Thor (1974); Service vessel; Derrick barge

Scale: unknown. One would be forgiven for thinking that this was the forward half of a much larger model. In 1972, a 20-year-old vessel, ‘Veedol’ was cut in half and the stern section converted to a bulk oil carrier. Its old bow was towed to Rotterdam and used as the basis for a new vessel, ‘Thor’ (1974), a diving support derrick pontoon for operation in the North Sea. It was fitted out with, among other things, a diving bell, compression chambers, and pile-driving hammers.

The model illustrates the more obvious changes to ‘Veedol’s’ old hull such as the crane itself, at the stern, and a new superstructure surmounted by a helicopter platform, at the bow end to act as a counterbalance. Between these features a large expanse of uninterrupted deck space was used for the stowage of cargo and equipment. We can also see ‘Thor’s’ eight large mooring anchors, exhaust vents, communications mast, and helicopter.

Object Details

ID: SLR2808
Collection: Ship models
Type: Full hull model
Display location: Not on display
Creator: Robert Seaton Associates Limited
Vessels: WS Thor (1974)
Date made: circa 1970
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Measurements: Overall model and base: 575 x 1028 x 343 mm
Parts: Thor (1974); Service vessel; Derrick barge