Cargo vessel; Brig

Scale: 1:32. A contemporary full hull model of a merchant brig (circa 1795), built plank on solid wooden core in the Georgian style. Model is decked, equipped and fitted with three sliding keels as designed by Captain John Schanck. The model has a number of working parts including windlass, winches, doors, pump, and rudder, all of which aided the publicity of the sliding keels principal when Schank was trying to sell his idea to both the merchant and Royal navies. The idea worked on the principal that when the keels were lowered, it improved the vessels stability and sailing qualities. It also enabled the building of ships with a shallow draught allowing them to undertake passages in shallow waters or for survey work.

At this scale, the model depicts a vessel measuring 72 feet along the deck by 19 feet in the beam and a tonnage of 100 burden. The modelmaking is of the highest quality and is though to be by the hand of Allen Hunt, a top quality craftsman whose patrons included the Duke of Northumberland and high ranking naval officers.

Object Details

ID: SLR0581
Collection: Ship models
Type: Full hull model; Accommodation model
Display location: Not on display
Date made: circa 1795
People: Schanck, John
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Measurements: Overall model: 180 mm x 780 mm x 200 mm
Parts: Cargo vessel; Brig