
Solid half-basket hilted sword, which belonged to Gunner George Ellis (active 1823-1885). The hilt of the sword consists of a gilt solid half-basket guard with raised bars, and a crown and anchor badge. There is a hinged flap on the inside of the guard. The pommel is plain with a prominent tang button and a ribbed back-piece. The black fish-skin grip is bound with three gilt wires.

The sword has a slightly curved, flat-backed Wilkinson steel blade. The obverse of the blade is engraved at the shoulder with a proof mark, and there is a space on the blade in which to insert the owner's name. The obverse of the blade is also decorated with acanthus leaves, and a rayed crown over a foul anchor with foliage motifs above and below. The reverse of the blade is engraved at the shoulder with the words 'FIRMIN & SONS 153 STRAND & 13 CONDUIT ST LONDON' and is decorated in an identical manner to the obverse except the Royal arms with supporters have been substituted for the rayed crown over the foul anchor. The black leather scabbard has two gilt lockets with rings and chape. The mounts are ornamented with threads and scrolls. The chape is further ornamented with a honeysuckle motif. Firmin & Sons the sword-cutlers had premises at 153, Strand and at 13, Conduit Street, London.

Gunner George Ellis (active 1823-1885) was promoted to the rank of Gunner on the 24th December 1874. He died on the 2nd May 1885, aged 62 at Lewes, West Sussex. As a Warrant Officer he served in HMS 'Opal', 'Pioneer', 'Audacious', 'Dasher' and 'Rupert'.

Object Details

ID: WPN1237
Collection: Weapons
Type: Sword
Display location: Not on display
Creator: Firmin & Sons Limited; Wilkinson
Places: Rye
Vessels: Audacious (1869); Dasher (1837) Pioneer 1874 (HMS) Rupert (1872) Opal (1875)
Date made: 1874
People: Ellis, George
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Measurements: Overall: 768 x 29 mm
Parts: Sword