
Grenadiers and Light Infantry sword, the hilt of the sword consists of a gilt brass knuckle-bow incorporating the Royal cypher 'GR' with a crown above. The sword has a lion's-head pommel. The polished white ivory grip is bound with two twisted gilt wires. The steel blade is damascened in blue and gold for some 330mm from the hilt. The blade is curved, flat-backed and falchion shaped (short curved sword). The blade is engraved with the Royal cypher 'GR' surmounted by a crown, foliage, a military trophy consisting of a kettledrum, flags in a saltire (diagonal cross), a spear and a gun. Engraved on the blade at the shoulder are the words 'J J Runkel Solingen'. The black leather scabbard is fitted with two gilt lockets each with a ring. The gilt brass chape is fitted with a small ornamented shoe. All mounts are 'wedge'-shaped save for the top locket at the throat. The top locket is fitted with a frog stud. The top locket is engraved with the words 'Goldneys Late Nield St James's Strt Sword Cutler to HRH the Prince of Wales'.

When the National Maritime Museum acquired the sword in 1968, two labels were attached to it. One label reads 'No 20 (Res) d Comm Officer Light Infantry Royal Marines 1800-11'. The other label reads 'Military Officer's sword 1800-1811 (not later) See RUSI Museum for similar specimens (sgd) H T A B 29/5/48'. It is probable that Captain Bosanquet, author of 'The Naval Officer's Sword', wrote both labels.

Object Details

ID: WPN1085
Collection: Weapons
Type: Sword
Display location: Not on display
Creator: Goldneys; J.J. Runkel, J J
Date made: 1803
People: Bosanquet, Henry Theodore Augustus; Grenadiers and Light Infantry Prince of Wales Royal Marines Royal United Service Institution Captain Robert Knox, Robert
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, Royal United Service Institution Collection
Measurements: Overall: 60 x 900 x 125 mm
Parts: Sword