On board the Hong Kong fisher type junk 5665HC anchored at Shaukiwan, Hong Kong

On board the Hong Kong fisher type junk 5665HC anchored at Shaukiwan, Hong Kong. The photographer is standing on the port side of the foredeck looking forward showing the anchor windlass at the base of the foremast. The photographer was in the area in the following periods: 6 to 28 May 1937; 14 October 1937 to 8 January 1938; 14 April to 4 June 1938 and 8 to 12 September 1938. Negatives numbers P34195 to P34201 are of or on board this vessel on the same occasion.

Object Details

ID: P34197
Type: Rolled film negative
Display location: Not on display
Creator: Waters, David Watkin
Places: China
Vessels: Hong Kong type
Date made: 1937-1938
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, Waters Collection