Career of Commander Windham Mark Phipps Hornby, Volume 3: naval service as a Lieutenant on various RN postings between 1918 and 1925

Contents (plate number):

1. Ships of the High Seas Fleet in “Durance Vile” [ie imprisoned] while interned at Scapa Flow. In the foreground is a light cruiser of the Konigsberg (ii) class. Beyond her to the right is a dreadnought battleship of the Kaiser class, and behind her SMS Hindenburg (1915). To the left of the picture is another moored dreadnought battleship which is too distant to identify.
2. A portside near beam view just aft of the broadside of the dreadnought battleship SMS Bayern (1915) at moorings while interned at Scapa Flow.
3. A starboard bow view of the battlecruiser SMS Seydlitz (1912) at moorings while interned at Scapa Flow.
4. A starboard bow view of the battlecruiser SMS Von der Tann (1909) at moorings while interned at Scapa Flow. Beyond her in the centre of the picture is the battlecruiser SMS Moltke (1910) and to the right the battlecruiser SMS Seydlitz (1912).
5. A port bow view of the Konig class dreadnought battleship SMS Grosser Kurfürst (1913) at moorings while interned at Scapa Flow. Behind her is the dreadnought battleship SMS Bayern (1915).
6. A starboard beam view of a dreadnought battleship of the Bayern class interned at Scapa Flow.
7. A port beam view of a dreadnought battleship of the Kaiser class interned at Scapa Flow.
8. A starboard near beam view just forward of the broadside of a Cöln class light cruiser interned at Scapa Flow.
9. A starboard beam view of a Brummer class cruiser minelayer interned at Scapa Flow.
10. A starboard near beam view just forward of the broadside of a G101 class destroyer interned at Scapa Flow.
11. A starboard near beam view just forward of the broadside of what might be a destroyer of the V43 class interned at Scapa Flow.
12. A stern view of two German destroyers alongside each other while interned at Scapa Flow. The one on the left is of the V125 or S131 class, while that on the right is probably of the S49 or G86 class.
13. A distant starboard near beam view just forward of the broadside of an unidentified coaster.
14. A portside near beam view just forward of the broadside of a Konig class dreadnought battleship at moorings while interned at Scapa Flow.
15. A port beam view of a destroyer of the V125 or S131 class at moorings while interned in Scapa Flow, with a lighter alongside in the foreground. Another destroyer is moored beyond her but cannot be identified.
16. A portside near beam view slightly aft of the broadside of a destroyer of the V125 or S131 class at moorings while interned at Scapa Flow. A destroyer of the same group is moored on her starboard side.
17. A portside near beam view just aft of the broadside of a destroyer of the V67 class at moorings while interned at Scapa Flow. A destroyer of the same group is moored on her starboard side.
18. A distant starboard bow view of a destroyer of the G101 class at moorings while interned at Scapa Flow.
19. A starboard bow view of a G85 class destroyer at moorings while interned at Scapa Flow. Moored on her portside is another destroyer of a similar group, but it cannot at present be determined whether they are of the same class.
20. A starboard bow view of a destroyer of the S49 class at moorings while interned at Scapa Flow. A destroyer of the same group is moored on her port side.
21. A view of part of the Scapa Flow anchorage from one of the islands.
22. A port quarter view of a pair of G101 class destroyers moored alongside each other while interned at Scapa Flow.
23. German officers and men in a steam lighter coming alongside the Revenge class dreadnought battleship HMS Ramillies (1916).
24. German officers and men in a steam lighter, a steam launch and two smaller boats coming alongside the Revenge class dreadnought battleship HMS Ramillies (1916).
25. Commander Charles H. A. Cartwright and Lieutenant Noel W. Dixon at the head of a large party of armed Royal Marines (Lee-Metford rifles) aboard HMS Ramillies (1916). The caption suggests they are a waiting the arrival of the Germans in the previous pictures.
26. German officers on the after part of the upper deck of HMS Ramillies (1916) near ‘Y’ turret, watched by British sailors armed with Lee-Enfield Mk III rifles.
27. German officers on the after part of the upper deck of HMS Ramillies (1916) near ‘Y’ turret.
28. Captain John Luce CB in conversation with Korvettenkapitan Zirsow of SMS Baden (1915) on the after part of the upper deck of HMS Ramillies (1916).
29. German officers on the after part of the upper deck of HMS Ramillies (1916) near ‘Y’ turret.
30. German seamen on the after part of the upper deck of HMS Ramillies (1916) near ‘Y’ turret. They are being watched by two British sailors armed with rifles (a Lee-Metford on the left an a Lee-Enfield Mk III on the right).
31. German seamen on the after part of the upper deck of HMS Ramillies (1916) abreast ‘Y’ turret on the port side.
32. German seamen on the after part of the upper deck of HMS Ramillies (1916) near ‘Y’ turret, watched by a Royal Marine with a Lee-Metford rifle and fixed bayonet. The Germans have been put to work cleaning the deck.
33. The bow of the Brummer class cruiser minelayer SMS Bremse (1916) above the water level following the scuttling attempt that left her beached and capsized.
34. A distant view of the port side of the battlecruiser SMS Seydlitz (1912) following her scuttling.
35. A view of the masts, funnels, bridges and turret Bruno of the battlecruiser SMS Hindenburg (1915) above the waterline following her scuttling.
36. A starboard quarter view of the Konigsberg (ii) class light cruiser SMS Nurnberg (ii) (1916) down by the bow and beached on Cava Island following her scuttling.
37. A starboard quarter view of the Konigsberg (ii) class light cruiser SMS Nurnberg (ii) (1916) after being refloated.
38. A mixed group of German destroyers beached in Cutter Sound following the scuttling of the High Seas Fleet.
39. Lieutenant Francis Douglas-Watson on the starboard side of the upper deck of the salvaged V43 class destroyer SMS V46 (1914) just abaft of the after searchlight platform.
40. Lieutenant Henry H. McWilliam, probably on the forecastle deck of the salvaged SMS V46 (1914).
41. Sub Lieutenant Sydney K. Horn, Lieutenant Windham Mark Phipps Hornby, Midshipman Cecil H. S. Bowlby and Lieutenant Ralph P. Deane, Royal Marines, aboard SMS Baden (1915) as part of the salvage party.
42. A distant starboard quarter view of SMS Baden (1915) aground in Smoogro Bay following her scuttling.
43. A distant starboard quarter view of SMS Baden (1915) aground in Smoogro Bay following her scuttling.
44. A distant starboard quarter view of SMS Baden (1915) aground in Smoogro Bay following her scuttling.
45. A group photograph of the officers from HMS Ramillies (1916) assigned to the SMS Baden (1915) salvage party. Present are Sub Lieutenant Sydney K. Horn, Lieutenant Ralph P. Deane, Royal Marines, Artificer Engineer Charles E. Barnicoat, Midshipman Cecil H. S. Bowlby, Lieutenant Commander Hugh P. Cotton, Assistant Constructor/Engineering Lieutenant K. H. Watkins, Engineer Commander Arthur E. Hyne, Lieutenant Windham Mark Phipps Hornby, Midshipman Avon R. C. Prentis, Midshipman Peter R. Furse and Midshipman John R. S. Brown.
46. An elevated starboard bow view of SMS Baden (1915) when she was still flagship of the High Seas Fleet.
47. View forward from the bridge of SMS Baden (1915) during the salvage operation.
48. A bows-on view of SMS Baden (1915) in Smoogro Bay during the salvage operation. Alongside are the rescue/salvage tugs HMS St. Just (1918) and HMS Resolve (1918) along with other support tenders.
49. A port quarter view of SMS Baden (1915) in Smoogro Bay during the salvage operation. Alongside are the rescue/salvage tugs HMS St. Just (1918) and HMS Resolve (1918) along with other support tenders.
50. A close up of the port bow area of SMS Baden (1915) during the salvage operation. Pumps are visible in action and the water is at the level of the upper deck.
51. ‘Dudley the [salvage] Pump’ in action on the forecastle deck of SMS Baden (1915) during the salvage operation. Among the group standing nearby are Artificer Engineer Charles E. Barnicoat and Engineer Commander Arthur E. Hyne.
52. A portside near beam view just aft of the broadside of the Wiesbaden class light cruiser SMS Frankfurt (1915) beached in Smoogro Bay following her scuttling. Photograph taken from the forward conning tower of SMS Baden (1915).
53. A portside near beam view just aft of the broadside of the Wiesbaden class light cruiser SMS Frankfurt (1915) beached in Smoogro Bay following her scuttling.
54. A starboard beam view of the Konigsberg (ii) class light cruiser SMS Emden (ii) (1916) at moorings while interned at Scapa Flow.
55. A starboard near beam view just forward of the broadside of HMS Ramillies (1916) off Weymouth, late 1919.A small steam launch is alongside abreast the 6-inch upper deck battery.
56. A large formal group photograph of officers attending training courses at the Royal Naval College, Greenwich, 1920/1921.
57. A formal group photograph of the Lieutenants attending the Torpedo Long Course at HMS Vernon, 1920-1921. Present are Lieutenant Patrick H. Haig-Ferguson, Lieutenant Richard A. Everitt, Lieutenant Geoffrey C. Adams, Lieutenant William Morley, Lieutenant Windham Mark Phipps Hornby, Lieutenant Malcolm G. Saunders, Lieutenant John E. W. Oland, Royal Canadian Navy, Lieutenant Gerald E. A. Jackson, Lieutenant Richard F. Fegen, Lieutenant Anthony F. de Salis, Lieutenant Aubrey A. D. Grey, Lieutenant Edmund G. Abbott AM, Lieutenant Henry D. Johnston DSC and Lieutenant John C. Maclean.
58. Formal group photograph of students at the Anti-Gas School, Tipnor, Portsmouth. They are wearing their gas equipment but have not donned gas masks.
59. Formal group photograph of students at the Anti-Gas School, Tipnor, Portsmouth. They are wearing their gas equipment and have donned gas masks.
60. Informal group photograph of torpedo school students enjoying a free afternoon at the Loch Long Torpedo Range, Scotland.
61. The old ships/hulks that comprised the floating element of the Vernon facility. At this time, the four ships present were Donegal (former First Rate), Marlborough (former First rate), Warrior (former broadside ironclad) and Furious (former protected cruiser).
62. A starboard near beam view just forward of the broadside of the Shakespeare class Flotilla Leader HMS Wallace (1918) in Pollensa Bay, Majorca.
63. View aft from the forecastle of HMS Wallace (1918), looking towards ‘A’ and ‘B’ 4.7-inch guns and the bridge.
64. A very distant view of the destroyers of the First Destroyer Flotilla, Atlantic Fleet, laying a smokescreen during an exercise.
65. A view of the waterfront, Barcelona. To the right is the destroyer depot ship HMS Sandhurst (1905) with four British destroyers nearby. The one to the left is HMS Versatile (1917), and while the others cannot be positively identified they are all of the V or W class.
66. A close view of the stern of HMS Warwick (1917) during a visit of the First Destroyer Division to Malaga, Spain. A sizeable group of local people are on the quayside awaiting an opportunity to visit the ships.
67. A close-up from off the starboard quarter of HMS Warwick (1917) during a visit of the First Destroyer Division to Malaga, Spain. A fair number of visitors can be seen aboard the ship. The three vessels in the background are all members of the V or W classes.
68. View aft from the bridge of HMS Wallace (1918) during a visit of the First Destroyer Division to Malaga, Spain. The bow of the merchant ship Vicente Ferrer (1878) is visible in the background, as is Malaga Cathedral.
69. A starboard bow view of HMS Warwick (1917) behind her is HMS Walrus (1917) and a large number of other V and W class destroyers. The group is massing for an attack during a fleet exercise.
70. A bows-on view of a group of V and W class destroyers massing for an attack during a fleet exercise.
71. A formal group photograph of the officers and men of HMS Wallace (1918) assembled on the forecastle. Photograph taken while the ship was off Bangor.
72. A torpedo photographed at the moment of launch from the forward tubes of HMS Wallace (1918), aiming to starboard.
73. A pair of torpedoes photographed at the moment of launch from the after tubes of HMS Wallace (1918), aiming to port.
74. A spread of torpedoes photographed at the moment of launch from HMS Wallace (1918).
75. A view of part of the waterfront, Constantinople [Istanbul], including the mosques of St. Sophia and Sultan Ahmed. This is part of a series of prints initialled ‘H. W.’ and dated 9th October 1922.
76. A view of part of the waterfront, Constantinople [Istanbul], including the Old Seraglio. This is part of a series of prints initialled ‘H. W.’ and dated 9th October 1922.
77. A view of the Golden Horn, Constantinople [Istanbul]. This is part of a series of prints initialled ‘H. W.’ and dated 9th October 1922.
78. A view of the Bosphorous from Stamboul. A number of Allied warships are visible in the harbour, including the Clemson class destroyer USS Lawrence (1920), an Italian battleship of the Regina Elena class, a dreadnought battleship of the Iron Duke class, a light cruiser of the ‘C’ type and a French armoured cruiser that could be the Ernest Renan (1906). This is part of a series of prints initialled ‘H. W.’ and dated 9th October 1922.
79. A view of part of the waterfront, Constantinople [Istanbul], including Fundukli. This is part of a series of prints initialled ‘H. W.’ and dated 9th October 1922.
80. A view of part of the waterfront, Constantinople [Istanbul], including the Imperial Palace of Dolmabahce. This is part of a series of prints initialled ‘H. W.’ and dated 9th October 1922.
81. A view of part of the waterfront, Constantinople [Istanbul], including Haydar Pasha. This is part of a series of prints initialled ‘H. W.’ and dated 9th October 1922.
82. A view of part of the waterfront, Constantinople [Istanbul], including Haydar Pasha. This is part of a series of prints initialled ‘H. W.’ and dated 9th October 1922.
83. A view of Stamboul, Constantinople [Istanbul] from the landward side.
84. A view of Stamboul, Constantinople [Istanbul] from the landward side, including all the major mosques.
85. A view of Stamboul, Constantinople [Istanbul] from the landward side.
86. A view of Stamboul, Constantinople [Istanbul] from the landward side, including the Sultan Ahmed mosque.
87. An artist’s depiction in watercolour depicting Constantinople as seen from Haidar Pacha [Pasha]. The painting has been signed ‘V. Tschetchet’ and dated 1922.
88. A close view of the mosque of St. Sophia, Constantinople [Istanbul]. This is part of a series of prints initialled ‘H. W.’ and dated 17th October 1922.
89. A close view of the mosque of Sultan Ahmed, Constantinople [Istanbul]. This is part of a series of prints initialled ‘H. W.’ and dated 17th October 1922.
90. The interior of the mosque of St. Sophia, Constantinople.
91. A view of the Old Bridge, Constantinople [Istanbul].
92. A view of the Calata [Galata] Bridge, looking towards Galata, Constantinople [Istanbul]. This is a commercial print produced by Sebah & Joatllis of Constantinople, reference number N45.
93. A view of the Old Palace, Constantinople [Istanbul], including the Harem which in this image shows some signs of fire damage. This is part of a series of prints initialled ‘H. W.’ and dated 17th October 1922.
94. A street in Buyukdéré [Büyükdere], Constantinople [Istanbul].
95. A view of Marmora [Marmara] Island, Constantinople.
96. A formal group photograph of the Captain (D) and Captains of the First Destroyer Flotilla, Atlantic Fleet, probably taken aboard HMS Wallace (1918), November 1922. Present are Lieutenant Commander Thomas C. A. H. Ouchterlony [HMS Whirlwind (1917)], Lieutenant Commander Kenneth B. Millar [HMS Watchman (1917)], Lieutenant Commander Laurence F. Ommaney [HMS Walker (1917)], Lieutenant Commander Edmund F. Fitzgerald [HMS Vortigern (1917)], Lieutenant Commander Frederick A. P. Foster [HMS Vancouver (1917)], Commander Artheur M. Lecky DSO [HMS Warwick (1917)], Captain Arthur K. Betty DSO [HMS Wallace (1918)] and Commander Lawrence D’O. Bignell [HMS Versatile (1917)]. Absent is Commander Christopher H. Ringrose [HMS Velox (1917)].
97. A formal group photograph of the Captain (D), Flotilla Staff of the First Destroyer Flotilla, Atlantic Fleet, and officers of HMS Wallace (1918), November 1922. This photograph was probably taken aboard Wallace. Present are Gunner Herbert Ralph, Gunner Herbert W. Groves, Lieutenant Harold W. Seaman, Lieutenant Lewis D. Jones, Gunner John R. Jarvis, Paymaster Lieutenant Christopher J. B. Harris, Lieutenant Godfrey N. Brewer, Warrant Engineer Ernest D. Roberts, Lieutenant Windham Mark Phipps Hornby, Captain Arthur K. Betty DSO, Lieutenant Robert R. Gibbons MBE, Engineer Commander Ronald G. Morton, Lieutenant John B. Falls and Lieutenant Robert G. H. Milligan.
98. A portside near beam view just forward of the broadside of the Shakespeare class flotilla leader HMS Wallace (1918) at moorings, Invergordon.
99. A starboard bow view of the W class destroyer HMS Warwick (1917) at moorings. This is a commercial print produced by Stephen Cribb of Southsea, Portsmouth.
100. A portside near beam view just forward of the broadside of the W class destroyer HMS Watchman (1917) at moorings. This is a commercial print produced by Stephen Cribb of Southsea, Portsmouth.
101. A port bow view of the W class destroyer HMS Walker (1917) at moorings. This is a commercial print produced by Stephen Cribb of Southsea, Portsmouth.
102. A portside near beam view just forward of the broadside of the W class destroyer HMS Whirlwind (1917) at moorings. This is a commercial print produced by Stephen Cribb of Southsea, Portsmouth.
103. A port bow view of HMS Wallace (1918) under way. This is a commercial print produced by Stephen Cribb of Southsea, Portsmouth.
104. A portside near beam view just forward of the broadside of HMS Wallace (1918) under way. This is a commercial print produced by Stephen Cribb of Southsea, Portsmouth.
105. A portside near beam view just forward of the broadside of the V class destroyer HMS Versatile (1917) at moorings. This is a commercial print produced by Stephen Cribb of Southsea, Portsmouth.
106. A port bow view of the V class destroyer HMS Vancouver (1917) under way. This is a commercial print produced by Stephen Cribb of Southsea, Portsmouth.
107. A starboard near beam view just forward of the broadside of the V class destroyer HMS Velox (1917) at moorings.
108. A port bow view of the V class destroyer HMS Vortigern (1917) under way. This is a commercial print produced by Stephen Cribb of Southsea, Portsmouth.
109. A near bows-on view [from slightly off the starboard bow] of HMS Wallace (1918) arriving at Newcastle-on-Tyne during the visit of the First Destroyer Flotilla, Atlantic Fleet in 1923.
110. Captain Andrew B. Cunningham DSO, probably taken aboard HMS Wallace (1918) at the after end of the upper deck, portside [?].
111. A starboard quarter view of HMS Vancouver (1917) arriving at Newcastle-on-Tyne during the visit of the First Destroyer Flotilla, Atlantic Fleet in 1923.
112. A close view of HMS Wallace (1918) alongside the Corporation Wharf, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1923. The photograph has been taken from the quayside abreast ‘X’ 4.7-inch gun on the portside, looking forward. A group of civilian visitors are gathered waiting to board.
113. A formal group photograph of the officers of HMS Hornet, the CMB base at Haslar. Present are Lieutenant O. F. M. Wethered, Lieutenant C. E. St. Aubyn, Lieutenant M. J. Yeatman, Commissioned Engineer William V. Summons, Lieutenant C. A. E. Stanfield, Engineer Lieutenant Charles G. G. Sindery, Commissioned Gunner A. Wyatt, Lieutenant Windham Mark Phipps Hornby, Commander Thomas B. Drew OBE, Lieutenant Commander Russell H. McBean, Lieutenant Commander Leon H. Acheson DSC and Engineer Lieutenant Commander R. P. Dalton. In the background are two CMBs in their cradles, one of which is CMB112 (1921).

Object Details

ID: ALB0994
Type: Photograph album
Display location: Not on display
Date made: 1918 to 1925
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Measurements: Overall: 277 mm x 402 mm x 37 mm

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