Voyage of the 'Passat' (1911) from Barry Docks, Glamorgan to Elsinore [Helsingor] Roads, Denmark, summer 1937

This album contains a mix of photographs, watercolours, newspaper and magazine clippings. There are also two booklets; Survivors of a Glorious Era and The Large Sailing Ships Owned By Captain Gustaf Erikson. The cover page contains a list of the names of the crew. There are also three small photographic prints each showing different groups of crew members, with accompanying lists of names for each image. The list of prints below begins from page 2 of the album.

Contents (plate number): Handwritten captions under some of the images. All the following ‘on-board’ images were taken aboard the Passat unless stated otherwise.
1. A port bow view of the four-masted barque Passat (1911) at sea.
2. A close up of the stern of the Passat, showing her port of registry, Mariehamn.
3. Looking aft down the starboard side from the break of the forecastle.
4. Looking aft down the port side from the break of the forecastle. The ship is leaving Barry docks, and the port facilities are visible in the background.
5. A starboard near beam view, just aft of the broadside of the Passat (1911) under sail in ballast.
6. Starboard quarter view of the Passat moored in Barry docks near the J. Rank Ltd. Atlantic Mills buildings.
7. A bows-on close view of the Passat moored in Barry docks, with a dockside crane in the right foreground.
8. As previous, but a closer view of the ship.
9. A tug towing the Passat from her moorings in Barry docks, seen from the starboard rail.
10. The tug Windsor (?) pushing the Passat from astern seen from the starboard side from the forecastle.
11. Passat about to pass through the Barry dock gates, seen from the port rail [?].
12. The tug Windsor keeping Passat’s stern clear of the dock wall, seen from the starboard side of the latter’s poop deck.
13. Passing through the narrow dock gate stern-first. This image was taken from the forecastle looking aft down the port side.
14. Turning past the gate into the Barry sea dock, as seen from the port side looking forward. The towing tug is still in attendance.
15. Turning past the gate into the Barry sea dock, as seen from the port side looking forward. The towing tug is still in attendance.
16. Turning past the gate into the Barry sea dock, as seen from the port side looking forward. The towing tug is still in attendance.
17. Looking aft down the starboard side from the forecastle.
18. Looking aft down the port side from the break of the forecastle. The Barry dock facilities are clearly visible beyond.
19. Looking aft down the port side from the break of the forecastle. The Barry dock facilities are clearly visible beyond.
20. A view of Barry from the starboard break of the forecastle.
21. Looking forward from the starboard side of the main deck abreast the main mast.
22. A view of the seaward gate of the Barry sea dock, seen from the starboard side, while waiting for high tide.
23. A view of the seaward gate of the Barry sea dock, seen from the starboard side, which the Passat is now approaching under tow from a tug.
24. Crew readying for sea, as seen from the port side of the main deck near the steam windlass, looking forward.
25. Crew making sail, seen from the port side of the main deck abreast the mainmast, looking forward.
26. Setting up the crossjack at the base of the mizzen mast.
27. View forward up the starboard side from the midships walkway just aft of the compass platform.
28. Men on the starboard arm of the main yard letting out the mainsail, viewed from behind at deck level.
29. Men on the starboard arm of the main yard letting out the mainsail, viewed from the front at deck level.
30. Men on the port arm of the main yard of the mainmast, raising sail, probably viewed from the level of the deck near the mizzen mast.
31. Men on one of the lower yard arms letting out sail, viewed from the top [as in the platform above the yard].
32. Looking forward from the midships house tops.
33. Men on one of the lower yard arms letting out sail, seen from behind at deck level.
34. Men on the main yard of the mizzen mast taking in the crossjack sail.
35. Men on one of the yards, apparently taking in sail.
36. A watercolour showing a starboard quarter view of the Passat in the early morning off Falmouth.
37. A watercolour showing a near bows-on view (slightly off to port) of the Passat under full sail.
38. View of the sails from deck level.
39. Looking aft from the house top amidships.
40. Looking forward from house top amidships.
41. Looking aft from the house top amidships.
42. Close up of one of the masts with sails visible in the background.
43. Looking aft from the port side of the house top.
44. View of the sails, vantage point uncertain except that it is from the starboard side.
45. View of one of the masts from deck level [?] with sails set.
46. View forward from the poop deck.
47. View forward from the starboard side of the house top.
48. Close up of one of the masts with sails visible in the background.
49. View of the sails, vantage point uncertain except that it is from the starboard side.
50. Staysails rigged between the mizzen and jigger masts.
51. View of one of the masts from deck level [?] with sails set.
52. View forward from the port shrouds of the jigger mast.
53. View aft from the walkway linking the forecastle with the house top.
54. View aft, probably from the bowsprit.
55. View forward from the walkway linking the house top with the compass platform.
56. View of the mizzen and jigger masts from slightly forward on the starboard side.
57. View forward from the port side of the house top.
58. View aft, probably from the break of the forecastle.
59. View forward from the walkway linking the compass platform with the poop deck.
60. View forward from the port side of the poop deck abaft the jigger mast.
61. View forward, probably from the break of the poop deck.
62. View forward from the starboard side of the poop deck, well abaft the jigger mast.
63. View forward from the starboard side of the poop deck, abaft the jigger mast.
64. View aft from the forecastle.
65. View aft from the forecastle.
66. View forward from the port side of the house top abreast the chart house.
67. A watercolour entitled ‘An Atlantic Sunset’.
68. An unusual view of the space between two of the masts, taken from deck level.
69. View forward from the port side of the poop deck. The photographer has captioned this image ‘painting ship’ but there are no overt signs of this activity taking place.
70. View of the masts from the poop deck looking forward.
71. View of the aft end of the midships house from the upper deck.
72. View forward from the port side of the house top abreast the chart house.
73. A watercolour entitled ‘Sunset off the Faroes’.
74. View forward from the poop deck.
75. View forward from the starboard side of the poop deck.
76. View forward from the house top.
77. View forward from the upper deck abaft the house.
78. View of the sea through the netting at the bowsprit.
79. View forward from the walkway linking the compass platform with the poop deck.
80. The upper deck near the compass platforms, with the boat stowage beams overhead.
81. View aft from the forecastle.
82. Looking aft down the portside from the bowsprit.
83. View aft from the port side of the house top. The helmsman can be seen at the wheel.
84. A helmsman at the wheel.
85. View forward from the port side of the compass platform.
86. One of the masts with all sails set.
87. A view of two of the masts (possibly the fore and main) with a crewman going aloft up the port shrouds.
88. One of the masts with all sails set, seen from its base. Two crewmen are just visible furling the royal.
89. One of the masts with all sails set, seen from its base. Two crewmen are just visible furling the royal.
90. A view of the main mast from the portside (slightly forward), with crewmen furling the royal.
91. A view of the mainmast from near the base of the foremast. The royal has been furled and the last of the topmen are climbing down the shrouds.
92. One of the masts with all sails set, seen from near its base.
93. Topmen finish furling the royal on one of the masts. Arccording to the caption, they will then do the same with the upper topgallant sail.
94. A view of the furled and stowed fore course from the house top.
95. Crewmen on the fore lower yard furling and stowing the fore course.
96. View aft from the port side of the house top in wet weather. The helmsman and the captain are in oilskins.
97. View aft from the port side of the house top in wet weather. The helmsman and the captain are in oilskins.
98. View of the helmsman and chart house in wet weather.
99. View forward from the starboard side of the house top in wet weather.
100. View aft from the break of the forecastle.
101. Watercolour entitled ‘Reduced canvas – the height of the Storm’.
102. A lookout at the bowsprit in foggy conditions.
103. View forward from the starboard jigger shrouds, apparently off the Shetlands.
104. The British trawler Admiral Cradock (1914), based at Fleetwood.
105. Sunset seen through the jigger shrouds on the port side of the poop deck.
106. Sunset seen from the stern rail.
107. Sunset. The photographer’s location on the ship is not certain.
108. Captain Sjögrum and the navigator shooting the sun from the port side of the forecastle.
109. Captain Sjögrum and the navigator shooting the sun from the port side of the forecastle.
110. Captain Sjögrum and the navigator shooting the sun from the port side of the forecastle.
111. Captain Sjögrum and the navigator shooting the sun from the port side of the forecastle. Another man, presumably a passenger, is winding his camera.
112. Captain Sjögrum and the navigator shooting the sun from the port side of the forecastle.
113. Captain Sjögrum shooting the sun from the port side of the forecastle.
114. Crewmen on the starboard side of the house top haul in the main sheets.
115. View aft from the port side of the house top and abreast the chart house.
116. View aft from the forecastle.
117. View aft from the forecastle.
118. View forward from the starboard side of the house top. The caption identifies the uniformed man on the walkway as the Chief.
119. View forward from the starboard side of the house top and near the main shrouds.
120. Helmsman at the wheel.
121. Hands at the mizzen mast clew lines, seen from slightly aft on the port side.
122. Hands at the braces, location uncertain.
123. Hands at the port side hoisting the main royal yard.
124. The boatswain assisting the helmsman at the wheel.
125. The boatswain and the helmsman at the wheel.
126. Crewmen operating the windlass to work the braces at the foot of the mizzen mast.
127. Looking down from the starboard shrouds [or somewhere else?] of the jigger mizzen at the windlasses at the base of the mast.
128. A passenger taking a turn at the helm.
129. The second mate getting a haircut on the upper deck.
130. The second mate getting a haircut on the upper deck.
131. Woman standing on the walkway linking the house top to the compass platform.
132. Woman standing on the walkway linking the house top to the compass platform.
133. Two men washing clothes on the upper deck.
134. Looking forward up the starboard side from the compass platform. Laundry is drying on lines rigged from the connecting walkway to the rails.
135. View of the mizzen and jigger mizzen masts from near the port main shrouds.
136. View forward from the mizzen top, looking down towards the bow.
137. View aft from the break of the forecastle.
138. Woman cleaning a pair of shoes on the upper deck.
139. Men scrubbing the upper deck abreast the compass platform on the starboard side.
140. View forward from the port side of the upper deck abreast the compass platform. Two birds identified as ‘carrier pigeons’ are resting on the deck.
141. View of the horizon with sails in the foreground, taken in twilight conditions.
142. Seagull perched on the end of a yardarm.
143. Seagulls taking off from the end of a yardarm.
144. View forward from the port side of the upper deck abreast the compass platform.
145. The third mate on the poop deck.
146. View aft from the base of the mainmast (at house top level).
147. View aft from the break of the forecastle.
148. View of the masts and sails, probably taken from the starboard side of the compass platform.
149. Men at the forecastle capstan.
150. Cleaning brasswork on the compass platform.
151. Helmsman at the wheel.
152. View from the starboard side of the charthouse, looking forward at the mainmast. The captain is just visible looking at the compass.
153. Crewmen operating the windlass to work the braces at the foot of the mizzen mast.
154. “Querlander, the youngest apprentice” polishing part of a grille on the house top at the base of the mainmast.
155. “Querlander, the youngest apprentice” polishing part of a grille on the house top at the base of the mainmast.
156. Pedersen, the ship’s Danish second sailmaker, poses for the camera with his model of the Preussen (1902).
157. Pedersen, the ship’s Danish second sailmaker, poses for the camera with his model of the Preussen (1902).
158. Pedersen, the ship’s Danish second sailmaker, poses for the camera with his model of the Preussen (1902).
159. Crewmen swabbing the upper deck abreast the compass platform. This photograph was taken from the port side looking forward.
160. Passengers at leisure. Betty Bartholomew, Molly Alexander and Mr. Areber with binoculars looking out to starboard from the poop deck.
161. Passengers at leisure. Betty Bartholomew and Molly Alexander reading on the upper deck.
162. Passengers at leisure. Mr. Zeelubeig and Mr. Lars (I)* on the forecastle. The former is reading and the latter is painting. *There appear to have been two passengers named Lars on this voyage, so the creator of the album has numbered them I and II.
163. Passengers at leisure. Molly knitting on the compass platform, colloquially referred to in the caption as ‘the ladies’ deck’.
164. Passengers playing deck quoits on the upper deck area between the main house/shelter deck and compass platform.
165. View down at the upper deck from the starboard aft end of the house top.
166. A slightly distant image of someone descending a ladder to bathe in the sea.
167. The captain and chief in the charthouse.
168. Crewmen chipping out (cleaning) the holds.
169. A view of one of the masts seen from inside a hold (through the hatch).
170. A view of one of the masts seen from inside a hold (through the hatch).
171. Passengers at leisure. Mr. Lars (I) and Mr. Burckhardt playing a game of chess (travel set) by the charthouse.
172. Passengers at leisure. Mr. Lars (I) and Mr. Burckhardt playing a game of chess (travel set) by the charthouse.
173. Passengers at leisure. The captain plays chess with another man who may be a passenger, while a third looks on. They are grouped prone around the board on the large hatch cover just abaft the shelter deck/main house.
174. Passengers at leisure. The captain plays chess with another man who may be a passenger, while a third looks on. They are grouped prone around the board on the large hatch cover just abaft the shelter deck/main house.
175. Passengers at leisure. The captain plays chess with another man who may be a passenger, while a third looks on. They are grouped prone around the board on the large hatch cover just abaft the shelter deck/main house. Seen from the walkway linking the house top to the compass platform.
176. Passengers at leisure. The captain plays chess with another man who may be a passenger, while a third looks on. They are grouped prone around the board on the large hatch cover just abaft the shelter deck/main house. Seen from the starboard mizzen shrouds.
177. Passengers at leisure. The captain plays chess with another man who may be a passenger, while a third looks on. They are grouped prone around the board on the large hatch cover just abaft the shelter deck/main house. Seen from the starboard mizzen shrouds.
178. Passengers at leisure. The captain plays chess with another man who may be a passenger, while a third looks on. They are grouped prone around the board on the large hatch cover just abaft the shelter deck/main house. Seen from the walkway linking the house top to the compass platform.
179. Hands at the windlass to work the mizzen braces.
180. Hands standing by the braces (seen from the shrouds overhead), probably on the poop deck.
181. View of the upper deck looking forward, probably taken from the compass platform.
182. The third mate and another member of the crew splicing rope, location uncertain.
183. Hands at the port main sheets, seen from aft.
184. Hands at the port main upper braces, seen from aft.
185. View forward from the port side of the forward upper deck cargo hatch.
186. A close view of the forward donkey engine just abaft the foremast, “mostly going wrong!”.
187. A close view of the forward donkey engine just abaft the foremast, “mostly going wrong!”.
188. The sailmaker working on “a new Cape Horn foresail”, location uncertain, but likely to be somewhere on the upper deck.
189. Blacksmith’s forge set up on the port side of the upper deck near the break of the forecastle.
190. Blacksmith’s forge set up on the port side of the upper deck near the break of the forecastle.
191. Blacksmith’s forge set up on the port side of the upper deck near the break of the forecastle.
192. A small Swedish lug-rigged fishing vessel encountered off Skagen, Denmark.
193. A small trawler [?].
194. A small trawler [?].
195. A small trawler [?].
196. The Swedish fishing vessel comes alongside to take off passengers.
197. Mr. Lars (I) descends the ladder to the Swedish fishing vessel.
198. Mr. Lars (I) descends the ladder to the Swedish fishing vessel.
199. Mr. Lars (I) descends the ladder to the Swedish fishing vessel.
200. Mr. Lars (I) descends the ladder to the Swedish fishing vessel.
201. Passengers grouped at the upper deck rail bid Mr. Lars (I) farewell.
202. Passengers grouped at the upper deck rail bid Mr. Lars (I) farewell.
203. Passengers grouped at the upper deck rail bid Mr. Lars (I) farewell.
204. Portside near beam view just aft of the broadside of the Passat anchored off Skagen, Denmark.
205. Port bow view of the Passat anchored off Skagen, Denmark.
206. Bows-on view of the Passat anchored off Skagen, Denmark.
207. Portside near beam view just aft of the broadside of the Passat anchored off Skagen, Denmark. The stern is out of the picture.
208. Port bow view –very nearly bows-on- of the Passat anchored off Skagen, Denmark.
209. Port quarter view of the Passat anchored off Skagen, Denmark.
210. Hands on the forecastle capstan, weighing anchor.
211. Hands on the forecastle capstan, weighing anchor.
212. Hands on the forecastle capstan, weighing anchor.
213. Hands on one of the portside capstans on the house top, hauling in the sheets.
214. View aft down the port side from the bowsprit.
215. Hands on the forecastle capstan, weighing anchor.
216. Hands on one of the portside capstans on the house top, hauling in the sheets.
217. Hands on the forecastle capstan, weighing anchor.
218. Hands at the foremast braces, probably on the forecastle.
219. One of the women taking a turn at the helm, with the captain standing by the compass.
220. View forward from the starboard mizzen shrouds.
221. View of one of the masts with the sails taken aback.
222. View of two of the masts with the sails taken aback.
223. View forward from the starboard side of the house top. The mainsail on the foremast has been taken aback.
224. View of the foremast with sails taken aback.
225. View forward from the starboard mizzen shrouds.
226. One of the boats [carried as cargo] on the upper deck for an overhaul.
227. The bo’sun and the carpenter working on the boat.
228. The bo’sun and the carpenter applying the finishing touches to the boat.
229. A view of the boat from the walkway linking the forecastle to the house top.
230. View of the horizon from the starboard side of the poop.
231. Crewman waiting for the wind to pick up, probably on the forecastle.
232. View forward from the starboard side of the poop deck. The light is quite dim and the conditions appear wet.
233. View across the poop deck from the starboard side. The light is quite dim and the conditions appear wet.
234. A distant view of a four-masted vessel identified by the photographer as an Argentinian training ship. It should be noted that this ship’s appearance does not match any recorded Argentinian vessels of this type.
235. A faint view of the Danish coast.
236. A boat being lowered. This small sailing boat was being carried as cargo.
237. A passenger departing the Passat down a rope ladder.
238. A starboard view of the Passat at anchor, looking forward from amidships from a boat.
239. A starboard view of the Passat at anchor, looking aft from amidships from a boat.
240. A passenger departing the Passat down a rope ladder.
241. A starboard view of the Passat at anchor, looking forward from a boat.
242. A portside view of the forward part of the Passat from a boat.
243. The crew of the Passat wave farewell to their recent passengers from the starboard rail.
244. A portside view of the forward part of the Passat from a boat.
245. Starboard beam view of the Passat at anchor in the Elsinore [Helsingør] roads.
246. A distant starboard beam view of the Passat at anchor in the Elsinore [Helsingør] roads.
247. Starboard beam view of the Passat at anchor in the Elsinore [Helsingør] roads.
248. A distant starboard beam view of the Passat at anchor in the Elsinore [Helsingør] roads. A small boat which was being carried as cargo is visible in the foreground.
249. Some of the passengers being taken ashore to Denmark.
250. Some of the passengers being taken ashore to Denmark (one of the figures in this picture is the travel agent).
251. A postcard showing a view of Havneparti, Denmark. It is not certain whether the name ‘Kronborg’ on the side of the hull of the ferry in the picture relates to the route it operated or its name [either is equally plausible].
252. Sailing the small boat which had been carried in Passat’s hold in Copenhagen’s Nordhavnen [North Harbour], seen from the customs steps.
253. A postcard showing a view of Copenhagen’s North Harbour.
254. The small sailing boat carried in Passat’s hold tied up in the yacht harbour, Copenhagen.
255. The small sailing boat carried in Passat’s hold tied up in the yacht harbour, Copenhagen.
256. The small sailing boat carried in Passat’s hold tied up in the yacht harbour, Copenhagen.
257. A port quarter view of the Passat anchored at Mariehamn.
258. A starboard beam view of the Passat anchored at Mariehamn, with her bow just out of the picture. Another four-masted barque is anchored in the background.
259. View aft from the forecastle of the Passat.
260. Either Betty Bartholomew or Molly Alexander aboard the Danish cargo steamer Juta (1908?).
261. View forward from the top of a large deck cargo of timber. Taken aboard the Danish cargo steamer Juta (1908?).
262. View forward from the top of a large deck cargo of timber. The boat originally transported in the hold of the Passat is visible, but covered in a tarpaulin. Taken aboard the Danish cargo steamer Juta (1908?).
263. A cutting from a Danish newspaper.
264. A cutting from The Daily Telegraph newspaper, 18th June 1938, concerning the Passat.
265. ‘Second in the Grain Race’ – a cutting from The Times newspaper, 11th June 1938 concerning the Passat.
266. ‘Sailing Ship Sunk in Grain Race’ – a cutting from an unidentified newspaper.
267. ‘Sailing Ships Race From Australia’ – a cutting from an unidentified newspaper dated 8th June 1937.
268. A Judges Ltd. commercial photographic print showing a starboard bow view of the Englishman (1864), a three-masted topsail schooner.
269. A Beken of Cowes print showing a starboard bow view of the steam yacht Valhalla (1892).
270. A cutting from an unidentified newspaper showing a picture of the Danish four-masted barque Viking (1907) at anchor with sails furled.
271. A cutting from an unidentified newspaper showing a picture of the auxiliary three-masted schooner Kathleen & May (1900) ashore at Bideford.
272. A starboard beam view of the Finnish three-masted barque Alastor (1875) under plain sail.
273. A port beam view of the Alastor (1875) at anchor.
274. A port bow view of the Alastor (1875) under plain sail.
275. A port bow view of the Alastor (1875) under plain sail.
276. A starboard quarter view of the Alastor (1875) at anchor.
277. A port beam view of the Alastor (1875) at anchor.
278. A starboard quarter view of the Alastor (1875) under plain sail.
279. A cutting from an unidentified newspaper showing the three-masted topsail schooner Seven Seas (1876) and the three-masted auxiliary ship Joseph Conrad (1882) setting off on the annual race from Rhode Island to the Bermudas.
280. A starboard bow view of the three-masted clipper Cutty Sark (1869).
281. A starboard bow view of the Cutty Sark (1869).
282. A close-up starboard bow view of Cutty Sark (1869).
283. A starboard bow view of the Cutty Sark (1869). The ship’s stern is out of the picture.
284. View aft from the forecastle of the Cutty Sark (1869).
285. View aft at the ship’s wheel from the poop deckhouse of Cutty Sark (1869).
286. Close view of the port bow of the Cutty Sark (1869).
287. View aft from the upper deck near the mainmast of the Cutty Sark (1869).
288. View forward from the poop deckhouse of the Cutty Sark (1869).
289. Cutty Sark’s foremast, seen from the forecastle. This image is made up of two separate prints put together.
290. A port beam view of the Cutty Sark (1869).
291. A cutting from an unidentified magazine showing the Cutty Sark (1869) anchored at Falmouth Harbour.
292. A port bow view of the Cutty Sark (1869) at anchor.
293. A port beam view of the Cutty Sark (1869) at anchor.
294. ‘Wooden Ships and Iron Men’ – a cutting from the Sphere magazine, 5th September 1936.
295. ‘Ketch Goes To Her Doom After Century Afloat’ – a cutting from an unidentified newspaper dated 1936 concerning the Ceres (1811).
296. ‘The Last of the Schooners’ – a cutting from an unidentified newspaper.
297. A port bow view of an unnamed four-masted schooner at anchor.
298. A portside near beam view just aft of the broadside of an unnamed four-masted schooner at anchor.
299. A cutting from an unidentified magazine showing the trading auxiliary schooner Porto Colom (no date).
300. ‘Sons of the Sea’ – a cutting from an unidentified magazine showing men going aloft aboard the Viking (1907).
301. ‘Voyages of the Westland’ – a cutting from an unidentified newspaper concerning the spring 1896 voyage of the three-masted ship Westland (1878).
302. A starboard beam view of an unnamed three-masted schooner.
303. A cutting from an unidentified magazine showing a port bow view of the four-masted barque Archibald Russell (1905).
304. ‘Cutty Sark To Lie In Thames’ – a cutting from an unidentified newspaper.
305. ‘Cutty Sark’s Last Voyage’ – a cutting from an unidentified newspaper.
306. ‘Cutty Sark Fires Farewell Salute’ – a cutting from an unidentified newspaper.
307. ‘Explosion On Cutty Sark’ – a cutting from an unidentified newspaper.
308. ‘Cutty Sark Captain Still In Hospital’ – a cutting from an unidentified newspaper.
309. A cutting from an unidentified newpaper showing a port quarter view of the Cutty Sark (1869) under sail. The cutting has been dated 1938 in pencil.
310. A cutting from an unidentified newspaper showing a close view of the figurehead of the Cutty Sark (1869).
311. A cutting from an unidentified newspaper containing a reader letter concerning the last voyage of the Cutty Sark (1869).
312. ‘Cutty Sark To Reach Last Berth Today’ – a cutting from an unidentified newspaper.
313. ‘Famous Sailing Ships Meet’ – a cutting from an unidentified magazine (published in 1938 or later) showing a view of the Passat (1911) from the forecastle of the Cutty Sark (1869).
314. ‘Cutty Sark In The Thames’ – a cutting from an unidentified newspaper.
315. ‘Sail And Steam’ – a cutting from an unidentified newspaper.

Object Details

ID: ALB0181
Type: Photograph album
Display location: Not on display
Date made: circa 1937
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Measurements: Overall: 301 mm x 410 mm x 34 mm

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