Modified Black Swan class: Whimbrel (1942); Wild Goose (1942)
Scale 1;48. Plan showing the profile, bridge and signal deck for the 1940 Programme of Modified Black Swan class escort sloops. The plan includes alterations from May 1941 (See plan NPA7171 for later undated modifications to this drawing).
Signed by D.N.C. Stanley V. Goodall.
Marked in red: "SEE FLY DRAWING D.N.C.25/A/991 FOR MODIFIED ARRANGEMENT FOR 1941 PROGRAMME SLOOPS." (refers to plan NPA 7175).
Signed by D.N.C. Stanley V. Goodall.
Marked in red: "SEE FLY DRAWING D.N.C.25/A/991 FOR MODIFIED ARRANGEMENT FOR 1941 PROGRAMME SLOOPS." (refers to plan NPA 7175).