Whale chart of the world, by M. F. Maury, L. L. D. Lieut. U. S. Navy, Superin'dt of U. S. N. Observatory Washington, compiled from materials in the Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography, Commodore Charles Morris Chief of Bureau, by P. M. A. C. Jackson, U. S. N. 1852. Series F. No. 1.

Scale: circa 1:18,000,000. One part of a series covering the world; this part showing the whale population in the seas around North America and Canada. Coordinates given. Additional Places: North America; Canada

Object Details

ID: STK201:7/6
Collection: Charts and maps
Type: Chart
Display location: Not on display
Creator: Jackson, P.M.A.C.; Maury, Matthew Fontaine
Places: North America; Canada
Date made: 1852
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London. Caird Fund.
Measurements: Sheet: 94.5 cm x 67 cm