'At a meeting of planters, merchants, and others, interested in the Colonies of Trinidad, British Guiana, St Lucia, the Cape of Good Hope, and the Mauritius, held at the West India Dock House, the 1st October, 1831'

Publication, 'At a meeting of planters, merchants, and others, interested in the Colonies of Trinidad, British Guiana, St Lucia, the Cape of Good Hope, and the Mauritius, held at the West India Dock House, the 1st October, 1831', comprising minutes and the conclusion of a pro-slavery meeting chaired by Joseph Marryat, MP. Printed by Maurice & Co, London.

Object Details

ID: MGS/66
Type: Manuscript
Display location: Not on display
Creator: Michael Graham-Stewart Slavery Collection
Date made: 1831-10-01 - 1831-10-01; 1831
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Measurements: 1 item
Parts: Michael Graham-Stewart Slavery Collection (Manuscript)

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