Fowey/Towey (1814), ), Mersey (1814), Conway (1814), Eden (1814), Tyne (1814), Tanmar (1814), Tees (1817), Menai (1814), Wye (1814), Dee (1814)

Scale 1:48. Plan showing the inboard plrofile plan for Fowey / Towey (1814), Mersey (1814), Eden (1814), and with alterations in green for Conway (1814), Tyne (1814), Tanmar (1814), Tees (1817), Menai (1814), Wye (1814), Dee (1814). e pencil alteraions relate to the conversion of Tees (1817) to a Church Ship in 1826. Further alterations refer to specific members of the class. Note annotation on the reverse. Signed H.Peake. (Surveyor of the Navy)

Object Details

ID: ZAZ3465
Collection: Ship Plans
Type: Technical drawing
Display location: Not on display
Vessels: Eden (1814); Dee (1814) Conway (1814) Mersey 1814 Menai (1814) Tees (1817) Tamar (1814) Towey (1814) Tyne (1814) Wye (1814)
Date made: 1813
Credit: © Crown copyright. National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Measurements: 285 mm x 880 mm