Letterbook kept by Fitzroy Pleydell Goddard, H.M. Consul, Cape Verde Islands, 1882-1883.

Letterbook kept by Fitzroy Pleydell Goddard, H.M. Consul, Cape Verde Islands includes a list of letters at the front of the book; at the back of the letterbook is copies of letters written in French, also included is a newspaper clipping titled the Earthquake at Ischia and a report of the loss of the Barque BOGOTA (official ship number 19189 by fire.)

Object Details

ID: LBK/88
Type: Manuscript
Display location: Not on display
Date made: 1882-1883; 1883-01-01 - ?
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Measurements: 1 volume
Parts: Letterbooks (Manuscript)