Constantinople and environs: Constantinople, the Bosphorus, and Black Sea, 1895-6

N.B. The photographs are quite badly damaged, and this has been noted.
Contents (plate number):

1. Panoramic view over Stanboul and the Old Bridge. [Commercial number: 32. Some discolouration around the edges of the photo]
2. T he Golden Horn from Pera Palace Hotel. [Commercial number: 392. Overlooking town and sea. Photo speckled from damp damage]. Among the Ottoman warships present are the Messudieh (1874), the Avni Illah (1869), the Muin-I-Zaffer (1869), the Assari Tewfik (1868), two Osmanieh class broadside ironclads and an Assari Shevket class central battery ironclad.
3. Serai Point and Galata. [Commercial number: 534. There are sailing boats in the sea.]
4. Etrance to Constantinople from Serai Point. [Commercial number: 26. A Brigantine is on the water. Some speckled damage to photo.]
5. Stanboul and Galata Bridge. [Commercial number: 30. Three large boats are in the water. There is discolouration around the edges and speckles across the photograph. Page is torn but Photo intact.]
6. The Golden Horn. [Commercial number: 33. View looking over The Golden Horn. The page and the photograph are torn across left and top. Speckled damage]. Among the Ottoman warships present are the Messudieh (1874), a Lufti Djelil class coastal defence turret ship, an Avni Illah class casemate ironclad, an Assari Shevket class central battery ironclad, the Assari Tewfik (1868), two Osmanieh class broadside ironclads and the Idjalieh (1870).
7. View Over Sarai Point. [Commercial number: 29.The right and top of the photograph are torn. Spackled discolouration.]
8. Galata Bridge from Stanboul. [ People crossing the bridge mostly by foot. A stage coach is also crossing. People are using umbrellas to protect themselves from the sun. Section of opposite page stuck over left of photo. Speckled damage to the photo.]
9. Galata Bridge taken from Galata. [Commercial number: 42. The people and costumes are clearly visible. Image taken from north end of bridge. Yeni Cami (New Mosque) The Official Mosque of the Valide Sultan (The Queen Mother) is eminent at the south end of the bridge. The right side of the photo and top left corner is torn. Heavily speckled.]
10. Hass Kevy on The Golden Horn. [Commercial number: 56. Three local craft boats are on the water. There is some speckled damage. The page is torn but the photo is intact.]
11. The Two Bridges and The Port. [Commercial number: 47. Small boats moored. Small amount of speckled damage to photo.]
12. Turkish Boatmen and Porters. [Commercial number: 49. Small boats moored in port. Some damage from opposite page sticking.]
13. Arsenal In The Golden Horn. [Commercial number: 51. View from across the water. Some discolouration. Some damage from sticking to the opposite page.
14. View Over The Port and The Bosphorus. [Commercial number: 51. Includes a view of Yeni Cami Mosque. There is discolouration around the edges and speckles on the photo. Section on the left side of the photo is torn.
15. Gaba - Tashau au The Bosphorus & Turkish Boatmen. [Commercial number: 327 There is discolouration around the edges and speckles on the photo. Right side has paper stuck over image.]
16. Sultan Palace on The Bosphorus. [Photograph is torn and discoloured on left of picture.]
17. Valide Mosque at Ortakery. [Commercial number: 129. Close up outside view. Photo is discoloured around the edges. Photo is torn on the right side.]
18. The Bosphorus.(Cotes d’Asie et d’ Europe) Heavily speckled damp damage to photograph. Paper stuck to the bottom left corner.]
19. The Castles of Europe on The Bosphorus.[Commercial number: 367. Photo is heavily speckled. Paper stuck to bottom right corner of photo.]
20. The Sweet Waters Of Asia.. [Commercial number; 358. There is some discolouration around edges of photograph.]
21. The Castles Of Asia on The Bosphorus. [Commercial number: 366. Two rowing boats moored near by. Some colour damage around the edges of the photo.
22. The Bosphorus from The Castles of Europe. [Commercial number:364. Some colour damage and speckles. Paper stuck to the left side of the photo.]
23. The Bosphorus from The Castles Of Asia. [ The photo is torn along the top and on right of the picture. Some discolouration and speckles.]
24. View Over Karlidja on The Bosphorus. [Commercial number: 373. The photo is discoloured and speckled.]
25. American College at Roumeli Hissar. [Commercial number:370. The College is on a hillside by The Bosphore. There is discolouration around the edges and speckled across the photo.]
26. View of Beicos from Therapia. [Commercial number: 391. View include close up of trees. There is some discolouration to the edges of the photograph.]
27. Therapia on The Bosphorus. [Commercial number: 387. Heavily speckled and some discolouration around the edges of the photograph.]
28. Foreign Stationnaires, Therapia Bay. [Commercial number: 390. The Stationnaires are on the Bosphore. Some discolouration.]
29. British Embassy at Therrapia. [Commercial number: 384. By The Bosphore. Some discolouration and speckles to photograph.]
30. German Embassy at Therapia. [Commercial number:390. There is a man on the steps looking at the camera. There are heavy speckles and some discolouration around the edges. There is a small tear in the left corner.]
31. A View of Buyukdere, Upper Bosphorus. [Commercial number: 541. The photo shows houses and a street scene. Men and stage coaches in the street. Men in rowing boats on The Bosphorus. There is discolouration around the edges of the photo and paper stuck to a small section bottom right]
32. Entrance to Black Sea. [Commercial number: 542. There are rowing boats in the background. Photo discoloured.]
33. The Sweet Waters of Europe. [Several rowing boats are in the water. There are hills in the background. The photo is discoloured around the edges and has a small tear in the top right corner.
34. The Imperial Kiosk and The Friday Promenade on The Sweet Waters Of Europe. [Commercial number: 68. Locals gathered on the bridge and ground. There are also people rowing on stream. The photo is discoloured and speckled.]
35.Pavillion and cascades on the Sweet Waters Of Europe. [Commercial number: 65. Some discolouration to photo.]
36. Psamatia on the Sea Marmara. [Commercial number: 430. There are two ocals looking over the sea. Small boats are moored.]
37.View of Moda from Kadi Kevy. [Commercial number: 20.There are small rowing boats moored by a tree. The photo is discoloured around the edges.
38. The Princes Isles. Halki viewed from Prinkipo. [Commercial number: 07. The top left corner of the photo is torn. There is paper stuck across the bottom of the photograph. There is discolouration and speckles.]
39. Prinkipo, The Princes Islands. [Commercial number: 02. Hotel Calypso and Hotel Giacomo are featured. There is a rowing boat in the water. There is discolouration around the edges and speckles. The top and bottom right corners of the photo are torn.]
40. The Princes Islands, Halki Bay. [Commercial number:12. There is a plantation of trees. There is some discolouration around the edges and speckled across the image. There is also a white spot.]
41. Islands Of The Princes. The Island of Proti, Aview of Pita and Antigoni from Halki. [Commercial number:14. There is some discolouration around the edges of the photograph.]
42: Ancient Quarter and Turkish Bazaar at Scutari. [Commercial number: 207. This is a view down a busy working street. There is discolouration around the edges of the photo and speckles across it.]
43. Turkish Cemetery at Scutari. [Commercial number: 264. View down a lane, lined with trees headstones and telephone lines. There bis a man and a woman featured. There is some discolouration and speckles.]
44. English Cemetery at Scutari. [Commercial number:264.The following names are visible on headstones; Isabella Whitehouse, Henry Russell, William J Ashover, George Hansel Regnart. There is some discolouration and speckles. There is a small torn section bottom left.]
45. Monument to Soldiers Killed In The Crimean War at The English Cemetery at Scutari. [Commercial number: 265. There is a native man standing by the monument. The top and bottom of the photo have discoloured quite heavily. A small piece of paper is stuck the bottom right of the image.]
46. Turkish Tombstone. [Close up. The photo is heavily discoloured across the top and bottom of the photograph. There is a small section of paper stuck too the top of the photo.]
47. Bazaar at Scutari. [A row of shops featuring local people and dogs. There is a small tear at the top of the photo. There is some discolouration too the left and right sides of the picture.]
48. Bazaar at Stanboul. [Commercial numbers: 440. Local men featured. There are some smudges in the print. Some discolouration and speckles around edges of photo.]
49. The Janissaries tree. [Commercial number: 184. Native men gathered around a large tree. There is some discolouration around the edges.]
50. Interior view of The Seven Towers. [Commercial number: 78. Three of the towers are featured. There is discolouration around the edges.]
51. Entrance to The Seven Towers. [Commercial number: 81. Four young boys pose outside entrance doors. There is painted decoration above the door. There is some discolouration around the edges of the photo.]
52. The Walls Of Constantinople. [There is a local man sitting on the rocks by the water in front of the walls. There are some white spots at the bottom of the photo and some discolouration around the edges.]
53. Troops coming up to the Sultans Mosque preparatory to the Selamlik.
[Commercial number: 543. Troops arriving by horse. The image is taken from a distance, from behind some shrubbery. The mosque is viewed from the front, right.]
54. The Selamlik. The Sultan Entering The Mosque. [Commercial number: 545. The Sultan is surrounded by troops. Image taken from the front left. There is discolouration to the edges of the photo and paper stuck to the left side of the photo.]
55. The Mosque of Santa Sophia. [Commercial number: 98. Outside view. There is some discolouration to the edges of the photo. The top right corner is torn and there is paper stuck to right side of picture.]
56. Interior of Santa Sophia Mosque. [Commercial number:501.General view from high taken from balcony inside. There is a small tear at bottom left and some discolouration around the edges of the photo.]
57. Entrance to Santa Sophia Mosque. [Commercial number: 130. Decorative doorway. An elderly man stands outside.]
58. Mosque Of Sultan Ahmed. [Commercial number: 102. Outside view. There is a small amount of discolouration around the edges of the photo.]
59. Interior Of Sultan Ahmed Mosque. [Taken at ground level toward alter. The photo is discoloured at the top and bottom.]
60. Interior of the Suleymanieh Mosque. [Commercial number:281. There is a small amount of discolouration to the left of photo.]
61. Pigeons in the Courtyard nof the Mosque of Sultan Bayazed. [Commercial number: 140. Pigeons eating, watched by passers – by. There is discolouration to the left and bottom of the photo.]
62. Tombs of the Sultans Maboud 2nd and Abdul Aziz. [Commercial number: 269. There is discolouration along the bottom and speckled across photograph.]
63. The Sublime Porte. [Commercial number: 194. View of a doorway. There is some discolouration around the edges.]
64. Gate of One of the Sultans palaces. [View of open gate. The top and the bottom of the photo are discoloured.
65. The Exterior of the Imperial Museum. [Commercial number: 397. There are men and a horse and carriage outside the museum. There is discolouration to the left and right sides of the photo.]
66. Entrance to the Tower of The Seraskierat. [Commercial number: 89. The Tower is featured to the right of the image. The picture was taken on the road leading up to the entrance. There is discolouration to the left and right of the photo and it is heavily speckled.]
67. Tower Of Seraskierat. [Close up. There is discolouration to the top and the bottom of the picture.]
68. The Galata Tower. [Commercial number: 187. Flag on tower is flying. The surrounding area is also shown. The top and bottom of the photo are discoloured.]
69. Group of Dogs. [Commercial number: 242. Unknown location. Two natives and horses in the background infront of a view of a town. There is discolouration to leftand right of photo.]
70. Group Of Dogs. [Commercial number: 243. Native man sitting with the dogs on a hill. There is a small amount of discolouration at the bottom of the photo and speckles.]
71. Turkish family’s private carriage. [Commercial number: 215. A native man poses in front of his carriage, which is pulled by a two bulls. There are women sitting in the carriage. There is some discolouration around the edges of the photo.]
72. Turkish Butchers. One of the men is smoking a marguile (Hookah) while posing with the other butchers. Meat is hanging and a goat is walking through. There is a small amount of discolouration to edges and speckles.]
73. Turkish Merchants. [Commercial number: 218. Merchandise such as pots, baskets and broomsticks are displayed. There is some discolouration around the edges of the photo.]
74. Mellon Seller. [Commercial number: 227. A native man posing with his melons in a basket. There is some discolouration to the top and bottom of the photo. There is paper stuck to the top right corner.]
75. Water Carriers. [Four men posing with water carrying equipment. There is some discolouration around the edges of the photo. The photo is torn in the top right corner.]
76. Turkish fire Brigade. [The fire brigade are posing (most sitting) in the street with some of their equipment. The photo is discoloured.]
77. Turkish Fire Brigade. [Commercial number: Apollon 18. The fire brigade are posing, standing in uniform with decorated equipment. Eg; hose. There are some speckles on the photo.]
78.Turkish Carriers or ‘Hamels’. [Commercial number: 223. Men carrying two mlarge poles with a barrel attached, hanging from them. There is paper stuck to the left of the photo and discolouration to the edges of the photo.]
79. Hamel. [Commercial number: 225. A carrier. A man with a barrel on his back. There is discolouration to the top and bottom of the picture. It is torn along the right of the picture.]
80. Hamel. [A carrier. A man with suitcases tied to his back, carrying sticks and a blanket by hand. discolouration to the top and bottom of the picture.
81. Group Of Bashi Bazouks. [Posing with weapons. The image is slightly blurry. The left and right sides of the photo are discoloured.]
82. Dancing Dervishes. [Young Dervishes dance as a man plays a wind instrument and another prays. The photo is torn at the top left corner and paper is stuck down left side.]
83. Dancing Dervishes. [Copy of drawn illustration. The image is torn along the right sid3. Paper is stuck on the top right. There is discolouration to edges of photo.
84. Turkish Professor and His Pupils. [Commercial number: 4 There is discolouration to edges of photo 10. An elderly man sits as two boys stand by his sides.]
85. Turkish Merchant. [He seems to be a door to door salesman as he is standing in a doorway as a woman peers out from the doorway. There is discolouration to edges of photo]
86. Turkish peasant smoking his marguile. [Commercial number: 525. An elderly man sitss with his pipe and cup. There is discolouration to edges of photo and some speckles.]
87.A Croation Cavass. [Commercial number: 412. A Croation man sits in traditional costume. He has a gun tucked into his belt. There is discolouration to edges of photo.]
88. Cavass. [Commercial number: 445. A man stands in uniform holding a walking stick.There is discolouration to edges of photo and speckles.]
89. A Howling Dervish. [Commercial number: 230. A Dervish stands, holding an axe, with a calf skin over his shoulder. There is discolouration to edges of photo.]
90. Dervish. [A Dervish calmly sits. There is a piece of paper stuck to the top and bottom left corner.]
91. Dervish. [Side profile, sitting. The top right corner and bottom right corner of the photo are torn. The edges of the photo are discoloured.]
92. A Turkish Lady. [The lady stands, full profile but with only her eyes visible . She is holding a closed umbrella at her side. Mosques in the background. There is discolouration to the top and bottom edges of the photo and speckles on the top half.]
93. A Turkish Lady. [Apparently, the same lady as in 92. The umbrella is held open over her head.]
94. A Turkish Lady. [The lady sits for a side profile shot. Plain background. Only her eyes are clearly visible. Discoloured at top and bottom of the photo and speckled near the top of the photo.]
95. Turkish Lady In Her Harem. [The lady lye’s on cushions on the floor, wearing trousers. She has a tambourine and marguile by her sides. There is an ornate staircase in the background. There is discolouration to edges of the photo.]
96. Native Costume. [Commercial number: 677. A woman dressed in native costume playing an instrument.]
97. Native Costume. [Commercial number: 246.A woman poses with a tambourine and a marguile. There is discolouration to edges of photo.]
98. Native Costume. [Commercial number: 616. The same woman as in 96. poses with her hands behind her head.There is discolouration to top and bottom of the photo. There is paper stuck to the left side of the picture.]
99. Turkish Lady In Her Harem. [Commercial number:654. The lady sits on cushions on the floor with her marguile at her side. There is discolouration to top and bottom of the photo. The photo is torn on the left side.]
100. View of Kustendje [Constanta] Romanian shore of The Black Sea. [Some discolouration.]
101. Church at Kustendje [Constanta]. [View from outside.]
102. View of Kustendje [Constanta]. [View of shore. Photo is discoloured.]
103. View of Kustendje [Constanta]. [View of shore. Paper stuck to bottom left corner. Photo is discoloured. ]

Object Details

ID: ALB0652
Type: Photograph album
Display location: Not on display
Date made: circa 1896
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Measurements: Overall: 280 mm x 382 mm

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