A very distant port side view of a Hong Kong fisher type junk under sail off Lye Mun, Hong Kong

A very distant port side view of a three masted Hong Kong fisher type junk under sail off Lye Mun, Hong Kong. She has lug sails and staysails. A steamship is on the horizon. The photographer was in the area in the following periods: 6 to 28 May 1937; 14 October 1937 to 8 January 1938; 14 April to 4 June 1938 and 8 to 12 September 1938.

Object Details

ID: P34107
Type: Rolled film negative
Display location: Not on display
Creator: Waters, David Watkin
Places: China
Vessels: Hong Kong type
Date made: 1937-1938
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, Waters Collection