The early career and family of Admiral Robert Phipps Hornby

1. “RPH at Winburn – March 1902”. An elegant lady standing on a verandah, back lit.
2. “Winburn, Rosslyn Avenue, Darlinghurst, Sydney, NSW”. A creeper-clad house on a street corner.
3 & 4. “HMS ‘Royal Arthur’1894.”
3. “Capt. Finnis, W H Nicholson, A Heneagle, E G Davy E K Loring”. An informal group on board.
4 & 5. “Rust”. A dog, on board.
6. “Urquhart Castle, 20th Aug. ‘07”. A dark, low contrast view from the water.
7. “Blendon 1900 – Mat [a dog], Irene [a young girl] and Borneo [a larger dog]”
8. “Stronlairg, Aug. 1907”. A dark view of an isolated cottage.
9. “SS Miowera Sept. 1907” A faded group photo, 8x8 cm, of 14 people, named in the caption. Some might be recognisable.
10. “RPH Ord. Oct. 1907”. A lady in a garden, face in the shadow of an elaborate hat.
11. “Rosslyn Street, Sydney, NSW”. A general view, in a built-up area.
12. “SS Miowera, Ms Morton, Miss King”. Very faded, details barely discernible.
13, 14 & 15. Cut down portraits of 4 people, identified by initials.
16. “Miss Clibborn & Miss Faithful”. Faded. The two ladies are in a 2-wheeled horse-drawn chaise.
17. “Toby RPH”. Lady with a young boy.
18. “Toby”. The youngster.
19. “Rushcutter’s Bay 1902”. From behind a screen of vegetation.
20. 5 people in an informal family group.
21. “Orel Sept. 1907”. Looks like Toby.
22. “Nurse Toby”. Lady with the same youngster.
23. “The ‘House Opposite’”. A terraced house with corrugated roof over a verandah. 2 people at an open window.
24 – 26. 3 cropped views of the same house.
27. “at Winburn 1902”. As 23, one person at the window.
28. As 27.
29. “King’s Palace Nuku’alofa, Tonga”
30. “King’s Church Nuku’alofa”
31 & 32. “Nuku’alofa from Mount Zion”. Two views out to sea with a few bungalows in the foreground. A small ship is visible.
33. “Fiji. Native cutters racing”. Two craft, alongside each other.
34. “Suva Fiji 1902”. A small settlement from the sea, rather faded.
35 & 36.. “Bau Fiji. 23.6.02 Native canoes meeting HE the Administrator”. The 2 canoes have lateen-type sails.
37. “Chiefs at Bau. Chief O’Bra [?] replying to Allardyce’s speech”. A large group of people, mostly seated on the ground.
38. “Mekes at the Kara. Suva Coronation Day. August 9th 1902”.
39 & 40. “Meke’s at Bau. 23rd June 1902”. A group of dancers in native costume.
41. “Kandavu July ’02 HE W L Allardyce CMG [Sir William Lamond Allardyce GCMG] landing at Tavuki”. From a small launch.
42. “Meke on Rara Suva 9th August 1902”. Another large group.
43. “Tavuki Kandavu July 1902. Presentation of yams, roastpig, turtle [?]”
44. “Mixing the Yaerne” [?]. A large group of Fijians, seated on the ground, with one apparently doing the mixing in a large bowl.
45. “RMS Austral July 18th 1902. Watching the channel fleet at steam tactics. Mr Thomas, RPH, Mr Nevile-Rolfe”. A view from behind the 3 people, looking over the ship’s rail. The fleet is not visible.
46. Toby – St. George’s Day, 1902”. Looking more grown-up in a sailor suit, compared to items 17 – 22.
47. “Adi Cakobau, Princess of Fiji, August 1902”. A posed portrait, much better than the one in Wikipedia.
48. “A Fijian, 1902” seated in a scrubby background.
49. “Funafuti Ellice Island”. Only a few palm trees are discernible.
50. “Funafuti Ellice Island”. Faded, showing some local people uder palm trees.
51. “Ellice islanders”. 3 people outside a thatched house.
52. “Two beauties, Funafuti”. Almost faded to nothing.
53. “Natives of Nukuman Gilbert Islands”. A group of young women, again almost completely faded.
54. “A fisher girl, Nukuman, 1902”. Another very faded photo.
55. “Girl making mats, Tarawa”. Gilbert and Ellice Islands.
56. “Female [prisoners?] Tarawa Gilbert Islands”. A group of 10 ladies. Perhaps “prisoners” is a word for an occupation?
57. “Fijian Woman, Suma 1902”. A similar pose to item 48.
58. “Natives Namutu Gilbert Islands”. A group of about 10, half of them rather hazy.
59. “Fiji Aug. 1902. Samoan Meke”. A group of dancers, some Europeans in the background.
60. “Jarvis Bay Nov. ’02. Rigging the Prize Firing Target”.
66 & 62. “Government House Gardens – Fiji Aug. 1902 Club Meke”
63. “Jarvis Bay Nov. ’02. Rigging the Prize Firing Target”.
64. “Prize Firing ’45 Nordenfelt”. The gun barely visible behind the crew.
65. “Jarvis Bay Nov. 1902 Prize firing 2nd 5” gun port”. A view along the side of a ship in a moderate sea.
66. “Prize Firing ’45 Nordenfelt”. Similar to item 64.
67. “At Jarvis Bay Nov. 1902 J W Manson studying photography”. On deck, looking at a Box Brownie.
68. “HMS Pylades 1902 Lt. John Riddle, Mr G Barrett”. A faded photo.
69. “Sydney 1902 – Cdr. John Addington HMS Phoebe in his galley”. A six-oared boat.
70. “John Manson Esq. in his yacht”. Or maybe a sailing dinghy, with a ship dressed overall in the background, probably HMS ‘Sparrow’ (1889).
71. “Sydney 1902 HMS ‘Sparrow’ in Farm Cove”.
72. “Miss Jamie Cholmley, Melbourne Dec. ‘02”. Seated in a ship.
73. “White Star RMS ‘Oceanic’ – Sept. 1907 – Miss Adams”. Seated in a saloon.
74. “RMS ‘Oceanic’, Miss McCork [or Cook] Mr “. The two are hand in hand, on deck. Many of these photos are very faded – features not discernible.
75. “CPR Sept. 1907 Saddle Pass, Rocky Mountains”.
76. “CPR Sept. ’07 – Kicking Horse River, Rocky Mountains.”
77. “CPR Sept. ’07 – Indian tepee on the Prairies.” A single tepee, with a small 2-wheeled cart, dog and 2 people.
78. “In the Rockies”
79. “SS ‘Miowera’(1892) – Victoria BC 1907 Mrs. Rawson, Miss Elsie Rawson.” On deck, at a quayside.
80. “Honolulu 1907 – The three Graces waiting for the Immigration Officer”. Despite the faded condition of the photo, the three young ladies look quite charming, on deck.
81. “Passing the Health Officer – Maclaren, Beals, Rawson, Morton”. Only faint outlines visible.
82. “Honolulu 1907 – Queen’s Palace, now US Offices”. An elegant 2-storey building. Seems to be the Iolani Palace, formerly the official residence of King Kalākaua and Queen Lili'uokalani, now a museum.
83 & 85. “Surf bathing Waikiki Beach.” With a small craft.
84. “Moana Hotel”. Now looks to be a very swanky place.
86. “SS ‘Miowera’ (1897) – Honolulu to Brisbane. Hammond, Ch. Officer, Mangham, Capt. Hemming, Mr Maclaren”. A group on deck, in conversation.
87. “SS Miowera in the Tropics – 4.30 pm Cricket”. On the promenade deck, not much activity.
88. “Maclaren’s Siesta” in a deckchair.
89. “SS Miowera 1902 – Mrs Beals, Mr Beals, Mr Morton, Miss Graham”
90. “Mrs Kermode, Sydney, Nov. 1902”
91. “Sydney, Fairwater, Nov. 1902”. A large house, with two ladies in the garden.
92. “Mrs. June Faifax, Miss Clibborn” in a garden with croquet mallets.
93. “Nov. 1902 Holmesly, Sydney NSW. Mrs. Clibborn, Miss R Dangar”. Also at croquet.
94. “Miss R Danger, Mrs. Clibborn, Miss Maxwell”. Similar to 93.
95. “Holmesly Nov. 1902 Sydney NSW. Miss Clibborn, Miss R Dangar, Mrs Clibborn, Mrs June Fairfax”. Having tea in the garden.
96. “RPH Nov. 1902” An officer on deck with a large box camera.
97. Miss W Cholmley, Mr Morris, Woodlands, Melbourne 1902. Two figures faintly discernible.
98. Lieut. G P Bigg-Withers RN”. On the bridge of a ship, studying a chart.
99. “John Manson Esq.” on a sailing ship.
100. “Yarra Picnic Dec. ’02 Mr Druse, Miss O’Loghlan, Mr. Bob Blackwood”
101. “Miss Landale, Mr. Landale, Miss Firkin, Miss C Amytage”. A picnic.
102. “Mr Shepherd, RN” Also at the picnic?
103. “Yarra Picnic Dec.’02. Miss Landale, Lord Barringdon, Mr. F Amytage”. Could this be Walter Bulkeley Barrington, 9th Viscount Barrington (1848–1933)?
104. “HMS ‘Pylades’ (1884) 18th Feb. 1903” at a mooring.
105. “Vice Admiral Sir L A Beaumont leaving Sydney in MS ‘Sierra’. USMS ‘Sierra’ (1900), HMS ‘Pylades’(1884), HMS ‘Royal Arthur’, 19 Jan. 1903”. ‘Royal Arthur’ is very faint.
106 – 109 “Admiral Fanshawe relieving Sir Lewis Beaumont as C-in-C Australia 16.1.03”. Probably on deck of HMS ‘Pylades’.
106. “Awaiting the new C-in-C. Bigg-Withers, Moorhead, Lt.Corbett, Lt.Coates, Mr Preston, Lt. H Shane, Capt. Purefoy, Sir L A B, Capt Walker, Capt Field” and others.
107. “Presenting the Captains” Listed as above.
108. “”Goodbye” with a similar list of names.
109. “”All over””. A similar view.
110. “7am Meke, Fiji, Aug ‘02
111. “Suwa – Native canoe with C-in-C on board Aug. ‘02”. The C-in-C is standing erect in front of the mast of the lateen-rigged vessel. The crew of 6 all appear to be quite busy.
112. “Suva, Fiji, 1902 – Government House Grounds –Club Meke.
113. “Fiji 1902 Servants at Government House in Full Dress” consisting of a short sarong wrap with a sort of cummerbund.
114. “Fiji 1902, Armed Native Constabulary”. A group of 5.
115. “Dangar Island, Hawkesbury River, 31st January ’03 – Miss Muriel Dangar, Mrs. R Dangar, The Reception.
116. “Mrs. R D, Miss R D, Miss N D”. The three ladies are wearing long white dresses and frilly hats..
117 & 118. Two more views some of the group, including a boy in a broad-brimmed hat.
119. “Sydney Cricket Ground, 3rd Feb. ’03. Navy v. I Z, I Z fielding.
120. “Dr. S Key, RN, 54 not out, Arthur Macarthur, I Z” and others in the background.
121. “Menangle Station, NSW”
122. “Gilbulla – Menangle”. A spacious house, with a church in the background. Gilbulla is now a heritage-listed building.
123. “Gilbulla Feb. ’03 - Mrs. S M O Col. S M O”. The two people are in the shade on the verandah, and some distance away.
124. Three children on a pony cart, with three adults attending. “Mrs J M O, Jacky Street, Jim M O, Baba M O, Nurse, Mrs Street”.
125. “Gilbulla 7th Feb. ’03 Mrs. Macarthur – Osborne, Col. Macarthur-Osborne”. The two people are close-up and fairly clear.
126. “Sydney 1903 Yacht ashore off Larikin [?] Point in a strong Nor’easter”. Two crew are struggling with the sails. It looks as though they might have lowered them earlier.
127. “17th February 1903 North Head – Sydney Harbour “Goodbye””. A view from the sea.
128. “HMS ‘Pylades’ Feb. 1903”. A fairly good posed photo of 9 officers with serious attitudes. “Mr. Rouse, Mr. Murphy, Lt. Bigg-Wither, Lt. Rede., Mr Sharp, Mr. Barrett, Lt. Kiddle, RPH [Captain Phipps Hornby], Mr Moorhead”.
129. “Melbourne – Garden, Union Club”. An enclosed garden, with an elegant verandah.
130. “Greystones, Rowley – Mrs Baechus Marsh-Victoria, Miss Hill, Keva [a child], W L Allardyce, Mrs. Allardyce, Viti [an older child], Miss Green”.
131. “Viti & Keva Allardyce, Greystones, March 8th 1903”. Posing shyly in a garden.
132. “Greystones, March 1903”. An imposing mansion in a large garden, seen from a paddock. A water-pump in the background.
133. “People who had come to see P&O ‘Oceana’ off. March 10th 1903, Port Melbourne Victoria”
134. “HMS ‘Pylades’ with signal ‘Goodbye, and a pleasant passage’ flying”. The ship is distant, the signal barely discernible.
135. “P&O SS ‘Oceana’ 1903 – Miss Edith Smith, Mrs. Hayes” and others, looking out from the ship’s rail.
136. “P&O SS ‘Oceana’ March 1903 – last visitors leaving at Adelaide, S. Aust.” A steam vessel is alongside ‘Ocena’.
137. “P&O SS ‘Oceana’ March 1903 – Passengers embarking at Adelaide”.
138. “P&O SS ‘Oceana’ March 1903 – Embarking bullion at Adelaide”.
139. “P&O SS ‘Oceana’ March 1903 – Miss Guttrie, Mrs. P Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Miss Lemprière” on deck.
140. “P&O SS ‘Oceana’ March 1903 – Some of Messrs. Rickaids & Co’s theatrical company” including two elegant young ladies.
141. ““P&O SS ‘Oceana’ March 1903 – Mr Foster, Mr Phillips Russell”. Seated on deck, smoking pipes.
142. “P&O SS ‘Oceana’ March 1903 – Mr & Mrs Langton-Wilson” on deck.
143. “P&O SS ‘Oceana’ March 1903 – Entrance to Harbour, Freemantle, W. Australia”. Not a lot to see.
144. “P&O SS ‘Oceana’ March 1903 – Freemantle”. A barque alongside a quay.
145. “P&O SS ‘Oceana’ March 1903” – A group seated under an awning. 5 individuals are named, but the faces are obscured and not recognisable. Miss R Guttrie appears to have her own chair, boldly labelled.
146. “P&O SS ‘Oceana’ March 1903” – A similar group. Two chairs with name labels.
147. “P&O SS ‘Oceana’ March 1903 – Neptune holds a Court” with the passengers at a safe distance.
148. “Crossing the Line – a presentation.” Similar to 147.
149. “P&O SS ‘Oceana’ March 1903 – Crossing the line – an initiation – being made free of the seas”. A somewhat boisterous ceremony.
150. “P&O SS ‘Oceana’ March 1903 – Lasenro [?] dancing”. A group, mostly with turbans.
151. “P&O SS ‘Oceana’ March 1903 – Wi ! Wi ! Wi !!! and Tarara-boom-de-ay by natives in Colombo Harbour”. In six dug-out canoes, some standing, two in the water.
152. “P&O SS ‘Oceana’ March 1903 – Mrs. P Russell, Mr P Russell, Miss Guttrie, Miss M Lemprière, Miss L Smith, Miss E Lemprière, RPH, Mr Kindersley”. On deck, under an awning, Faces generally recognisable, except for Mr Russell, who merges into the background.
153. “Dhows in Colombo Harbour” somewhat distant.
154. “Colombo 1903 - the GOH (Grand Oriental Hotel)”. 2 York Street. Seems to have been partly rebuilt now (2013).
155. “Colombo 1903 – Street scene outside the shops of [blank]”
156. “Colombo 1903 - Galle Face Hotel”. No. 2 Galle Road. The façade looks much the same now (2013).
157. “P&O SS ‘Oceana’ March 1903 – Mr Talbot, Lady Glover, Miss Glover, Mr Biederman, Violet Rae Sands [a child], Mr ?, Mrs Rae-Sands, Mr Guille”. A group on deck - all would be recognisable.
158. “Aden 1903 – April 1st – HM Ships ‘Cossack’, ‘Hermione’, ‘Intrepid’, ‘Highflyer’, ‘TB107’, ‘Naiad’.” A panorama made up from 5 photos, folded. There is also a pencil annotation, barely readable but maybe “RM Dalhousie” and two names.
159. “P&O SS Oceana April 6th 1903 ‘Suez’ Passengers landing” in a steam launch, which is towing a felucca with sail furled. A 2-masted felucca is moored to the shore.
160. “P&O SS Oceana April 6th 1903 ‘Suez’”. A distant view of the port, with a buoy in the foreground.
161 & 162. “P&O SS Oceana April 1903 ‘Suez Canal’”. Two views of hilly desert banks, with camels and people in the background.
163. “P&O SS Oceana April 1903 Suez Canal by Ismailia”. Part of the foredeck, with the canal in the background.
164. “P&O SS Oceana April 10th 1903 Mr Kindersley, Lord Herschel, Mr Biedemann, Miss Estelle Lemprière, Miss M Lemprière, Miss E Smith, Miss Guttrie”. On deck. The men are sporting sporty outfits, the ladies are elegant, with veils, two with box cameras.
165. “P&O SS Oceana April 11th 1903 Marseilles, from entrance of the new harbour”.
166. “Onboard packet at Calais, April 13th 1903. Miss M Halliday, Mr Deane, Mrs. Escombe, Capt. Escombe, Mrs Deane, Miss G Halliday”. On deck, in deck chairs, well wrapped up. Other passengers in the background.

There are two unmounted photos at the end of the album. One shows a boy with a cat on top of a garden wall, apparently accessed by a rope ladder, and with a dog on the ground. The other shows a lady and gentleman on the deck of a ship, with a dog sitting in front of the man, looking up.

Object Details

ID: ALB0017
Type: Photograph album
Display location: Not on display
Date made: 1901 - 1903
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Measurements: Overall: 153 mm x 204 mm

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