'An Act to prevent the importation of slaves, by any of His Majesty's subjects, into any islands, colonies, plantations, or territories belonging to any foreign sovereign, state, or power...'

British Parliamentary bills relating to the abolition of the slave trade: George III, Chapter 52, 'An Act to prevent the importation of slaves, by any of His Majesty's subjects, into any islands, colonies, plantations, or territories belonging to any foreign sovereign, state, or power; and also to render more effectual a certain Order, made by His Majesty in Council on the fifteenth day of August one thousand eight hundred and five, for prohibiting the importation of slaves (except in certain cases), into any of the settlements, islands, colonies, or plantations on the continent of America, or in the West Indies, which have been surrendered to His Majesty's arms, during the present war; and to prevent the fitting out of foreign slave ships from British ports', dated 23 May 1806.

Object Details

ID: MGS/64/13
Type: Manuscript
Display location: Not on display
Creator: Michael Graham-Stewart Slavery Collection
Date made: 1806-05-23 - 1806-05-23; 1806-05-23
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Measurements: 1 item
Parts: Manuscript

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