Fowey / Towey (1814), Mersey (1814), Conway (1814), Eden (1814), Tyne (1814), Tanmar (1814), Tees (1817), Menai (1814), Wye (1814), Dee (1814)

Scale 1:48. Plan showing the body plan, sheer lines and longitudinal half breadth proposed and approved, for Fowey / Towey (1814), Mersey (1814), Conway (1814), Eden (1814), Tyne (1814), Tanmar (1814), Tees (1817), Menai (1814), Wye (1814), Dee (1814), all 26/28-gun Sloops to be built by contract in private yards. Note alterations to back stay, main channel, fore channel and hawse pipes for Tamar in 1817.
Annotation at top: "Chatham Officers were directed to fit the fore backstay stool further aft and Mizzien backstay stool 3ft further aft, on board the Tamar, and to fit her with Trysail Mast Pr Warrant dated 26 February 17."

Object Details

ID: ZAZ3462
Collection: Ship Plans
Type: Technical drawing
Display location: Not on display
Vessels: Eden (1814); Dee (1814) Conway (1814) Mersey 1814 Menai (1814) Tees (1817) Tamar (1814) Towey (1814) Tyne (1814) Wye (1814)
Date made: 15 January 1813; 1813
Credit: © Crown copyright. National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Measurements: 385 mm x 1100 mm