ and Cape Town summary of events in 1894.
Ephemera 171: crude watercolour sketch of two boats.

Object Details

ID: ALB0027
Type: Photograph album
Display location: Not on display
Creator: Bedford, Frederick George Denham
Date made: 1894
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Measurements: Overall: 335mm x 250mm

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