Paymaster Rear-Admiral Martin Gilbert Bennett, 1880-1972

Page 1
Photograph 1: ‘The High Commission, Constantinople 1919’. An unidentified group of naval officers (in summer uniform), army officers, three civilians and a padre.
Photograph 2: ‘The High Commission, Constantinople 1920’. An unidentified group of naval officers (in winter uniform), army officers, 11 civilians and a padre.

Page 2
Photograph 3: ‘The old walls of Stamboul’ ca.1919.. Stamboul is a variant form of Istanbul and referred to the area between the Theodosian walls, the Golden Horn and the Sea of Marmara.
Photograph 4: ‘The old walls of Stamboul’ ca.1919. Another view of the old walls.

Page 3: Title: ‘Glimpses of the Bosphorus’.
Photograph 5: ‘Roumeli Hissar’ ca.1919. View looking down on the 15thC fortress and the Bosporus.
Photograph 6: ‘Roumeli Hissar’ ca.1919. Distant view of the fortress and a ship sailing up the Bosporus.
Photograph 7: ‘The Black Sea entrance to the Bosporus’ ca.1919.
Photograph 8: ‘Roumeli Hissar’ ca.1919. Panoramic view of the fortress and the Bosporus.

Page 4: Title: ‘Glimpses of the Bosphorus’.
Photograph 9: View of the Bosphorus from the shore ca.1919-20.
Photograph 10: View of villas on the shores of the Bosphorus ca.1919..
Photograph 11: View of the fortress Roumeli Hissar with two naval officers identified as Bennett and Davenport (Captain Robert Davenport) standing in front of its walls ca.1919-20.
Photograph 12: View of bay in the Bosphorus from the shore ca.1919.

Page 5
Photograph 13: ‘Sunset over Stamboul’ ca.1919.
Photograph 14: ‘Stenia Creek’ ca.1919.
Photograph 15: ‘The Bosphorous – Asiatic shore’ ca.1919.
Photograph 16: ‘The Sweet Waters of Asia’ ca.1919.

Page 6: Title: ‘The Golden Horn from the Embassy’.
Photograph 17: Distant view of the harbour ca.1919.
Photograph 18: Distant view of Constantinople ca.1919.
Photograph 19: Distant and faded view of the harbour ca.1919.
Photograph 20: Distant view of Constantinople ca.1919.

Page 7
Photograph 21: ‘Stamboul’ ca.1919. View of a street and mosque.
Photograph 22: ‘Stamboul Bridge’ ca.1919. View of the bridge and the mosque of Suleiman the Magnificent from across the Golden Horn.
Photograph 23: ‘Mosque of Suleiman the Magnificent, Stamboul’ 1919. Completed in 1558 and the second largest mosque in Istanbul. View from the sea.
Photograph 24; ‘The War Office, Stamboul’ ca.1919. View of Beyazit Square showing Moorish style gateway leading to the Ministry of War and the Beyazit Tower.

Page 8
Photograph 25: ‘Antigone’ ca.1919. Island near Istanbul. View of buildings on the waterfront.
Photograph 26: ‘Turkish Naval College, Halki’ ca.1919. View from the sea showing parade of naval officers in front of the college. Halki is now called Heybeliada and is Turkey’s second largest island.
Photograph 27: ‘Prinkipo’ ca. 1919. View of the waterfront.
Photograph 28: ‘Prinkipo’ ca.1919. View of the island from the sea.

Page 9
Photograph 29: ‘Inside the old Seraglio, Stamboul’ ca.1919.
Photograph 30: ‘The Golden Horn’ ca.1919. Panoramic view of the harbour.
Photograph 31: ‘A street in Stamboul with St Sophia in the distance’ ca.1919.

Page 10
Photograph 32: ‘Scutari’ ca.1919. View of the town from the sea showing the great mosque. Small sailing craft in foreground.
Photograph 33: ‘Haidar Pasha – railway station showing damage done by explosion during the war’ ca.1919.
Photograph 34: ‘The Valide Mosque - Stamboul’ ca.1919.
Photograph 35: ‘The Golden Horn’ ca.1919. View of the harbour and ships. Mosque in the background.

Page 11: Title: ‘Sports at Therapia, 1919’.
Photograph 36: Distant view of the sports field, 1919.
Photograph 37: Spectators – navy and army officers and wives, 1919.
Photograph 38: Paymaster Captain Bennett and Captain Robert Davenport watching the sports, 1919.
Photograph 39: Distant view of the sports field, 1919.

Page 12: Title: ‘Sports at Therapia, 1919’.
Photograph 40: Sir Henry Woods, Admiral Culme Seymour and General Milne standing outside a tent ca.1919. The officers are in uniform.
Photograph 41: Group of spectators at the sports day including General Milne and General Franchet d’Esperey (1856-1842), 1919.
Photograph 42: Group of spectators at the sports day including army officers and their wives, 1919.
Photograph 43: Admiral Culme Seymour and General Milne standing outside a tent at the sports day, 1919. Both officers are in uniform.

Page 13
Photographs 44- 46: Views of the Corinth Canal looking eastwards, 1919.

Page 14
Ephemera 1: Menu card for a farewell dinner for Admiral Sir John de Roebeck at the Constantinople Club 11 November 1920.
A photograph has been torn out of this page.

Page 15
Photograph 47: ‘[HMS] Benbow (1913) 1921-1922’.
A photograph of HMS Emperor of India (1913) has been torn out of this page.

Page 16
Photograph 48: View of a street in Algiers, 1922.
Photograph 49: View of Allied Fleet off Algiers with HMS Benbow (1913). Very distant.
Photograph 50: Review of Allied Fleet by French President (Millerand) at Algiers, 1922. View of HMS Benbow (1913) dressed overall, with ship’s company assembled on the deck.
Photograph 51: View of street in Algiers, 1922.
Photograph 52: View of French Ministry of Marine in Algiers, 1922. The photograph shows the building illuminated at night.
Photograph 53: ‘Touareg Chiefs’ Algiers, 1922.

Page 17
Ephemera 2: Postcard of P&O ship Macedonia (1904). Photographer: H Grimand et Cie, 54, rue Mazenod, Marseilles.
Ephemera 3: Passenger list for the P&O ship Macedonia (1904) leaving Bombay 11 January 1913 for Marseilles and London. Paymaster M G Bennett is included in the list.

Page 18
Photograph 54: View of a street in Clovelly, 1924.
Photograph 55: A family group at Hartland Quay, 1924.
Photograph 56: Group of women sitting on a rock at Meon Valley with a man standing in front of them, 1924.
Photograph 57: Two children sitting on rocks at Lynmouth, 1924.
Photograph 58: View of sailing ships moored at West Bay, 1924.
Photograph 59: View of two women at Woollacombe, 1924.

Pages 19 and 20
Photographs 60-62: Theatrical production showing mock-up of the deck of the 74 gun HMS Benbow launched in 1813 and presumably staged in a hall or barracks in Malta, early 1920’s. Photograph 62 is impressed with ‘Grand Studio, Malta’.

Page 21
Photograph 63: ‘Black Cutters, Dartmouth’ View of cutters underway on the river Dart, 1920’s.

Page 22
Photograph 64: ‘Charnak’ 1923. Distant view.
Photograph 65: ‘Gallipoli’ 1923. Distant view.

Page 23
Photographs 66-67: Interior of the Mosque of Santa Sophia, Constantinople ca.1922.
Photograph 68: Exterior view of the Mosque of Santa Sophia, Constantinople ca.1922.
Photograph 69: Exterior view of the Mosque of Sultan Achmet [Ahmed], Constantinople ca.1922.
Photograph 70: Interior view of the Mosque of Sultan Achmet [Ahmed], Constantinople ca.1922.

Page 24
Photographic postcard print 71: View of the Burnt Column, Stamboul ca.1922.

Page 25
Photograph 72: ‘The Selamlik’ ca.1922. A group of Turkish soldiers saluting a dignitary leaving the part of a Turkish palace reserved for men or guests.
Photograph 73: ‘Stamboul’ ca.1922. View of two Turkish women walking through a stone archway.
Photograph 74: ‘Hamals’ ca.1922. Two Turkish porters, one carrying a large box on his back, ca.1922.
Photograph 75: ‘Underground water cistern, Stamboul ca.1922.
Photograph 76: ‘A street stall, Stamboul’ ca.1922. A group of Turkish men standing round a cabinet.

Page 26
Ephemera 4: An ink drawing depicting an officer sitting in church with a clergyman standing at the pulpit. Caption: ‘The colonel wakes during the story of Jonah and the Whale – “Another blooming submarine for me to plot”. Mount Wise, Devonport 1917-1918’.

Page 27
Ephemera 5: ‘A Birthday Ode 28th August 1917’ A poem written at Devonport.

Pages 28 - 29
Ephemera 6-9: Colour postcards of Jerusalem, 1920.

Page 30
Photograph 77: ‘E. at Southbourne, 1926’. A woman (presumably Rear Admiral Bennett’s wife Ella) holding a cairn terrier.
Photograph 78: ‘22A Shaftesbury Road’. View of a living room, 1920’s.

Page 31
Photograph 79: A group in ‘Turkish’ style fancy dress including Rear Admiral and Mrs Bennett. Caption: ‘Constantinople New Year’s Eve, 1921’.

Page 32: Names of the Commander-in-Chief and Staff at Devonport in the photograph on page 33.

Page 33
Photograph 80: Group photograph of the Commander-in Chief and Staff at Devonport, 1918. In the front row are Admiral Sir A E Bethell and Paymaster Commander Bennett.

Page 34: Names of the British High Commission, Constantinople, July 1919 in the photograph on page 35.

Page 35
Photograph 81: Group photograph of the British High Commission at Constantinople July 1919. In the second row is Paymaster Bennett and in the third row are General Deedes, Rear Admiral Webb and Vice Admiral Calthorpe.

Page 36: Typed list of staff of British High Commission, Constantinople, May 1920. Photograph on page 37.

Page 37
Photograph 82: Group photograph of staff of British High Commission, Constantinople, May 1920. Includes Paymaster Bennett and Admiral Sir John de Robeck (High Commissioner).

Page 38
Ephemera 10: Extract from Devonport General Orders - Order 592: Anniversary of US Independence Day, 5th July 1918.
Ephemera 11: Extract from Devonport General Orders - Order 599: Twenty-fifth Anniversary of their Majesties’ Wedding, 7th July 1918.

Page 39
Ephemera 12: Extract from Devonport General Orders – Order 667: Farewell Order, Admiral A E Bethell, 31st July 1918.
Ephemera 13: newspaper cutting – obituary of Admiral Sir Alexander Bethell, died 13th June 1932.

Page 40
Ephemera 14: Extract from an article entitled ‘A secret switch for your wireless set’. Handwritten caption: ‘by Geoffrey 1925’. Geoffrey Bennett was Rear Admiral Bennett’s son.
Page 41
Photograph 83: Interior view of the chapel at Dartmouth ca.1925.
Photograph 84: HMS Sturgeon (1917) tender to Dartmouth College ca.1925.

Page 42
Ephemera 15: Card on which there is a sketch of HMS Hood (1918) and caption: ‘HMS Hood at Gibraltar Tuesday 24th March 1926’.

Page 43
Photograph 85: ‘Quarter deck of Royal Sovereign (1915) in a seaway ca.1924.
Photograph 86: HMS Royal Sovereign (1915), 1924.

Page 44
Photograph 87: Group of girls gazing into an ornamental pond, Whale Island 1925.
Photograph 88: Girl sitting on a bridge and gazing into a pond, Whale Island 1925.
Photograph 89: Two girls standing on a small ‘rustic’ bridge, Whale Island, 1925.

Page 45
Photograph 90: Two girls sitting in front of a ‘rustic’ bridge, Whale Island, 1925.
Photograph 91: A girls looking at an ornamental sun dial. Whale Island, 1925.
Photograph 92: A girl sitting near a ‘rustic’ bridge, Whale Island, 1925.

Page 46
Photographs 93-94: ‘Garland on occasion of wedding of Lieutenant E.B Clark, August 1925’. View of garland hoisted on HMS Royal Sovereign (1915).
Photograph 95: ‘Veterans Skiff Race. Atlantic Fleet. July 1925’. A motor launch in the foreground. Distant view of the skiffs and HMS Royal Sovereign (1915).

Page 47
Photograph 96: ‘2nd Battle Squadron passing under Forth Bridge, 1925’.
Photograph 97: ‘HMS Royal Sovereign following Revenge (1915) and Ramillies (1916), 1926’.

Page 48
Photographs 98 and 100: ‘Mollie and Peter, 1925’. View of girl with cairn terrier.
Photograph 99: ‘Peter’. View of cairn terrier sitting on a chair, 1925.
Photograph 101: ‘Esme [Bennett’s wife] Lorna, Mollie, Joan. Weymouth, 1925’.
Photograph 102: ‘On board HMS Royal Sovereign (1915) July 1925’. Three girls wearing naval caps and saluting.
Photograph 103: ‘On board HMS Royal Sovereign (1915), July 1925’. Group of seven girls and three naval officers on the deck of the ship.

Page 49
A photograph of Mollie has been torn out.
Ephemera 16: A post card of Sherborne School from the air.

Page 50
Photograph 104: ‘Dartmouth’. The cricket team ca.1924.

Page 51
Photograph 105: ‘Dartmouth’. The cricket team ca.1924.

Page 52
Photograph 106: ‘Dartmouth – the college (from the air)’ ca.1924.

Page 53
Photograph 107: ‘Dartmouth’. Tug of War teams in front of the college ca.1924.

Page 54
Photograph 108: Distant view of RN College, Dartmouth ca.1924.

Page 55
Photograph 109: ‘British Empire Exhibition.Wembley, 1924’.

Page 56
Ephemera 17: Article from the Gibraltar Chronicle 23rd February 1926 entitled ‘HMS Royal Sovereign’s Theatricals’.
Ephemera 18: A page from the programme of the show HMS ‘Half Quid’ performed by the ship’s company of HMS Royal Sovereign (1915) 1926.

Page 57
Ephemera 19: Programme of the show ‘HMS ‘Half Quid’ or the Navy in 1936 (with acknowledgements to Geddes, Colwyn and other wielders of the axe’ 1926.

Page 58
Photograph 110: HMS Royal Sovereign (1915) 1924-26 underway.

Page 59
Photograph 111: ‘Captain [Barry Edward] Domvile and Officers, HMS Royal Sovereign (1915) 1926’.

Page 60
Photograph 112: ‘Captain [Barry Edward] Domvile and Officers, HMS Royal Sovereign (1915) 1926.

Page 61
Ephemera 20: newspaper cutting – ‘Naval Cadets, Dartmouth and Thunderer Passing Out Lists’ July 1926. Includes Rear Admiral Bennett’s son Geoffrey Martin Bennett.
Photograph 113: ‘Dartmouth 1926’. Three boys and two girls in a rowing boat.
Photograph 114: ‘Southbourne, 1926’. Esme, Rear Admiral’s wife, holding cairn terrier.
Photograph 115: ‘Brook House, Aylesbury, 1929’. Presumably Rear Admiral and Mrs Bennett with a man and a woman standing in front of the house.
Photograph 116: ‘Aylesbury, 1929’. Woman, probably Rear Admiral Bennett’s wife, with cat.

Page 62
Photograph 117: ‘Robin, Nancy 1926’. Wedding photograph.
Photograph 118: ‘Nancy’s Wedding, 1926. The Bridesmaid’.
Photograph 119: Group with cairn terrier, 1926.
Photograph 120: View of Austin 12 car 1926. Portsmouth registered.

Pages 63-64
Photograph 121: ‘15th Secretarial Course. August – December 1927’. Group of paymasters including Paymaster M G Bennett seated outside a building. The names of the officers are written on page 64.

Page 65
Photographs 122- 123: Mollie standing in front of a house (Deepdene) with Peter the dog and Tigger the cat, 1927.
Photograph 124: View of house Deepdene, 1927.
Photograph 125: Peter (cairn terrier) and Tigger (cat) at Deepdene, 1927.
Photograph 126: Distant view of tennis match at Deepdene, 1927.

Page 66
Photograph 127: [HMS] Dolphin Sports, 1927. Group of spectators.
Photograph 128: ‘Evelyn, Lorna, Joan, 1927. Woman with two children.
Photograph 129: ‘Captain Hicks’ 81st birthday, 1927’. Group with Captain Hicks seated in the centre. ? Bennett’s grandfather-in-law.
Photograph 130: ‘Self [Bennett], Esme [wife], Mrs Hamilton, 1926.

Page 67
Photograph 131: ‘Captain Hicks’ 81st birthday, 1927. ? Bennett’s grandfather-in-law.
Photograph 132: ‘Chenecote, 1933’. Elderly man sitting in a deck chair in front of a house.
Photograph 133: ‘Chenecote, 1933’. Woman sitting in deck chair.
Photograph 134: ‘Girl holding a dog, 1928.
Photograph 135: Bennett holding a dog, 1928.

Page 68
Photograph 136: ‘Gun Room – HMS Berwick (1926) –June 1928’. Group of officers in summer uniform including Rear Admiral Bennett’s son Geoffrey Bennett who served as a midshipman on Berwick. All officers are identified.

Pages 69-70
Photograph 137: ‘16th Secretaries Course – February to June 1928’. Group of Paymaster Officers including Paymaster Commander Bennett. The names of the officers are written on page 69.

Pages 71-72
Photograph 138: ‘17th Secretaries Course – August – December 1928. Group of Paymaster Officers including Paymaster Commander Bennett and black spaniel. The names of the officers are written on page 73.

Page 73
Ephemera 21: An ink and watercolour drawing of a secretary bird below the naval crown. The bird is holding a book in its claws next to an ink well and quill pen. Underneath the drawing is the motto, ‘DUX …RATIO.

Pages 74-75
Photograph 139: ‘18th Secretarial Course – February – June 1929. Group of Paymaster Officers including Rear Admiral Sir B C Allen. The names of the officers are written on page 74.

Pages 76-77
Photograph 140: ‘19th Secretarial Course – August – December 1929’. Group of Paymaster Officers including Paymaster Captain Bennett. The names of all the officers are written on page 76.

Page 78
Photograph 141: Family group sitting on a shingle beach, 1929.
Photograph 142: Two girls standing on a beach, 1929.
Photograph 143: Family group sitting in a garden, 1929.
Photograph 144: Girl in bathing suit with greyhound, 1929.
Photograph 145: Same girl in bathing suit sitting on rocks, 1929.
Photograph 146: Two women standing in front of a house, 1929.

Page 79
Photograph 147: ‘Deepdene’ ca.1934. View of detached house.
Photograph 148: ‘Jill, Tigger ca.1934. Terrier and cat seated on a stool.
Photograph 149: ‘Peter, Jill’ ca.1934. Two terriers.
Photograph 150: ‘Meavy, 1934’. Family group on horses.
Photograph 151: ‘Dousland, 1934’. Woman on horseback.

Page 80
Ephemera 22: Newspaper cutting – marriage of Paymaster Bennett to Esme Hicks 21 March 1908.
Ephemera 23: Newspaper cutting – report of the wedding of Paymaster Bennett to Esme Hicks, 21 March 1908.
Ephemera 24: Newspaper cutting announcing the birth of a son to Paymaster Bennett 7th June 1909.
Ephemera 25: Newspaper cutting announcing the birth of a daughter to Paymaster Bennett 25th October 1911.

Page 81
Ephemera 26: newspaper cutting announcing the appointment of Paymaster Commander Bennett to post of Superintendent of the Secretaries Course, Portsmouth, 1927.
Ephemera 27: newspaper cutting announcing the appointment of Paymaster Captain Bennett to Deputy Judge Advocate of the Fleet, 1929.
Photograph 152: Paymaster Captain in full dress uniform. Photograph taken on the occasion of the King’s Silver Jubilee, 1935.
Photograph 153: Royal Naval ratings with gun and limber, no date.

Page 82
Photograph 154: Man in jodphurs and small child, no date.

Page 83
Ephemera 28: Christmas card with watercolour reproduction of a Pensacola class cruiser, 1929.

Page 84: Title: ‘Tavy Cleeve – 1935’ [Dartmoor].
Photograph 155: Group seated on rocks. Tavy Cleeve, Dartmoor, 1935.
Photograph 156: Woman standing on rocks. Tavy Cleeve, Dartmoor, 1935.
Photograph 157: Group standing on rocks. Tavy Cleeve, Dartmoor, 1935.
Photograph 158: Group standing next to a car, Tavy Cleeve, Dartmoor, 1935.
Photograph 159: The Hunt. Tavy Cleeve, Dartmoor, 1935.
Photograph 160: Man and woman on horseback. Tavy Cleeve, Dartmoor, 1935.
Photograph 161: Two women and a man on horseback. Tavy Cleeve, Dartmoor, 1935.

Page 85
Photograph 162: ‘South Dean – 1935’. Woman standing in front of a cottage.
Photograph 163: ‘Bigbury – 1935’. Couple in the sea.
Photograph 164-166: Woman on horseback, 1935.

Object Details

ID: ALB0757
Type: Photograph album
Display location: Not on display
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Measurements: Overall: 305 mm x 254 mm

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