Cree, Edward Hodges, Deputy Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets, 1814- 1901.
The collection includes volumes one to twenty-one of the Journals of Dr Edward H Cree, 1837- 61, and comprises Cree's personal journals while serving at sea. The text is supplemented by circa seventeen hundred watercolours and sketches. The journals account details of his sea voyages, experience while in foreign lands, his impressions of people and places, his recollections among family and friends and writings concerning his life at home and with his wife. In addition to the illustrated journals are his 'rough journals' 1841, 1847, 1849, 1851-2 and 1854, his medical journal kept 1841-7, journal notes (1837), sketchbook (1839), rough sketches and watercolours, newspaper cuttings, service records and certificates and invitations. An index to the journals provides useful information on the vessels served on, the places visited and the illustrations within. There is also a copy of a letter by Cree's son Percy (also a naval surgeon) concerning an incident on board HMS TURQUOISE in 1880.