Career of Commander Windham Mark Phipps Hornby, Volume 2: naval service as a Lieutenant aboard HMS Ramillies (1916) between 1917 and 1918

Contents (plate number):

1. A portside view of the Revenge class dreadnought battleship HMS Ramillies (1916) at moorings, probably at Rosyth, October 1917.
2. A near stern-on view [slightly to starboard] of HMS Ramillies (1916) at moorings, probably at Rosyth, late 1917.
3. View forward from the after part of the upper deck abaft ‘Y’ turret, HMS Ramillies (1916). Photograph taken while the ship was passing under the Forth Bridge, late 1917. Marines can be seen manning ship.
4. Slightly distant portside near beam view just forward of the broadside of the Courageous class battlecruiser HMS Glorious (1916) at her moorings.
5. A view of Stroma, Scotland heavily tinted in red.
6. View forward from the bridge of HMS Ramillies (1916) while underway at sea. ‘A’ and ‘B’ turrets appear to be training to starboard.
7. A port bow view of the Revenge class dreadnought battleship HMS Royal Sovereign (1915) at sea. The bearing markers painted on ‘A’ turret suggest a date of late 1917 onwards.
8. Starboard beam view of HMS Ramillies (1916) being towed into Mersey.
9. View aft from the compass platform aboard HMS Ramillies (1916), taken while the ship was drydocked in the Gladstone Dock, Liverpool.
10. View forward from the compass platform aboard HMS Ramillies (1916), taken while the ship was drydocked in the Gladstone Dock, Liverpool.
11. View aft from the starboard side of the forecastle deck [abreast ‘X’ turret] of HMS Ramillies (1916). A small side party can be seen assembled on the upper deck for the departure of Admiral Sir Charles E. Madden on completion of an inspection. An armoured cruiser, a light cruiser and a third ship are visible in the background, but too distant to be identified.
12. Two of HMS Ramillies (1916)’s warrant officers on the after part of the forecastle deck abreast the after conning tower [port side]. In the background, ‘X’ turret can be made out trained to port, October 1917.
13. A starboard bow view of HMS Ramillies (1916) in the Gladstone Dock, Liverpool.
14. Formal group photograph of the Midshipmen and Sub Lieutenants aboard HMS Ramillies (1916), circa 1917. The group is assembled on the after part of the forecastle deck [portside] abreast the after director.
15. Formal group photograph of the officers of HMS Ramillies (1916), circa 1917. The group is assembled on the after part of the upper deck along the port rail.
16. Formal group photograph of the warrant officers of HMS Ramillies (1916), circa 1917. The group is assembled on the after part of the forecastle deck [portside] abreast the after director.
17. Crewmen on the after part of the upper deck [starboard side abaft ‘Y’ turret] of HMS Ramillies (1916) preparing to disembark a torpedo.
18. Crewmen on the after part of the upper deck [starboard side abaft ‘Y’ turret] of HMS Ramillies (1916) disembarking a torpedo.
19. A distant port bow view of a Revenge class dreadnought battleship at moorings, Scapa Flow. In the foreground are two sailing dinghies.
20. A portside near beam view just aft of the broadside of a Queen Elizabeth class dreadnought battleship at moorings, Scapa Flow, with two launches astern of her. The light cruiser beyond is of the Arethusa class. An observation kite balloon has been deployed from the Queen Elizabeth.
21. View astern from the aft end of the forecastle deck of HMS Ramillies (1916) abreast ‘X’ turret on the starboard side. Following astern of her are two more Revenge class dreadnought battleships. To the centre/right of the picture are the US warships USS Florida (1911) [left] and USS Delaware (1910) [right]. Photograph taken at Scapa Flow.
22. View aft from the after part of the forecastle deck of HMS Ramillies (1916) abreast ‘X’ turret [portside]. Crewmen on the upper deck are embarking food stores from a supply ship alongside, including pig or sheep carcasses. Photograph taken at Scapa Flow.
23. Crewmen on the after part of the forecastle deck [portside] of HMS Ramillies (1916) preparing for a damage control exercise. Photograph taken at Scapa Flow.
24. View forward from the after part of the upper deck [starboard side] of HMS Ramillies (1916) abreast ‘Y’ turret. The anchored dreadnought battleship nearest the ship is a member of the Orion class, while the one beyond her is either a King George V or Iron Duke. Moored ahead of them are two British light cruisers. Photograph taken at Scapa Flow.
25. Crewmen airing bedding on the after part of the upper deck of HMS Ramillies (1916), around ‘X’ and ‘Y’ turrets.
26. Grand Fleet Boxing Competition, probably seen from the compass platform of HMS Ramillies (1916). The boxing ring has been set up on the upper deck of a supply ship alongside [name plate is partially obscured by figures on the bridge but appears to be four letters beginning ‘Co-’.
27. The First Battle Squadron at sea. The two nearest vessels are HMS Canada (1913) [on left] and a dreadnought battleship of the Revenge class [on right]. The rest are too distant to be identified but in this period would have comprised members of the Iron Duke or Revenge classes.
28. A distant view of formations of the Grand Fleet at Sea. The ships of the 2nd Division, mainly Iron Duke class dreadnought battleships, are in the foreground.
29. A port bow view of HMS Ramillies (1916) at moorings, Scapa Flow, winter 1917.
30. Embarking torpedoes on the after part of the upper deck [starboard side] of HMS Ramillies (1916). Part of ‘Y’ turret [which is trained to port] can be seen behind the men handling one of the torpedoes.
31. A portside near beam view just aft of the broadside of a Revenge class dreadnought battleship underway.
32. A view of part of the Scapa Flow anchorage. To the left are two dreadnought battleships of the Iron Duke class at moorings. To the right is the seaplane carrier HMS Campania (1893). A supply ship is in between. All are quite distant.
33. A starboard beam view of a scout cruiser of the Boadicea or Blonde class at moorings, Scapa Flow.
34. A very distant starboard beam view of three Revenge class dreadnought battleships at moorings, Scapa Flow.
35. Scapa Flow, January 1918. Two ships are at moorings in this picture; HMS Campania (1893) on the left and HMS Revenge (1915) on the right. A tender is alongside the latter ship to deliver mail.
36. Scapa Flow, January 1918 A starboard near beam view just forward of the broadside of the Revenge class dreadnought battleship HMS Resolution at moorings. Just visible beyond and astern of her is one of her sisters.
37. Scapa Flow, January 1918. A distant port quarter view of the Bellerophon class dreadnought battleship HMS Temeraire (1907) underway.
38. Scapa Flow, January 1918. A port quarter view of the dreadnought battleship HMS Orion (1910) at moorings. An observation kite balloon sent aloft from the ship is visible at the top of the picture.
39. Scapa Flow, January 1918. A starboard view of one of the mail vessels underway.
40. Scapa Flow, January 1918. A starboard bow view of HMS Ramillies (1916) at her moorings.
41. Scapa Flow, January 1918. A distant portside view of the Minotaur class armoured cruisers HMS Minotaur (1906) and HMS Shannon (1906) at moorings.
42. Lieutenant Commander Hubert Ardill emerging from a stairwell on the upper deck of HMS Ramillies (1916) near ‘Y’ turret.
43. Informal group photograph comprising Temporary Surgeon William B. Haywood-Waddington, Midshipman Salter [either George L. M. or Jocelyn B. C.], Commander Charles W. Round-Turner and Captain Evan J. Hughes, Royal Marines.
44. Sub-Lieutenant Eric M. McCausland on the after part of the upper deck of HMS Ramillies (1916). In the background is a moored dreadnought battleship of the Orion class.
45. Lieutenant Commander Hubert Ardill on the upper deck of HMS Ramillies (1916) near ‘Y’ turret.
46. Lieutenant Commander Hubert Ardill and Lieutenant Commander William F. Wake-Walker on the upper deck of HMS Ramillies (1916) near ‘Y’ turret. Others are on the deck embarking tinned food from the supply ship Emerald (1904).
47. Gunner William C. P. Crabb on the port side of the forecastle deck abreast ‘X’ turret, HMS Ramillies (1916). The ship visible alongside appears to be a supply vessel but her identity is not certain. The moored ship just visible in the background is a dreadnought of the Orion class.
48. View aft from the funnel searchlight position aboard HMS Ramillies (1916). A dreadnought battleship of the Revenge class is moored directly astern, and the Forth Bridge is visible in the background.
49. View aft from the starboard side of the forecastle deck abreast ‘X’ turret, HMS Ramillies (1916), while steaming into Rosyth. In line behind her are two other ships of her class, with at least three other dreadnought battleships behind them. To the right of the picture are three battlecruisers; one of the Renown class, HMS Tiger (1913) and one of the Lion class. Three observation kite balloons are deployed above the ships, and the Forth Bridge is just visible in the background.
50. Two ships moored alongside HMS Ramillies (1916) on the port side, seen from the forecastle deck of the dreadnought battleship. The identity of the vessel immediately alongside is not certain. The destroyer moored alongside her is HMS Trenchant (1916). The nearer of the two dreadnought battleships in the distance is of the King George V or Iron Duke class, the further one is HMS Agincourt (1913).
51. A portside near beam view just aft of the broadside of the dreadnought battleship HMS Canada (1913). The dreadnought battleship moored beyond her is of the King George V or Iron Duke class.
52. A minesweeping paravane deployed by HMS Ramillies (1916) enters the water, seen from the starboard rail of the forecastle deck.
53. A starboard near beam view just aft of the broadside of a Revenge class dreadnought battleship at her moorings, Rosyth. The Forth Bridge is visible in the background.
54. A very distant view of a group of moored warships, Rosyth. The two nearest vessels are members of the Revenge class, the rest are too distant to identify.
55. A portside near beam view just forward of the broadside of a dreadnought battleship of the Orion class at her moorings, Rosyth. A tender is moving alongside near the stern. In the distance to the right of the picture HMS Agincourt (1913) is just visible.
56. View aft from the port side forecastle deck [abreast ‘X’ turret] of HMS Ramillies (1916) as ships of the First Battle Squadron steam out of Rosyth. The two ships in line astern of her are both dreadnought battleships of the Revenge class. Those further astern are too distant to be identified, but may be dreadnought battleships of the Iron Duke class.
57. A distant view of HMS Marlborough (1912) shrouded in cordite smoke after firing a broadside. The ship astern of her is another dreadnought battleship of the Iron Duke class.
58. A near bows-on view of HMS Royal Sovereign (1916) firing a salvo from her forward turrets, both of which are trained on the port bow. Another dreadnought battleship of the Revenge class is just visible astern of her.
59. A slightly distant view of HMS Revenge (1915) and HMS Resolution (1915) at their moorings in Smoogro Bay, Scapa Flow. Small craft in the foreground include a steam tender, a dinghy and a cutter.
60. View aft from the after end of the upper deck of HMS Ramillies (1916) while raising steam at Scapa Flow. Astern of her are five other dreadnought battleships; two of the Revenge class and three of the Iron Duke class. Above the ships are two observation kite balloons.
61. A close view of the 15-inch guns of ‘X’ and ‘Y’ turrets training on the starboard bow, taken from the aft end of the forecastle deck of HMS Ramillies (1916). In the background with her main armament trained on the starboard quarter is HMS Royal Sovereign (1916).
62. A port bow view of HMS Marlborough (1912) underway, with ‘A’ and ‘B’ turrets trained on the port bow.
63. A starboard beam view of the light battlecruiser HMS Courageous (1916) at Scapa Flow.
64. Crewmen on the after part of the upper deck of HMS Ramillies (1916) readying an observation kite balloon for deployment. Photograph taken from the mainmast searchlight platform.
65. A starboard bow view of HMS Canada (1913) at moorings. ‘Y’ turret is trained to port.
66. A starboard quarter view of the Iron Duke class battleship HMS Benbow (1913) at moorings. Her guest boom is deployed on the starboard side and a number of small boats including a steam launch are tied on.
67. View aft from the after end of the forecastle deck of HMS Ramillies (1916) abreast ‘X’ turret. In line astern of her are HMS Resolution (1915) and another dreadnought battleship of the Revenge class. This photograph was taken while the ships were passing under the Forth Bridge.
68. View forward from the bridge of HMS Ramillies (1916) while steaming into Rosyth. Ahead of her is another dreadnought battleship of the Revenge class. This photograph was taken while the First Battle Squadron was steaming between the moored ships of the Battlecruiser Squadron [on the left] and the US dreadnought battleships of the Sixth Battle Squadron [on the right]. Battlecruisers in the picture include a ship of the Indefatigable class [either HMS Australia (1911) or HMS New Zealand (1911)], a ship of the Courageous class [either HMS Courageous (1916) or HMS Glorious (1916)] and a ship of the Lion class [either HMS Lion (1910) or HMS Princess Royal (1911)]. There is another vessel present in this group which may be a dreadnought battleship of the Queen Elizabeth class. The three US battleships in the picture are USS New York (1912), USS Texas (1912) and USS Arkansas (1911).
69. View aft from the after part of the forecastle deck [port side above the after 6-inch battery] of HMS Ramillies (1916) at Rosyth. Astern of her is the dreadnought battleship HMS Erin (1913) underway, bound out. Near her are two dreadnought battleships of the Queen Elizabeth class at their moorings. Very distant on the left of the picture is a light battlecruiser of the Courageous class.
70. View forward from the bridge of HMS Ramillies (1916) while at moorings, Rosyth. Directly ahead of her in line are HMS Royal Sovereign (1916) [nearer] and another dreadnought battleship of the Revenge class. In the background are the anchored dreadnought battleships of the First and Second Battle Squadrons, comprising members of the Queen Elizabeth, Iron Duke and King George V classes. To the left of the picture HMS Agincourt (1913) can just be made out.
71. A port beam view of the aircraft carrier HMS Furious (1917) at moorings.
72. A starboard beam view of the aircraft carrier HMS Argus (1917) at moorings. To the left of the picture is an anchored dreadnought battleship of the Royal Sovereign class. In the air are a kite observation balloon and two Short 184 biplanes with wheeled undercarriages [as opposed to floats or skids].
73. A starboard near beam view just aft of the broadside of the dreadnought battleship USS Florida (1910) at moorings.
74. A port bow view of the New York class dreadnought battleship USS Texas (1912) at moorings, with a steam launch passing in the foreground.
75. A port quarter view of HMS Ramillies (1916) at moorings, circa 1918. ‘X’ turret is trained on the starboard quarter.
76. A starboard quarter view of HMS Ramillies (1916) at moorings, circa 1917.
77. A port quarter view of HMS Ramillies (1916) at moorings, circa 1918.
78. A nighttime starboard view of HMS Campania (1893) during a gale in the Firth of Forth, 5th Novermber 1918. The ship has been partially illuminated by searchlight. This is part of a sequence of photographs documenting the ship’s loss after a collision with HMS Revenge (1915).
79. A port bow view of HMS Campania (1893) foundering and sinking by the stern in the Firth of Forth, 5th November 1918. This is part of a sequence of photographs documenting the ship’s loss after a collision with HMS Revenge (1915). A Revenge class dreadnought battleship is visible in the background.
80. A port bow view of HMS Campania (1893) foundering and sinking by the stern in the Firth of Forth, 5th November 1918. A tug is alongside trying to render assistance and evacuate members of the crew. This is part of a sequence of photographs documenting the ship’s loss after a collision with HMS Revenge (1915). A Revenge class dreadnought battleship is visible in the background.
81. A port bow view of HMS Campania (1893) foundering and sinking by the stern in the Firth of Forth, 5th November 1918. The tug from image #80 is now standing off as the ship sinks lower. This is part of a sequence of photographs documenting the ship’s loss after a collision with HMS Revenge (1915). A Revenge class dreadnought battleship is barely visible in the background behind the Campania.
82. A port bow view of HMS Campania (1893) foundering and sinking by the stern in the Firth of Forth, 5th November 1918. In this image she is beginning to heel over to port as she goes down. This is part of a sequence of photographs documenting the ship’s loss after a collision with HMS Revenge (1915). A Revenge class dreadnought battleship is barely visible in the background.
83. HMS Campania (1893) foundering and sinking by the stern in the Firth of Forth, 5th November 1918. This picture shows her final moments with only the funnels and masts visible above the water. This is part of a sequence of photographs documenting the ship’s loss after a collision with HMS Revenge (1915). A Revenge class dreadnought battleship is visible in the background.
84. Chief Botswain Sydney W. Smale with two crewmen on the upper deck of HMS Ramillies (1916), on the port side abreast ‘Y’ turret.
85. Midshipman Henry L. Beatty with four others on the after part of the upper deck of HMS Ramillies (1916). Two of the ship’s dogs [one identified as ‘Chloe’] are present as well (both are getting a tummy rub).
86. Midshipman Reginald Chadwick and Sub Lieutenant Cyril E. Stonham on the upper deck of HMS Ramillies (1916), on the port side abreast ‘Y’ turret.
87. A.P. Evans [this person does not appear in the Navy List for this period, although he is in what appears to be in RN uniform] and Mate Charles R. Ryman on the forecastle deck of HMS Ramillies (1916), abreast the after conning tower on the starboard side.
88. Lieutenant Edward F. Lawder on the upper deck of HMS Ramillies (1916) near ‘Y’ turret. He is presumably on his way to have a bath as evidenced by his dressing gown and towel.
89. An informal group photograph taken from the forecastle deck of HMS Ramillies (1916). Five of the six individuals have been identified, and they are: Lieutenant Edward F. Lawder, Lieutenant Commander Gordon F. Markwick, A. P. Evans [see note for image #87], Temporary Chaplain Reverend Arthur C. White and Lieutenant Morris M. Bright.
90. Dreadnought battleships of the Grand Fleet at anchor at Rosyth, including ships of the Revenge, Iron Duke, and King George V classes. Also present are at least one Indefatigable class battlecruiser and HMS Agincourt (1913). Two observation kite balloons are visible above the ships.
91. A port quarter view of a dreadnought battleship of the Iron Duke class at moorings, Rosyth.
92. View aft from the forecastle deck of HMS Ramillies (1916) abreast ‘X’ turret on the port side. Moored astern of her are two destroyers of the M or R classes.
93. Close view of a steam launch moored to HMS Ramillies (1916), Rosyth. In the distance are dreadnought battleships of the Revenge, Queen Elizabeth and Iron Duke classes.
94. A starboard quarter view of the battlecruiser HMS Renown (1916) at moorings, Rosyth. In the distance to the right of the picture is the aircraft carrier HMS Furious (1917).
95. A starboard beam view of HMS Benbow (1913) at moorings, Rosyth. Moored nearby is a flotilla leader of the Lightfoot class. Beyond these ships are an armoured cruiser and a dreadnought battleship of the Queen Elizabeth class.
96. A starboard near beam view just aft of the broadside of HMS Revenge (1915) at moorings. In the distance are the US dreadnought battleships of the Sixth Battle Squadron.
97. The chapel altar, HMS Ramillies (1916). This was probably on the upper or main deck of the ship.
98. Deck hockey on the upper deck of HMS Ramillies (1916).
99. A very informal portrait photograph of Lieutenant Alfred D. S. Grant with his duffel coat hood up.
100. An informal group photograph of a party ashore. The men in the picture are Lieutenant John N. Pelly, Acting Lieutenant Alan Cory-Wright DSC, Paymaster Sub Lieutenant Maxwell H. Toppin, Royal Naval Reserve and Temporary Instructor Lieutenant Samuel Lister B. Sc.
101. Commander Charles W. Round-Turner in his duffel coat smoking a cigarette. He is on the starboard side of the forecastle deck just aft of the mainmast of HMS Ramillies (1916).
102. A portside near beam view just aft of the broadside of HMS Warspite (1913) underway.
103. A demonstration in the wardroom (on the upper deck) of HMS Ramillies (1916) by a former English Billiards Champion (1908 first championship) Mr. H. W. Stevenson. Also present in the group photograph are Paymaster Sub Lieutenant Maxwell H. Toppin, Royal Naval Reserve, Lieutenant Claude H. Kersley, Royal Naval Reserve, Surgeon Commander John C. Rowan MB, Paymaster Commander Thomas Hayes, Lieutenant Commander the Honourable George Fraser, Captain Evan J. Hughes, Royal Marines, Captain Edmund P. F. G. Grant CB, Ad C, Captain Thomas D. Pratt CB, Lieutenant John N. Pelly and Engineer’s Mate Charles Marchant.
104. A group of officers (including a Lieutenant and a Midshipman) enjoying a picnic ashore, Scapa Flow?
105. View aft from the port side forecastle deck abreast ‘X’ turret of a dreadnought battleship of the Queen Elizabeth class, taken while passing under the Forth Bridge. Two ships of the same class are following in line astern of her.
106. Lieutenant Alfred D. S. Grant framed in a doorway aboard HMS Ramillies (1916), probably at the after end of the forecastle deck.
107. View forward from the upper deck of HMS Ramillies (1916) abaft ‘Y’ turret [slightly to port], taken while passing under the Forth Bridge.
108. Formal group photograph of members of a ship’s company. The cap badge names are too indistinct to be made out, but these men are very likely to be of HMS Ramillies (1916).
109. Formal group photograph of seamen and petty officers of HMS Ramillies (1916). The photograph was taken on the after part of the forecastle deck on the port side.
110. View aft from the port side of the shelter deck of HMS Ramillies (1916), just forward of ‘X’ turret and abreast the after conning tower. The supply ship Emerald (1904) is alongside.
111. A starboard quarter view of the supply ship Transporter (1911), steaming towards a moored dreadnought battleship of the Iron Duke class. In the background to the left of the picture is another Iron Duke at moorings.
112. Distant starboard view of a Chatham class light cruiser at moorings, circa 1917/18. In the background beyond her is a surfaced K class submarine. An observation kite balloon is overhead.
113. View aft down the portside from the after end of the forecastle deck, HMS Ramillies (1916). Astern of her is the Forth Bridge, under which she has just passed, and another dreadnought battleship of the Revenge class. In the distance is the dreadnought battleship USS Delaware (1909).
114. Boy seamen receiving instruction on the forecastle deck of HMS Ramillies (1916). They are seated in a group between the sea anchor chains.
115. View aft from the port side of the forecastle deck abreast ‘X’ turret, HMS Ramillies (1916), Rosyth. In the background are the Forth Bridge and another moored dreadnought battleship of the Revenge class. A large number of crewmen are assembled on the upper deck, possibly to receive pay?
116. Starboard beam view of a Revenge class dreadnought battleship at moorings. Barely visible beyond her are the masts of another Revenge and a Courageous class battlecruiser. An observation kite balloon is deployed above the ships.
117. Embarking torpedoes on the after part of the upper deck, HMS Ramillies (1916) after torpedo practice. A destroyer alongside appears to be of the V class, although it is not clear whether she is a regular destroyer or a leader.
118. A starboard near beam view just aft of the broadside of the Indefatigable class battlecruiser HMS New Zealand (1911).
119. View aft from the after part of the forecastle deck abreast ‘X’ turret, HMS Ramillies (1916). Crewmen can be seen lining up on the after part of the upper deck to receive their pay. In the background are several moored dreadnought battleships, most members of the Iron Duke and King George V classes.
120. View forward from the bridge of HMS Ramillies (1916) in rough weather. ‘A’ and ‘B’ turrets are trained to the starboard quarter. The vessels ahead are probably battle cruisers, but are too distant to be identified. The nearest of them could be a ship of the Invincible or Indefatigable class.
121. A close-up of the barrels of a pair of 15-inch guns, probably aboard HMS Ramillies (1916).
122. View aft from the port side of the forecastle deck abreast the after conning tower, HMS Ramillies (1916). Moored in the background is the Iron Duke class dreadnought HMS Emperor of India (1913). An Admiralty trawler is passing between the two ships.
123. Captain Edmund P. F. G. Grant CB and Commander Charles W. Round-Turner on the after part of the upper deck, HMS Ramillies (1916).
124. A starboard near beam view just forward of the broadside of HMS Queen Elizabeth (1913) at moorings. A cruiser of the ‘C’ type is visible in the background to the left of the picture.
125. Lieutenant Edward F. Lawder and Lieutenant Commander William F. Wake-Walker on the after end of the forecastle deck, HMS Ramillies (1916).
126. Lieutenant Windham Mark Phipps Hornby on the port side of the forecastle deck roughly abreast the after conning tower.
127. A starboard quarter view of a steam vessel [number 20 on hull] taking liberty men ashore.
128. A view of the floating crane at Invergordon.
129. Commander Charles W. Round-Turner on the after part of the upper deck, HMS Ramillies (1916), abreast ‘X’ turret on the port side.
130. Lieutenant Harry B. Germain, ‘Back’ [identity uncertain], and Temporary Instructor Lieutenant Samuel Lister B.Sc. on the starboard side of the upper deck of HMS Ramillies (1916) abreast ‘X’ turret.
131. A starboard quarter view of HMS Queen Elizabeth (1913) at moorings, Scapa Flow. The vessel ahead of her may be a cruiser of the ‘C’ type, but this is not certain. In the distance are four dreadnought battleships raising steam.
132. A starboard quarter view of HMS Ramillies (1916) and HMS Revenge (1915) at moorings, Rosyth. The Forth Bridge is just visible in the background.
133. Informal group photograph of the officers and Midshipmen of HMS Ramillies (1916) in fancy dress in the wardroom, Christmas 1918.

Object Details

ID: ALB0993
Type: Photograph album
Display location: Not on display
Date made: 1917-1918
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Measurements: Overall: 272 mm x 401 mm x 36 mm

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