Argonaut (1941), Bonadventure (1939), Charybdis (1940), Cleopatra (1940), Dido (1939), Euryalus (1941), Hermione (1939), Naiad (1939), Phoebe (1939), Scylla (1939), Sirius (1940)
Scale 1:192. Scale 1:96. Plan shows the oubtoard profile and plan view, illustrating the rig arrangements, as designed for the Dido class light cruisers. This plan can be used for the ships Argonaut (1941), Bonadventure (1939), Charybdis (1940), Cleopatra (1940), Dido (1939), Euryalus (1941), Hermione (1939), Naiad (1939), Phoebe (1939), Scylla (1939), Sirius (1940).