A description of the sweet Gulf

Bound sheet. Col. ms. Additional Places: Costa Rica, Panama, Golfo Dulce. Contents Note: Union flag. Note: 'Captain Sharpe after that he had Cut his ship down at Chira came (here to Corene) where he had Comerce with the Natives & in memory thereof he Call'd it King Charleses harbour Anno 1681.'. Bound in 'A Wagoner of the South Sea describeing the sea coast from acapulco to Albemarle isle', an English translation of a Spanish derrotero captured from the Spanish ship 'Rosario' by Captain Bartholomew Sharpe in 1680. Hack made multiple copies of this atlas. This one was presented to James II.

Object Details

ID: P/33(39)
Collection: Charts and maps
Type: Chart
Display location: Not on display
Creator: Hack, William
Places: Costa Rica; Panama Golfo Dulce
Date made: 1685
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Measurements: 40.5 x 50cm
Parts: 'A Waggoner of the South Sea describing the sea coast from Acapulco to Albermarle Isle, made by William Hack at the signe of great Britaine and Ireland in Wapping. Anno 1685'. (Manuscript)

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